Monday, March 30, 2015

Week #81 - which selfie sticks are discovered:)


So, I got that dreaded call this morning.....with my travel plans n whatnot.......Gee willikers.  Uh.  Don't really know what to say or what so....

So, to explain the pictures before you see 'em, there's this thing going around called the "selfie stick."  Probably already hit the US, can't imagine it hasn't.  But basically it's just a go pro stick but you can attach your camera to it, too.  And this store had them for 4 bucks.  So we all bought them last pday.  Hence the pictures.

When I say sometimes he's 8, I mean it's like he doesn't "know" how to cook or do dishes heh heh heh.  He knows, he just doesn't want to :)  He sometimes throws fits when he has to do something he doesn't wanna, but don't we all?  Don't we all.  Yes.  We do.  It's actually really opened my eyes to stuff that I need to get better at ha.  Yeah.  It's been fun

Anyway.  Today has been interesting, and I may need to cut emails a little short, so I'll write the most important thingies.

Lundi, we went to visit our dear sister Soeur Protano at the hospital.  That was fun, she's doing well, she just got out today, too, and we just finished moving her in n stuff, too, so that's nice.  Then we headed to the church to do an english class that evening because we did such a dang good job the last time, they couldn't get enough of it!  Ha yeah.  Nice.  On the way, I recognized this dude, and so I talked with him, and then I realized that he was the boyfriend of one of the young women in our ward, so that was cool.  Not interested, but he's still kinda cool :)

Then the big thing for mardi was going to the Farina's house.  It was really fun, and again we ate well.  Their friend was there again this time, so that was especially neat.  And en plus, she was way nice this time and she was real open and jokin' n laughin' wit' us.  That was fun.  We shared that story about the missionary in jail and the paper airplane and the Jesus LOVE thingamajig.  If you don't know what it is, I'm sure Zach does or any other returned missionary does, cuz it's pretty sick.  If not, I'll show you when we skype, maybe.

Then mercredi was exciting.  Elder Olivier has been having stomach problems for the past week now, and he won't call Sr. Povar cuz he doesn't want to stay in, but it was pretty this day, so we forced him to stay in, so Elder Bleak and I went on exchange.  We shared our days, unfortunately everything I had planned fell through.........but we had a good time seeing their amis!  Saw Halima, she's still super dope, and then we visited Marylene and Bernard, a member and his non member "wife" (long story, don't worry too much about it :)), and that was the day.  We met some really cool kids that day, and by kids I really mean kids because for some reason everyone we talked to that day was in highschool or younger, so that was hilarious.

then on jeudi I was back with Elder Kimbergt, and we hit the town.  We met our boy Abdel, the one we met in the public bathroom :)  Ha yeah.  Nice.  So we saw him again, gave him a book of mormon, and yeah.  Kinda awkward at the end, cuz while we were giving him the book and explaining it to him, his pals came down (to the bathroom), and it really seemed like he didn't want to take the book in front of his friends.  So.  We made him take it anyway :)  Then we saw our boy Eric.  He's doing well.  He had family over, so we just talked with him outside his door.  We have another rdv fixed with him this week, so that'll be fun.  He said he hasn't really had the time to read the bom since the last time, so we'll follow up AGAIN.  After we did that, we went to this place that I named "THE NEST" cuz it's where there are about 10 less active families/members that live within walking of each other.  We got to pass a couple, found one good adress, no one home, and one family that is not interested.  So.  Making progress on the nest!

Then vendredi was district meeting!  Very fun.  The senior couple also made this delicious canadian cookie cake thing, sweet!  Delicious.  We talked a lot about goals this week, so if I could ask you if you could pray for us to set awesome goals, to have faith to reach them, and then also to reach them, that would really help!  We're all shooting to teach a boat load of 20 lessons this week and all the weeks to come, and to finish it off strong with a BAPTISM.  Prayers would be real helpful.  Anyway, after the meeting, we came back, I was on exchange with the DL, when we got back we helped Sr Protano move some more, taught a good english class, and voila le day.

Samedi we switched back, sooooooo many trains, and then we saw our man Etienne.  Actually, before that we had an hour of miracles planned out as a district.  WE started it off a little rough, both kinda scared that we wouldn't see any miracles and everyone else would, but we did!  we saw some!  We met some really cool people, taught this sweet dude a lesson, too.  We actually had a really good time, which was AWESOME.  After that we saw Etienne, taught about the sabbath day.  He seems kinda hesitant to come to church right now, not really sure why.  He still works saturday night to sunday morning, but he said he should be able to make it.  Unfortunately with the hour changes, he couldn't make it cuz they made him work an hour longer, bummer.  But we're seeing him again this week, gonna try to get him to see the church, too!  His date is for the 11 of avril, but that's gonna need to move a couple weeks so he can come to church 3 times first.  After him, walkin' home, we met this lady who speaks stellar english, cuz she studied in england, and she wants to come to our english class, and we told her that she should help us teach it!  So that'll be fun.  She's super nice, too.

Then we got dimanche.  CHURCH. Fast n testimony meeting, a real good one, too.  Jean-Personne came again, we taught him about getting answers from prayer, so that should be helpful.  Invited them to have some sick questions for General Conference this week, should be doin' that.  Then we at the Mauclair's home, delicious slowe cooked beef mmmmmmmmmm.  Then back at the church, waitin' for a dude, but he didn't come.....bummer.  And that was sunday!  Fun

I got your package!  Lots of chocolat eggs n bunnies and the best part was one of those sticky hand things that you throw at the window.  Elder Kimbergt and Elder Olivier had never seen it before, so it was a big hoot.  THANKS.  

Easter's real soon, huh?  Neat.  Easter rules.

I guess mother's day is not too far off, either?  Kinda, but whatever.  I'll see you then!

I love you buttloads :)


So that challenge, huh?  Franchement, we barely saw our amis this week, which was a real bummer.  The two we did see I've invited before, one gotta invite again, the other wants to be baptized so.  But yeah yeah.  I need to.  And when I saw Jean-Personne at church, and Didier right when he got back from his vacation, I thought yeah.  They need to be invited to baptism.  And we have a huuuuge district goal and mission goal to baptize this transfer, and you can't be doin' baptism if you ain't invitin' people!  Geez!

Wut?  Jordan Christensen is back?  Wut?  Had no idea.  Wow.  It's been a while, huh?  Wow.

FALL OFF THE BONE RIBS.  We ate at a member's house this week, and he slow cooked this awesome beef for 5 HOURS.  Or maybe more than that, they don't really know.  All I know is they put it in before they left for church, and we ate it about an hour or two after church.  So I'm excited for those ribs, you know?

We had a pretty neat experience I forgot to tell mom.  Well, more like didn't tell mom but I don't know why.  It was right before the miracle hour we had on saturday.  We were gonna start it off, and Elder Kimbergt was all "I don't wanna."  and instead of gettin' real mad at him and telling him to suck it up and do it, we leaned agains the wall that surrounds Avignon for a couple minutes, and I just listened to his fears. And I realized they're the same as mine!  And like you said, it's just the fear of hearing no!  What's the big deal?  So we talked about it, I tried to pump him up, and while doing so, I was able to pump myself up, too, and we had a sweet hour of contacting and that was fun.  Awesome.

I love you dad!

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