Monday, February 23, 2015

Week #76 - Avignon and yet another parental fail


I know I just wrote you last week, but, uh....

did you forget me?

Kiddin'.  I'm pretty sure we just got on too early, so don't you worry.  That or you had a crazy fête without me and then forgot to write me, which would also be fine, kinda.


I guess I'll go straight to the week? :)

It was a fun week.

Lundi we helped this frère out moving stuff out of his garage and scored a bunch of dirty old stuff that we cleaned off after, and that was sweet.  Got this sweet shirt with a bunch of stars on it, and it rules.  Washed it three times to make sure it was fine, and now it's cool.  Then we had our pday, kinda.  We did emails, and then had to hustle out to Orange to see the famille Farina for an FHE.  That was fun, we made crêpes.  Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The next day we were supposed to see Etienne in the morning with a member, but Etienne couldn't make it, so that was a bummer.  But right after that, luckily, we had our man Amine (see the photo).  We saw him a bunch this week, and he rocks.  Unfortunately, he's moving to Vietnam today, so....I know there's missionaries in Cambodia, and I looked at some maps on, and it says that Vietnam is in the Cambodia mission, so we'll see if he can meet some missionaries while he's there.  That would be sweet.  So anyway, we got lunch with our man Amine, and that was sweet.  Then we waited for a friend that was supposed to show up, didn't, so instead we went to go see André, who we hadn't seen in a real long time.  So we passed by, he was happy to see us, we talked for a while, we starting talking about family history, cuz he had starting saving all his photos onto USBs and stuff, and he was lovin' it.  He was talking about his ancestors, sharing stories, it was sweet.  he said he's gonna get together some more so that he can share more with us, so that will be fun.

This next day was kinda silly.  We went out to Orange to take another bus to this little city called Rasteau, where this less active famiy lives, and long story short their non member daughter is being taught in Toulon and said her famille needs a visit.  So we went out, but for some reason or a nother no busses came, and, so, instead we went to pass this less active in Orange, we met her, she was cool, but that was about it.  So then we took the bus back to Avignon, where we decided to go see our man Didier at the guitar place, met up with him and our other friends there, and made more friends!  It's really just a big group of really cool guys that work there that all remind me kinda of Uncles John n Ric.  So that was fun, taught about the Book of Mormon, they thought it was cool.  He taught me how to solo on the guitar, but I still stink at that, but that's okay, it's not as important as preaching the gospel!

Then jeudi rolls around, we got our man Amine again, to help him move some stuff to a new apartment.  We helped him move, his apartment was sweet, it was like in this sweet castle building, and then the room was tiny and awesome and I was totally jealous.  After that we went to play some bball with our other man Nabil, and the other équipe was there with their man Gustave, and we played and it was real fun.  It's been a real long time since we've seen Nabil, in fact, I've never seen him since I've been here, just talked on the phone, so that was really cool to see him.  Then we met some cool people on the street, the usual.  Oh yeah, also this day I was on exchange with Elder Schettler from Marseille, so that was exciting.

Vendredi rolls around, had a killer weekly planning session, as usual, and that night we had a stellar english class.  It was funny, because it was only women there at first, so we stood outside the door and hoped real hard that a man would show up, because we'd invited a man, but so far it was only ladies.  Then this member man showed up, so we could do english class!  Shortly after our ami showed up, his name is Eli, and it was sweet.  We winged english class real hard cuz it was supposed to be the other Elders that taught it, but they were stuck in an outer ville because they had missed their bus and the next one wasn't till after english class.  So I decided to teach everything I knew about US history and mostly just taught a bunch of n'importe quoi, but they loved it.

Samedi rolls around, and it was reeaaaaally fun.  We saw Amine again, one last time before he was off.  We played some ping pong with him, ate kébabs, and then taught him about the book of mormon and he said he'd read it, cuz he's got a lot of free time for the next little bit, plus the plane to Vietnam, and he's accepted to pray about it.  He also friended me on Facebook, I don't know if you've had the opportunity to accept it or whatnot, but the man's name is Amine Sacre, so yeah. He's such a cool guy, and it's a real bummer he's leaving, but, eh, c'est la vie.  After that, we went BOWLING.  What?  Bowling you say?   Yeah, bowling.  We went bowling with a whole bunch of amis and members, they all made friends, I almost got a hundred score, I got 98, and now all the amis that were there know we're not losers and think we're cool.  So that was really really fun.

Then church!  I had/got to play the piano, and it was fun.  We talked with a bunch of members after church and got some things set up for this week and the near future, like service n whatnot, which rocks.  Then afterwards we went out to pass by some people, neither of them were home, but we met some cool people on the way.  This guy from Monaco, he was probably the Prince as far as I'm concerned.  Then this reall cool old couple from Avignon that were probably the nicest old people I'd ever met, and also very classy.  They'd been to SLC before and thought it was beautiful.  Hopefully we see them again!  And, like, that was the day.  Also met a guy that looked like Sean Connery.

So now here we are, another week. Zone conference is this week, and we're gonna be spending thursday-sunday in Nice/St. Raphael, so that should be fun.  I'll let you know how it goes next week!  Hopefully you write me maybe?


Elder Max Liechty

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