Monday, March 9, 2015

Week #78 - Avignon

Elder Liechty with that look goin'

Elder Liechty with a goose


Yayyyyy!  You wrote me again!!!

1.  I'd say I'm pretty dang good as a trainer.  Kiddin'.  But I really enjoy training.  It's fun to be the bleu's first idea of a normal missionary, but it's also realllly stressful, cuz you want them to be real good, and you have to set the example!  But it's helped me a lot, I think, and I've learned a load from training.  Probably more than my bleus have.

2.  No, next transfer is next week!  We get our calls in 5 DAYS.  This transfer was too fast that it was DUMB.  Kiddin'.  But it was really fast.  This will be 14 weeks in Avignon, or 3 n a half months about.  Since before Christmas.

3.  We had this reeaaallly cool experience with Etienne the other day, and his wife.  We taught them about eternal families, and it was sweet.  Normally his wife, Charlotte, just sits there and takes care of the baby and kinda listens, but this time we asked her a real good question about eternal families, and she got way into it.  It was so sweet to have her participate, and the rdv was sweet.  The Spirit was incredibly strong, and we could all tell that we were being edified and that this was somethin' good.  Then, right after, Elder Steadman and I were waiting for the elevator, and I turned to him with the intention to give him a high five, and as I turned, I stuck my hand down low, and he stuck his hand up high, and everything went silent.  We looked each other in the eyes as we shared this special moment, and then we high fived.  That was sweet.  Elder Steadman got into the rdv, too, which was really cool because sometimes he's very quiet and doesn't particitpate too much.  But he did this time, and it was SICK.  The high five was definitely two-way.  We had all felt the Spirit and were edified.  So cool.

4.  Yeah of course I've got some regrets.  I didn't really figure out missionary work till pretty deep into the mission.  I thought it was one way, but I really had no idea until not too long ago.  There were times when I forgot to have fun, and times when I was having too much fun (or at least I felt like it was too much fun, so the next week I would try to have no fun.)  But the key was to find the balance.  It was like you taught us kidlins all growing up, that you wanted us to be well rounded people (not fat) and be able to do lots o things.  And that's the key to missionary work.  Finding a way to do it all.  So yeah, I've got some regrets, but I learn things and I apply them, so rather than regrets, their kinda like "learning experiences."  Yeah.

And yes, Etienne will be baptized soon, probably!  His only problem was being able to come to church, but we've recently found a solution for that, or rather he found his own solution. He's just bought a moto and he should be able to come to church now, cuz normally he would have had to take a bus home from work (he works saturday night to sunday morning) and then catch a different one to church, but his new moto should really simplify things.  so that's sick.  Other than that, he believes strongly in the restoration, he's one of the coolest amis I've had.  super dope dude, you could say.

So let me tell you about the week!

So lundi was another one of those days.  That meaning we had pday and then weekly planning, cuz we had been on "vacation" last week since thursday.  It's pretty funny, cuz we've all been calling the zone/stake conference trip our vacation.  Cuz it was real fun.  Missionary work was done!  Don't worry!  Anyway, so we did that and that was about it.  Kinda a lame day, but don't worry, the rest of the week was fun.

Mardi we went to go pass our boy Didier, but unfortunately he wasn't at his place!  While we were waiting for him, we made a boat load of calls and sent a boat load of text messages to our amis n stuff.  So after that we talked to strangers, including this spanish guy that was totes JW, but didn't really understand us when we said we weren't JW, and he asked for the address, and we gave him ours, so we'll see if one day he shows up. Real fun, and then we went to the Farinas up in Orange.  Unfortunately, Luis was gone in Marseille with some famille friends, so he wasn't there, kinda a  bummer, but we helped Sr. Farina get in a better mood cuz she was real upset that Luis hadn't come home when he said (he was supposed to be home in time for our rdv).  But it was still fun!

Mercredi was a stellar day.  Get this.  We went to go see Didier again, because he was leaving for Canada the next day, and we had to get that in!  So on the way there we met this cool bro from Ghana, he's a pastor at his church he established here in Avignon to help youth in bad situations, and also he spoke english.  He wants us to speak at his congregation some time, so we'll have to see about that.  Then at Didier's, he had a BANJO.  And I played the banjo for the first time in two years.  I'm no good anymore.  Need to practice again.  Anyway, so we jammed with him for a little, and then we gave him a book of mormon finallllly.  He accepted it very willingly and said he'd read it even before I told him to read it.  He's the coolest guy, and I'm gonna miss him if I get transferred!  After that we went to see Halima, that's the other equipe's ami, cuz we were on a mini exchange today.  So we saw her, taught her some english with a member that also loves english, and then talked.  The rdv was kinda all over the place, but she's learning.  She's cool.

then comes jeudi, district meeting in Marseille.  Then I was in Aix, with Elder Nye, where we had some really cool rdvs.  this one lady, it was funny cuz she told us right off the bat that she's uncomfortable talking with people she doesn't know, and this was our first rdv with her, so that was fun.  But then testimony was shared and it was cool.  After that, we taught their baptismal engagés, husband and wife, really cool old people.  The wife decided that she needs to be baptized this saturday, so they've been teaching her every day.  So we taught them.  They were struggling with tithing, but during this rdv when it came up, she was very ready to accept it.  The husband's gonna take a little more time, but she's sweet.

Then vendredi we came back to Avignon, played b-ball with Nabil.  Very fun.  Then we met the biggest number of cool people on the buses ever.  That was neat.  And just about the whole day was spent on buses, back home from bball, to Etiennes (that was our miracle rdv I told you about), and then to english class.  so that was a fun time.

Samedi we went out to Cavaillon to have a meeting with our DMB, frere Holman, he's polynesian.  they made us delicious food, as well.  I'm excited to work with this DMB, if I really get the chance and am not transferred!  So after that meeting, we went back to Avignon and straight to the bowling alley to meet some friends and the friend of a member.  That was really fun, again.  The member's friend was sweet, he's from Russia.  And then on they way home, we went about the whole way with one of our friends, Timmy, cuz he lives right next to us, and as we were talking, he just about invited himself to church, and we said yeah, come on in.  He should be coming this next sunday!  Very cool miracle, because he has been a potential ami for a long long long time, and we see him all the time, but it's never gone farther than that.  Cool.

Dimanche was church, fast sunday.  Fun fun fun fun.  Jean-Personne came, and then this member and non member husband from Nimes came, too, cuz they'll be moving here soon.  And the husband is thinking about being baptized!  That's sweet. so miracles are happening here.  Then we had ratatouille with Sr. Protano, that was delicious.  And then once again weekly planning, mostly so we wouldn't have to do it today and have another lame pday.

Anyway.  so that was the week.  It was fun.  this week we're really pushing for miracles, and we want to teach more lessons than we've ever taught!  Two of our favorite amis are out of town, so we're bankin' on lots of miracles this week.  Cool.

Thanks for all and everything n whatnot!  I LOOOOOOOVE YOU

Elder Max Liechty

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