Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week #79 - Staying in Avignon

Saying goodbye

No explanation for this

And no explanation for this one either!


Yeah, so I'm staying!  But my baby boy is leaving me, and I got a new companion, his name is Elder Kimbergt.  He's from Nancy, and you know what that means:  He's French!  So this'll be fun.  It's him, me, a tahitian, and another american here in this apartment, so I'll probably forget a lot of my english by the end of this transfer.  We'll see.

Those holland talks are NICE.  The first one, I've actually been listening to it a bunch, because he gave the same one to mission presidents some time ago, and I got it on my USB and I just been listenin' to it all the time because it ROCKS.

Elder Holland really likes to go hard, huh?  And it's interesting, cuz even though he goes so hard, he's often people's favorite apostle!  I think it's cuz he's so bold, and not afraid to tell us how it is.  Because wouldn't it be nice if we all just said it like it was and accepted it like it was?  And he does it with so much love at the same time!  Cool.

Speaking of your exam thing, remember that time Sam and I got paid to play video games and drink soda n stuff?  That was sick.  I'll try to find more stuff like that when I get home.  Easy money being a test rat, huh?

So your week mighta been dullsville, but I really liked mine, check it out.

So we started out going hard on lundi.  I don't even remember what we did for pday, I think we played pétanque (siiick), and then we hit the streets.  We didn't have any plans, so we went into centreville, where there was this american band playing!  Like band band, like McKendrick band.  Some honor band going on tour or something, so that was fun.  And while we were watching them, our friend Yapo came up and we talked with him, and that was fun.  then we went to see Jean-Personne, he's doin' alright, still needs work.  And then we decided to pass our boy Eric that we hadn't seen in forever.  He was home!  So we sat down with him and taught the Atonement, he loved it, he was feelin' it, and he invited us back later that week!  Cool.

So get this.  The next day we got to see our boy Etienne, had a real good time talkin' about the restoration.  Sometimes when you reteach an ami the restoration, they don't really remember too much about Joseph Smith's story, or maybe something else, but Etienne was real good and remembered a lot, so that was nice.  Right after him we headed to see the Farinas, and they made FISH.  Elder Steadman was convinced he hated fish, and then to tease him a little, we had Sr. Farina make us some delicious fish.  It was so good that now Elder Steadman likes fish.  Then Elder Steadman killed it sharin' a spiritual thought Alma 37:37 about always thinking about the Savior.   Nice

Then we had district meeting in Marseille, that was fun.  Then when we came back home, a miracle happened and we were able to catch a bus out to Pernes-les-Fontaines, and normally we were gonna have to wait forever and stuff and it woulda been difficult, but we got this bus and it rocked.  We went out there, saw our boy Pierre-Marc, he was happy to see us which was nice, cuz the last time I talked to him on the phone he had said that he was kinda taken by some family problems right now, and what we have isn't for him right now.  He said doors ain't closed, but not right now.  So we passed by, and he was there, and he was cool.  Then we had some more time in this little ville, and I had remembered that this less active lived on a road called Emile Zola, and we had passed it on the way, but I didn't know which number or even the name, so we decided just to knock all the doors. No luck until this lady opened the door, super willing to talk, and we talked about eternal families and she dug it.  She said we could come back any time and talk more about it.  That was a sweet miracle, because this town was litterally half the size of Muret and you have no idea what that means, but it was small.  Then, like the last time we went to Pernes, the bus didn't work out and we were trapped in Carpentras.  It almost worked out this time, but we saw the bus leave right before our eyes and all our sprinting was in vain.  So we called a member, he was more that willing to come get us, and we had a good time in his car.  He rules, and he'll probs be blessed for that service.

Jeudi we had a totally open day except we were gonna see Eric sometime in the afternoon.  Then one of the other Elders got sick, so we did a mini exchange so we could take care of all the rdvs we had.  We gotta see Eric, taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ, he was diggin' it again, and we invited him to baptism.  He said he's gonna think about it, cuz it's a big decision, so he'll be thinkin' about it and we'll be seeing him soon.  then we saw the other Elder's ami Abdel, talked about Jesus with him, then this cool couple, he's a member but she's not, and we talked about geneology and stuff, and they loved it.  Also this day we walked by a Pizza place called OK PIZZA.  So that was silly

Then vendredi we went out to L'Isle sur la Sorgue to help a frere with some service.  The trains weren't running, so we had to wait forever for a bus, and while we were waiting we waited with this cool little muslim kid, about 16, who was actually headed to jail........he was cool, and he recognized that he screwed up his life, and he asked us to pray a bunch for him, and we reassured him we would, that life keeps goin', that he can change.  so that was a neat experience.  After service at Frere Barray's (we tore down wall paper and it was real fun), we went to pass a less active family in the area that hadn't been visited for a long time.  They have a couple kids who aren't baptized, and they had been taught a while ago, distanced themselves for a little, but now they're back and they want us to teach the kids.  so.  That's sick.  then we went into Avignon, ate crepes with Sr. Protano, taught english class (we translated Bohemian Rhapsody, and it was hilarious), and went home.  Sweet.

Then samedi we played bball with our man Nabil, he brought two friends of his, so that was cool.  Then we did ANOTHER mini exchange so that the two elders leaving could pack and us two could keep doin' stuff.  We saw an ami named Lou who is real cool, and we were able to help her understand a little more an answer to her prayers she thought was a no. She was confused that it could be no if she felt pretty good about it.  We told her that maybe it was a "not yet" (it was about baptism), because she believes in God, but not so much Jesus Christ yet.  She even likes Joseph Smith and all that, but yeah.  She understood and she wants to keep meeting with us, so that's cool.  Then we saw our boy Etienne, taught tithing, he accepted it like nothin'.  He's so ready!  and his moto should finally be all solved n whatnot, so we gave him a baptismal date in april because he should be able to start comin' to church! Woooo!  Very cool.

Then we had dimanche.  It was fun, we said goodbyes (I didn't, but the others did), we made cookies for all the members, too, and it made them chill around after church a lot longer, too, so that was nice.  After church we finally got to see our less active brother Fr. Menthong (don't laugh).  He was real cool, and he truly appreciated our presence and our visit.  So that was sick.

Then we got yesterday.  Went to Lyon, took waaaaay long on the train cuz of construction being done on the tracks, so we took some funky trip around who knows where; all I know is that we arrived in Lyon and then made it back to Avignon, and that's all that matters.  Then that evening we got to see Etienne again, taught about commandments, his wife made us some delicious empanada like things from Cote d'Ivoire, and that was sick.  He's still cool with the date, his moto should be done this week!  We also got to bring a member this time, and that was really cool, Etienne got to meet some new guy.  Nice.

So yeah.  that was a good week.  It was sweet, because we were really working for success this week, not just working to fill time or whatnot.  I used to really think that as long as I was working, I'd see success.  But it's not that true!  You have to work smart, you have to work for success, you need to have a goal in mind!  So that was real fun.  Awesome last week with ma boy Steadman.

It was nice to see Monty in that video, cuz I was actually gonna ask you if he was dead cuz you hadn't given me any news concerning him!  so that was nice.  Also sam's a good dancer.  Also he's almost gettin' his mission call!

I haven't heard anything about the ecc endorsement, you did your part already?  If you did that, he should have done his, but I'll ask him next chance I get.


Elder Max Liechty

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