Monday, June 22, 2015

Week #93 - Final transfer in Aix-en-Provence


Yeah, so we finally had pday, and it was FUN.

Last week we saw Michel (the tool belt super cool recent convert) for pday.  And you know what we did?  We forged metal.  Like heat it up real hot, hit it a bunch with a hammer, repeat, and then stick it in cold water.  We did that.  And we were all dressed up in leather aprons n gloves, and he had a bunch of old rusty tools and also some really nice ones.  We made the hilt for a sword, and we repaired an old rusty axe head, so that was sweet.  He's a forest ranger of sorts, so he finds a bunch of old WWII stuff in the forests all over the place and repairs them for fun.  So that was awesome.

Then this pday we hiked a real big mountain called La Sainte Victoire, which goes up n up and at the top there is a church and a giant cross.  And I'm curios how all the nuns managed to get all those supplies up there, cuz it's definitely not the easiest hike.  Lots of big rocks.  It was really fun, and I got pretty sunburned, even though I applied sunscreen two times on this trip!  It was a hike similar to delicate arch, but more shrubbery, but still not really any shade.  Verrrrrrry fun, and when we come back, I'll take you all on it, because it's one of the coolest I've been on.

Yes they have 4 july, but no, they do not celebrate it.  Their 4th is the 14th of July, and I might be on exchange in Marseille for that, which would be really cool to see all the fireworks in the city that did a lot for the french revolution.  The french anthem is called 'La Marseillaise', so, like, how about that.

Also about the prayer and answer n stuff. So the first one I can think of was when I was in the MTC and prayed real hard to gain a solid testimony about the restoration and Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ and all those reaaalllly important things, and then, like, getting that testimony not too long after.  That's one of the motives that's really kept me going when the going gets rough.

Another cool thing was this one time in Narbonne, where we had planned to go finding through service, and just knock on doors asking for service.  We had planned it out and reallllly wanted to do it, so we prayed for good weather, too.  That morning was lightning and rain and wind and we were pretty upset.  But we prayed again, and said "Heavenly Father, we're leaving at 11h, please give us good weather!" and when we left on our bikes, it had started clearing up, and by the time we arrived where we were headed, it was blue skies and sunny, just like Southern France ought to be.  And that afternoon we found many cool miracles with service and finding people n stuff.  That's the most solid one in my mind.  Like, I know I've seen a lot, cuz we pray a lot and see little miracles all the time, but I think that's one of the coolest ones.

That would be sooooo funny if you picked me up in a boot.  and so this cruise.  Not the same as the last one?  will there be just as much ice cream and chocolat melting cake?  And do you know the dates exactly, becuase as it turns out some friends from Avignon are going to be in Utah around the time I get home, but I don't know exactly when, but I'm finding out on tuesday, so if you know the dates n stuff, that would be cool if you could send them! 

And yeah, Aix itself is really pretty, but I'm a sucker for cute little towns and country side and mountains (kinda like my sweet Muret), so Gap was realllllllly pretty.

So this week was pretty fun, as far as work goes, as well :)

We met a lot of really cool people in the streets doing questionnaire, and managed to get an entire 1 phone number!  But we're workin' hard and trying to find people, and it's really fun here in Aix because there are a lot of students that are fun to talk to and are not old and grumpy!

We essentially saw all our recent converts and less actives on saturday, one after the other, and that was packed and fun.  Patricia is doing fine, but she wasn't at church yesterday which kind of worries us, but we're keeping her in our prayers, and if you could too, that would be great.  Rachelle is as perfect as ever.  She had asked us about the law of Moses n stuff and what it means and why it was abolished n all that, and we were able to explain it fairly simply, and she took it in very well.  She's so cool, probs the most golden person I've ever met.  John, he's from Iran, and he's awesome, is also doing well.  We went for a jog with him on saturday morning, and then Elder Anderson convinced me that we need to run the Seattle Rock n Roll marathon together, so, mom, that means you need to help me train, cuz, like, you're the biggest runner in the family.  but anyway, John is doing great, he's a real humble dude, and he told us that one of the members in the ward is his best friend ever, which was really touching coming from him.

Our main less active man, Frere Philibeaux, is doing just fine, as well.  His kids are kinda against the church, but they finally decided that he can go to church every other week, which has been a big step, and he's doing great.  He loves church, he loves the missionaries, he's doing great.

Then we've got our one real ami right now, his name's Pierre, who moved here from the Congo not too long ago, and he's really cool.  We had a sit down lesson where we explained our goal of baptism and helping him recieve a testimony of the BoM, which he seems to have a real desire, and so that should be cool.  He hasn't been able to come to church yet, but that should be happening in the coming week, he should be free.  Keep him in your prayers, too!  Still looking for more amis, too.  We have some potentials, such as this young adult named Catharina from Brazil, who speaks perfect french and english and went to college somewhere in the southern US, because her accent is sometimes really southern, like when she says "soldiers" she would say "sodjers" which was awesome.  She spent two weeks following the missionaries a while ago to do a report on them of some sort, and she really enjoyed it and the church and everything, so we know she recognizes the Spirit that members have, we're just hoping to help her recognize that.

We also had a super fun last zone conference with the Roneys.  (And we got to hug Sr. Roney aaaaaaaahhhhhhh) and that was real fun to see all my old pals from the other zones n stuff, and also of course we learned a lot :)

Man, I can't believe it's come to this point in my mission, and I've learned so much, but I'm preeettttty sure I have more to learn (and by preeettttty sure, I mean sure), and not much time to do it.  But then I remembered that life continues after the mission, too, and that there are opportunities to learn every day!  So yeah.  Anyway.

I'm pretty sure I hit on all the real important things from this last week, cuz I forgot my planner again.......but it was again a fun week in the Sexy City

I love you all sooooooooo much

Elder Max Liechty

On top of the mountain by the cross n stuff

With some old rusty forging tools

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