Monday, March 2, 2015

Week #77 - Winding it down in Avignon


Don't feel bad about writing me!  It's fun to joke about with the other Elders, because sometimes their parents forget to write, too!  I'll still love you if you write me or not :)

Our friend moved to Vietnam, but he's coming back in several months, and he had to get a different apartment to move back into because his old one was a university apartment, and he wouldn't be able to live there when he comes back, so we helped him move the few things he was leaving behind.

We're teaching Etienne, yeah!  He was sick, so we haven't seen him for the past little bit, but we should be seeing him soon!  Hopefully.

Our testimony meetings are fun.  Sometimes people get up and say silly things, but for the most part they're pretty solid.  And I think they actually move faster than testimony meetings in Utah, so that's sick.  And our branch isn't too big, so a majority of the people get to get up every time.  They ask us not to get up (unless there's a huge pause, then we could probably get up), because they want to give most of the time to members to bear their testimonies.  Yeah, we're always in the same ward (branch) no matter where we are, even if there are two wards in the ville, there are missionaries assigned to each one.

Yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do about rent.

And about touring or coming home...........................................I'd love love love love love love love to show you around my mission and also score a few more days here, but I also think France would be reeeaaallly fun to tour as not a missionary, you know what I mean?  Like, in shorts and a t-shirt and stuff because it will be smack dab in the middle of AUGUST.  So..........if there's a way we could come back after I'm released, let's do that.  If not........I don't know, it could still be fun!  Eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'll keep thinkin' 'bout it.


So anyway, let me tell you about this exciting week.

Lundi we spent some time with these kids from Switzerland (members) that were in Elder Olivier's old ward there.  We showed them around, and then played pétanque with them, which ROCKS, still a super fun day.  Also throughout the day we ran into some amis and potential amis that are still really cool, so that was neat.

The next day we went to play some b-ball with Nabil, and he brought a friend, and also the Swiss kids were there, too.  That was really fun, and I played a lot better this week than I did last week.  Alright.  That was fun, we got to meet his friend and talk to him about what we do.  After that we had the Farinas, where we ate some good quiche.  Their son is still doing pretty well, but he hasn't been to church for a couple weeks again, so we're still working with him!

Wednesday we went out to pass a bunch of our friends, and got in with Andre.  He showed us some of the recordings of his polish grandmother telling her story, and he translated them, and we could tell he is real sensitive to the spirit of elijah, and that he loooooves geneology, so we're gonna keep working with that.  After our rdv, he walked out with us, and we were talkin' and he was talking about all he doesn't believe to be true in the catholic church, and that's all the things that are different between ours and the catholics!  So that was neat, we'll work with that, too.  Then that evening we ate with Sr. Protano, and there was the other Elders ami there, Halima, from Nicaragua, and she's real cool, and that was fun.

Jeudi mornin' we went to help a frère move out, he's movin' far, and that was kinda fun.  Well, it was fun, but it was reaaaaallllly dusty and I was sneezin' up a storm and I used all of his kleenexs, and then I was still runnin' the nose.  But it was fun anyway.  When that was finished, we got on a train to go to St. Raphaël!  Wooooooooo

Vendredi was the conference in the morning, which was sweet.  We learned a bunch about the spirit of elijah, and then we watched Meet the Mormons, which is a sweeeet movie, if you haven't seen it yet.  I cried watching it, mostly just cuz I hadn't seen a movie in so long.  Then that evening, when we came back from Nice, we ate kébabs, where we met up with this Tahitian frère named Max (wwooooo), and we made plans for the next day.  Then we went and passed a member, blessed their home, I got thrown under the bus and had to play the violin.  Their six year old daughter played it better than me.

Then samedi was so much fun.  We had a samedi sportif with Max and bunch of his Tahitian friends.  We played basketball, they fed us, and then we played soccer.  I was sooooooooooo tired after that, cuz I'm fat.  but it was really good fun. Also, Elder Olivier taught us something that tahitians say to say "aw yeah, sweet" which is just "shhyeahh, méchant" and the tahitians there LOVED us for that.  Then we watched the adult session of stake conference, then we went out to chinese buffet with Max and tahitian friends.  Wow.  It was especially cool, because he had this one friend, Clement, that came to the adult session, too, and he was super touched.  Prez Roney was talking about how missionaries are called to bless your home, and Clement was like "can they bless my home, too?" and Max was all "sshhhyeah" and now he wants to meet with missionaries.  Shhhyeah.  I reeeaaallllly liked these guys, and St. Raph is sweet.  It was sun and beach all weekend.

Then dimanche was our stake conference, and I really liked the first two talks, and then they kicked us out of the room (the missionaries) cuz we were being too loud. Kiddin'.  There just wasn't enough room for everyone that came, so the put us in the hallway, where we could hardly hear anything, and the childrens were running about and making noise, so we just took care of them mostly.  Man.  Kinda a bummer, but it was still fun.  Then a member drove us allll the way home, and we were all dead tired by the end of that trip.

Yes, I got to see all my old pals, or a lot of them, and it was sweet.  This mission is sweet.  We were driving back from Nice, and you could see all the mountains that go straight into the ocean and I was like "that's my mission" then we got to Avignon and it was cloudy and cold, and that kinda stunk, but Avignon is still sweet cuz we had a giant wall around the entire city and the bridge.  the bridge.  Yeah, the bridge.

And that was about our week.  Good times, it was really fast, and now it's already the fifth week of the transfer, I can't believe it.  Still tryin' to make the most of it, don't worry!

Enjoy the photos of St. Raphaël and my real cool star shirt I got from helping a member clean out his garage.

LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU and loved the photos of Hawaii.  Geez.

Elder Max Liechty

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