Monday, June 8, 2015

Week #91 - Max finally gets transferred! Aix-en-Provence, aka "la ville le plus sexy de la France" which means "the sexiest town in France"


So, I got TRANSFERRRRRRRRRRRED.  From Avignon. Wow.  After a real long time, and a real good time, too.  Now I scootched over, like, 30 minutes to Aix-en-Provence to be with my main man Elder Anderson to be zone leaders!  I was with Elder Anderson in Toulouse for three transfers, and he's been my zone leader for the past two, so you could say we know each other :)  I'm really excited to serve with him, because I also heard this is the best ward in the mission n stuff.  Aix is known as "la ville le plus sexy de la France" which means "the sexiest town in France" so that's dope.  That's probably why they sent me here.  Cuz I'm sexy.  But actually, I'm pretty sure it was just a pity promotion, cuz Prez was like "Well this guy has gone two years without zone leader, so, uh" and I think that's how it happened.  But it'll be fun all the same!

I really don't know what to say about this week, except that it was really fun.

We got to see the Lauthiers, a less active famille in one of the most beautiful cities in Avignon area.  We did some service for them, including putting up a bed and fixing a window, which Elder Bleak and I, with our unlimited knowledge, took apart and put back together.  The looks on their faces was priceless when they saw it all put together, that was awesome

But, uh, so, actually........we have to go because it's almost time to go home, but we should be sending emails tomorrow.  Had a busy day with movin' and trains and it's really hot which makes everything even more of a mess.  But I'm here in Aix, safe and sound, I miss my boys back in Avignon, but it's fun here anyway :)


Elder Max Liechty

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