Monday, March 23, 2015

Week #80 - Avignon


I'm doin' alright!  The weather in Avignon is getting lots nicer, and there hasn't been too much wind!  yay!

Elder Kimbergt is fun.  He's very french, and I think we'll just leave it at that :)  Frenchies are a lot different than most europeans, so saying he's european wouldn't be quite right.  He's french :)  He's been out a little over a year, and he doesn't really speak english.  At all.  He wants to learn (he says), so we'll work on that probably :)

We did see eric again!  And we're gonna see him again this week!

Etienne reaalllly does have a baptismal date, but cuz he couldn't yet come to church, we're gonna have to move it a little.  But his moto is finished!  I talked with him yesterday, and the moto is finished, and he should be comin' to church!  wooooooooooo!

Pierre marc we haven't seen yet, haven't been able to get out to his city yet cuz he lives sooooooo far away.

We saw Lou on the street and I'll tell you more about the following events in just a second :)  It's fun

The other elders: Elder Bleak and Elder Olivier/Taraufau.  And they DO have internet in Tahiti, despite the common belief, so she could be on facebook :)

John to Tokyo!  Perfect!  And Tyler Coley going!  wowowowowow!  I've been gone for a little bit, huh?

So let me tell you a few things about this week:

So after I emailed you on mardi, we went to see our ami Victoria.  She showed us a cathedral, we did a little english class with her, and then taught her the restoration.  She was real cool with it, and she's down with meeting with us more often.  This is only the second time I've seen her in the 4 months I've been here!  She said she wants to see us this week, so we'll totes do that.  After that Elder Kimbergt had to use the restroom, and we found this public restroom smack dab in the middle of town that I'd never seen before.  You walk down some stairs and it's an underground toilet.  So while he was doing what most people do in the bathroom, I was chattin' it up with the security guard.  We got talking, Elder Kimbergt finished up, and then we talked with this guy for, like, an hour and a half.  It was cool, and he wants a Book of Mormon.  We tried to pass by the toilets a couple times, but he hasn't been there since, so we'll keep trying :)  After that we headed out to Orange to see the Farinas, had a sweet rdv talking about their families and family history.  They loved it!  They thought it would be really difficult, because they didn't really know their families, but as we talked, they realized that they really do!  So that was neato.

Then on mercredi we saw our boy Eric again.  Taught a restoration and it was SWEET.  We talked about praying to know, and he started tearing up a little, and like too many people do when they feel the Spirit, he grabbed a cigarette and started smoking.  It's a feeling they don't understand, and sometimes I guess it's pretty scary, so they try to get rid of it.  But it was cool.  After we saw him, we were gonna head out to this distant ville, but we learned that a sister from our ward who feeds us every week was in the hospital!  So we went to visit her, she was very happy to see us, cuz she loves the missionaries.  After that we stopped by to see Jean-Personne, then by the guitar shop, Didier still isn't back from vacation, but they other guys there were happy to see us!  That was about the day

Then the next day I can't remember exactly what we did, because I had lost my planner and there's nothing written....I do remember that we helped Sr. Protano start to move her stuff into her new apartment, even though she was in the hospital.  It was fun.  Other than that, all I really remember is that I talked to a really cool guy in the back of the bus.  I guess those were the two big events of the day?  OH NO.  The biggest event of the day is when we saw Lou, and she said she had a mouse trapped in her closet!  She wanted us to kill it, cuz she was scared.  So we went over all four of us that evening, and killed it :)  It was really hilarious, cuz we had this whole wall thing built up to make sure it didn't run, and when we opened the closet, it wasn't there, cuz it had climbed up in her clothes!  We shook the clothes around, it fell out, and Elder Kimbergt took care of it.  That was exciting.

Vendredi we were supposed to have basketball with Nabil, but it was sprinkling, so we played ping-pong with him.  The rain stopped for a second, and we shot some hoops with him, but we decided to move basketball to this week, so yeah.  Then we went to go see André, cuz he said he was gone till about the 18th, and so we figured he'd be home since the 18th is passed.  He still likes us a lot, asks lots of questions, but not really interested in taking the real missionary lessons and stuff.  We're gonna try to keep sneaking them in n stuff, but we'll see.  After andré we went to do english class!  Always a fun time.  Our friends Halima, Nathalie, and Jassem were all there, as well as the coolest member, Fr. Regnault.  so that was a very fun time, yeah.

Then samedi we helped anooother person move, but all we did was load up the truck, cuz she is moving all the way to Nice, and we can't go there.  Then we went to Cavaillon to see our DMB and have a meeting/lunch with him.  Mmmmmmmm tahitian food.  On the way there, we almost missed the bus, because we accidentally were waiting for it one stop AFTER it was supposed to turn, so when we saw it start to turn, we sprinted hard core for it.  You know the "fight or flight" thingamajig?  Well apparantly my generation invented the "fight flight or freeze" thingamajig.  So I've been trying to eliminate the freeze, and I've sprinted hard core for some busses lately.  Plus, it was a miracle we caught this bus, cuz it was held up by some random car in the middle of the road, so that saved our buns.  After that we did our weekly planning, and that was a good fun day.

Then comes sunday, good as usual.  Jean-Personne was there again, as usual :)  There was also a member there from Gex!  I'd never met him, cuz he was in england with his wife for that whole time I was there, but it was cool to meet him. He's a cool dude.  After church we met our frere menthong, talked about the family with him, too.  He was having a hard time focusing on the family and stuff, talkin' bout how when you were a little kid in africa, you talked with other little kids, not the old people, so he didn't really share moments with his parents or nuthin'.  But as he kept ramblin', he eventually realized that he had some good memories with his parents and grandparents n stuff!  Cool cool.  Then Elder Kimbergt was feeling woozy and sick n stuff, so we took him back, I called some people on the phone, and that was the end of the day.  woooooooo

So a fun week, sometimes real eventful, sometimes not really at all.

But overall, I'm still on a mission and in France and it's AWESOME!

I love you all a lot


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