Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week #89 - Avignon


So, here's a real bummer for you, but I pulled out my camera today and I didn't have an SD card in it.....so that's back at the apartment, and all the awesome photos from this week won't get sent till next week. there's lots of really funny ones, and even one to send dad for his birthday, but.......I'll just have to send all that next week!

The baptism went real well, like I said, all the photos are back home....

We should be getting iPads TODAY!!!  I'm actually in Aix writing this in the church waiting for zone training to start where we should get our ipads.  Sweet.

(He and Sam will actually be speaking on the same day )And also that's nice to know that I can keep my talk short, because I learned that I can't speak gospel in english anymore....so I'll take it real easy and probs talk something simple like faith.  And yeah, how does that work?  How do I know what I'm supposed to talk about?

So I can't remember if I'd already told you n all, but we saw our man Frederic on monday had a cool rdv with him, and then we also got to see Sr Protano, who surprised us with dinner, so that was awesome.

We finally got to see Etienne again, he's doin' alright.  We read 3 nephi 11 with him, he gets it n stuff, and I think he likes it, it's just that his wife is really not interested at all, and is pretty set on her church.  So their son is still gettin' baptized.  But.  Welp. We're workin' with that a lot.  Or at least trying.

We also got to see Eric this week, and taught him the word of wisdom.  He gets it for the most part, but I think he's still kinda in the mindset that he could drink a little, that too much is the only problem.  He understands the problem with smoking, and he wants to quit, but we're probably gonna be following up a bunch on all that and helping him out.  His real needs right now are to feel the Spirit between rdvs.  Cuz it's clear he feels in when we're there, but he doesn't do much about it between.  So follow up hard core time.  The fact that we'll be having iPads could be really handy.

We saw Jean-Person as well.  It was kinda a funky rdv.  He had a client in the store for the first part, so we just kinda awkwardly waited for her to leave, and when she left, it turned out that she had met the missionaries a while ago in Besançon, and totes recognized us, so that was neat.  We talked with JP afterwards for a good while, and found out a little bit that he actually doesn't have a testimony, like at all.  Well, he really likes the church and recognizes that there is a lot more spirituality at our church than at others, but he has a hard time understanding the fact that he needs to be baptized again if he's already been baptized.  We're planning on teaching hard in the priesthood restored paint and helping him gain that testimony.

For my birthday, two members had us over for cake, so that ruled.

We also got to see Lou again and chatted with her for a good while.  we're having a hard time fixing a day that we can work on her geneology, because of mobility issues and she has a baby and no car and all that, but iPads may or may not solve that problem.  So we'll see with that, too.

We visited a family out in l'Isle sur la Sorgue, and it is their son who came to church last sunday for the first time since I've been here.  He went less active just before I got here, but he loves the missionaries, and his parents want us to work with him a lot.  We also saw another family with a less active son, so that was neat, as well.  Something that's been real neat here in Avignon is working with families that have just one member less active. It's always really interesting how that happened.  How the one went astray.  It's been a really neat learning experience.

This week was pretty fun, sorry if this email sounds real choppy, I'm kinda hustlin' to get it out before zone training.

I promise that I will send pictures next week :)

P.S. the email is late cuz we had a big branch picnic yesterday and had no time for anything pday.  so.


Happy birthday to me

Elder Max Liechty

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