Monday, June 29, 2015

Week #94 - Final transfer in Aix-en-Provence


Yeah, it was nice to get some fun pdays in for once in a real long time.  We finally live in a central enough area that we can get all the important things done early and go and have fun.  Everywhere else just took forever because we weren't close to nuthin'!  For the hike it was all the missionaries in Aix, which means us and the Sisters.  They used to do this as a big zone pday, but no one wanted to pay for trains n stuff, because it's a really spread out zone.  So it was just us, and it probs woulda been more fun just Elder Anderson n me ;)

Patricia is doing great!  She was struggling a little bit, having some concerns of offense from members and misunderstandings, but luckily it was cleared up with apologies and now everything is all better!  The members are doing great with her, especially her home teachers, really magnifying their callings, which is especially cool, because home teaching isn't really France's strong point.  But her's are killing it, have FHEs with her all the time, so that's great.

Rachelle is also doing great!  But this week she was off in Spain, so we didn't get to see her at all, but we're not really worried for her, cuz it's kinda like she's been a member forever.  When she was 17 she was contacted by missionaries and given a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, and basically since then she's been living the standards.  Really cool.

John is doing great, too.  He gave his first talk in church on sunday!  It was so great.  Since he's from Iran, his accent is really cute, and he bore his testimony of his conversion, and it was awesome.  We're gonna start working out with him every morning this week, too, which will be fun.  But not, like, really hard working out, cuz, let's be real, I'm not doing that.  Just the standard missionary 30 minutes.  but that'll be good for him, and probably for us, too :)

Yeah, they're all new members, and you can just pray, if you want, that they'll keep understanding everything and their knowledge and testimonies will continue to grow

So yeah, Fr. Philibeaux (I liked it when you wrote Philibreaux, cuz that would be pronounced Philly-bro, which is a super cool name) is doing real well, too.  His son was on vacation this last sunday, so he was able to come again, which was very cool.  His understanding is really good, but not perfect.  For example, our most recent rdv, he started his prayer with "Frère Moroni" which is definitely not adressing Heavenly Father, so there's one thing we'll work on with him.  He really likes us, and his coming back is also really thanks to really good home teaching by his home teacher.

Michel had a breakdown, which is really sad, cuz it's happened a couple times before.  He has big problems with the Word of Wisdom, and sometimes it just overpowers him and it makes a really big problem and he becomes a completely different person, and it makes things really exciting and interesting.  We're visiting him today to see what we can do to help him, cuz we don't want him to continue like this, cuz you can tell he hurts!  It's really sad.  So you can pray for him, too, that he will resist temptation, that would help a lot.  He was really cool one day in the middle of the week, he texted saying "use me, I'm idle, and idleness is the father of sins!" so it's clear he understands what he needs to do, but it's hard.  Poor guy.  so prayers for him!

We had two really cool miracles this week.  Make that three.  One's just silly, though.

First:  we had a rdv with a guy named Cisse, and he was running late, we called him, and he didn't answer, so we started heading away, then he called saying he was coming, so we went back and waited again.  While we waited, this guy came up to us, and we were able to teach him the restoration, and then Cisse showed up, and we got to teach him.  Very cool!

Second:  We were contacting on this street that Elder Anderson had told me "4 recent converts came from contacting on this street!" so that boosted my moral, except that there was no one on we talked to all the two people on it, and the second lady said "I can't do your questionnaire right now cuz I'm heading to a move, but if you want, we can talk on the way" we said yeah, and also we can help with the move, so she accepted.  had a good convo with her, arrived at the move, helped out (there were already about 10 shirtless college dudes helping out, so it wasn't too much), and the lady we were moving was this younger philippino woman, who spoke perfect english, and when we said we were missionaries for Jesus Christ, she said "oh, that interests me, let's exchange numbers and keep in touch" so we did, and she texted us saying she wants to see us this week, so that's sweet.  Then the lady we contacted in the first place said to thank us she was gonna have us over for dinner with her family, but there was no room in the front of the moving truck (where her brother in law was driving), so we sat on a couch in the back, and that was really fun.  then we got there, met her whole family, all of them were amazing people, taught a restoration, ate delicious sausages, and now they want to have us again before I go home to eat bouillabaisse in Marseille, which is apparently really expensive, but I guess they liked us enough to offer us that, and they gave us their number, too, so I guess they're serious!  But so that was just the coolest ending to a really hard workin' week.

Third: the office elders were over giving us a new washing machine (whoooooo!), and we had to leave really fast that morning, so all their stuff was still on the ground, like blankets and sleeping backs and pads n stuff.  So when we got home, we found that the fan had fallen, right onto the pile of stuff, so we were actually inspired to leave it all there that morning.  Alright.  Miracles.

So yeah. Mom week so far so good.  We're actually shooting now to get 20 less active/recent convert lessons along with many normal lessons, so it's gonna be really exciting, and your prayers are welcomed!

I love you all a loooooooooot


Couldn't forget,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!! (On saturday)

A letter will probably be coming your way in the next little bit!

Elder Max Liechty

(Us on a couch in a truck with the first lady we contacted and her philippino friend)

(The fan on the pile)

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