Monday, June 1, 2015

Week #90 - Maybe his last week in Avignon?

Birthday celebrations:)

Birthday cake made by the Farinas:)

Playing piano for the kids program at church - fancy affair:)

Killing cockroaches:(

More birthday partying:)


So here I am, writing emails on my iPad again.

And I did bring my card, so I should be able to send pics from last week, and also the silly ones we took on the iPad

So I probs don't need the ad card, I saved all my old photos on my hard drive and took them off the ad card, so there's enough space for the next seven weeks. Wuuuuuuuuut? But I would appreciate the letter. Thx

So right now the only thing we do with iPads is studies and sharing videos or talks with people in lessons. We can't use Facebook or anything like that yet, and to me it would be kinda intimidating to use Facebook, I don't know why, I'm just glad we aren't doing that yet.

Yeah so France has a bunch of extra catholic holidays, like Monday was the Pentecost. So we had the picnic. We ate, went on little hikes, and played games. You know mikado? The game where you have to pick up the sticks without moving the others? Well we played that, and I think I told you already about giant mikado that we bought a little bit ago, but this was COLOSSAL mikado. Imagine the sticks about half the size of your body. Sweet.

No new mission prez yet. As far as I know, they might be keeping him a secret. But we do have one final zone conference together with prez Roney next transfer. So that's nice.

This was a pretty funky week, don't know why, but here's a little how if went.

We saw Lou, which was really cool, and tried to do a little genealogy with her on our iPads, but it was difficult cuz the wifi was pretty stinky in the area, so we decided to fix with our genealogy specialist to help her out at the church, so that's neat.

We weren't able to see etienne this week, which was a real bummer. Funny story, though, cuz we had a rdv fixed with him, and it was right next to his church, but we could here singing n stuff still going on, so we tried calling, and when we called, we could here the singing on the phone, so that was pretty silly.

We helped sr protano out with throwing out some big ol' pieces of wood, and then she gave us this cake which is Orin's my favorite cake of all time, real simple, yoghurt cake. I'll have to get the recipe, unless you already have it, cuz you're mom, and moms tend to have stuff like that.

We also got to meet with Alexandre, a young adult In Our branch, really cool, and he's preparing to go on a mission, so that's really neat. We visited with him, ate cereal and pineapple, and talked about mission stuff. He's really stoked.

The Farinas was fun as usual. Luis was asleep the whole time, though, which was a bummer, but we had just seen him the day before at the picnic. But they had a non member nephew over who is super dope, so that was fun. They made us two cakes (see pic).

On Saturday we also did an activity with the young adults, playing frisbee in the pope's garden. We actually hadn't planned to go that hard, so we wear just in church clothes, but we ended up going pretty hard, so that was fun.

And that kinda sums up the week. I think the coolest part was when we were out contacting, and we were working together and both pulling the weight. Cuz the last few transfers with blues and elder Kimbergt have been pretty tiring as far as having to really push to get us to work together. But elder Kimbergt was killin it the other day, and that was awesome.  Now I got one last week for sure with him, and we gonna try da make it happen.

I love you lots mom, thanks for everything, the quotes the letters the prayers the loves,

I looooooove you!

Elder Max Liechty

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