Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week #55 - Staying in Muret and training a brand new missionary


0.  You called me a girl!  Google tranlsate made you call me a girl!  I would be "mon cher" because I'm a dude.  But I was impressed anyway!

1.  Weather is getting pretty cold in the morning.  But maybe that's just because I've been in southern france for so long, and 70 degrees is starting to feel cold.  Other than that, it's nice and breezy during the day, a little toasty still.  But also, I went through Montpellier the other day, and it was raining and flooding and actually that's really a big problem for transfers because if anyone is going between and east and west, we have to go through Montpellier, because any other train goes out of our mission, so.....but mostly it's nice weather!

2.  If you gotta go, you gotta go.  I haven't yet gone at an investigators house, though, just members'

3.  So, I'm staying, but... (see question 6)

4.  I thought of one thing: poptarts.  I would be so down with some fruity poptarts.

5.  Lost weight, fo' sho'.  I fit into pants I never could have imagined wearing once upon a time.  My one belt doesn't do anything anymore, but the other one has more holes, so that's a good thing.

6.  So my new area is not new, it's still Muret.  And my new collegue is.............I don't know yet!  Because I'm training!  Right now I'm in Lyon with all the other trainers, and we're waiting for our bleus.  Woooooooohoooooooooo doggie.  so that's fun.

So, eh, my week, check it ooooouuuuutttt

Lundi was a good time.  We had an FHE with the Urbanis, with all the missionaries, kind of a parting party because one of the sisters was finishing her mission, and some of us others have been here for a while, so we were sure that someone else would be parting, and also their son is leaving on a mission this week, to Tahiti!  so that was really fun.  Then, afterwards, we took a bus home, that was supposed to go to Muret, but instead it stopped in Seysses, in between Toulouse and Muret, and we asked the bus driver why it was terminus Seysses, and he said "ain't no busses goin' that far this late!" so he showed us the way home, and we walked for about 40 minutes and were late :) but it was fun!

Mardi we had a RDV with Jean Marc and Séverine, showed them how to make German pancakes.  And also, we got one of those comic book BoMs for Coralie, and she was diiiiggggiiinn' it.  So that was really neat.  And that night, we got to see Frère Déjean, and teach the restoration, because our ward council and mission president and also Elder Ballard have asked the missionaries to teach the resto in the houses of every member.  He loved it.  Then we had him right his testimony in the LdM, and he wrote a super sweet, humble testimony and that was great.

Then we had Sylvie's baptismal interview (!)  She passed!  No problems.  Then after talking a little more about baptism with her, we headed out to Auterive to pass some less active members and teach them the restoration.  We were able to see a few of them, and one with a member, as well, and that was very cool.  Afterwards, she asked us for a blessing, and we gave her one, and the Spirit was super solid in there, you could cut right through it.  Then also it was Malika's birthday, so we had made cookies that morning and gave them to her, and she was super thankful.  

Then jeudi was our last district meeting this transfer.  This transfer flew!  But anyway, after that, we got to see Sylvie again, talked about the Holy Ghost, and that was sweet.  Afterwards, we had a RDV with this italian fella, and it was realllllyyyy interesting.  We invited an italian member to come with us, and well, it was just kind of a bizarre rdv.  He started preaching to us out of this binder he had made for some kind of economic plan that would change the world.  But it was weird, and we had come to teach the gospel, so....then the member started trying to stop him, and kind of they started shouting at each other, and we were like "are they mad?  Or just italian?"  And then he gave us pizza, and that was it.... :)

The next day we got our calls!  I'm staying in Muret, training a newbie, Elder Mattinson is going all the way to Toulouse Concorde, the same ward, just a different city.  Elder Olsen says "hi" then that evening we went to Toulouse for a party at the church, and Jean Marc and Séverine drove us, so that was cool!  Coralie loved it because she got to meet all the other little girls.  That was a good time.

The next day was SYLVIE'S BAPTISM.  We spent the whole morning preparing, filling the font, making her a fruit salad, finishing the program, voila voila.  Her baptism was great.  She was so happy, and I'm so glad I got to take part in her conversion!  Then we got back that night and it was up n packing for Elder Mattinson, even though he's just moving next door :) like, 30 minutes next door, mais bon.

Church was amazing.  We had 3 Amis at church!  That's more than I've ever had ever on my mission ever. And of all places, it was here in Muret!  Muret-cles (miracles, kind of).  So this guy we were teaching english called and said he'd be in Muret this weekend and wanted to come to church, so that was one.  And then.  So it was fast sunday, and we decided to fast to find a way to bring Jean Marc, Séverine, and Coralie to church, or at least some of them!  So we left it at that, and started the day.  When we got to church, we got a call from Sr. Ducrocq, saying she was one her way to their house to get Séverine and Coralie and bring them to church!  JM works, so that'll be more difficult.  but that was an answer to our prayers!  She had felt that morning, randomly, to call her. She called her, said "are you dressed?  Can you come to church with us?"  And it was as easy as that.  so that was sweet.  Then we said bye bye to all the dying missionaries from Toulouse getting on their trains that evening right before we got on our own. And that was the week.

Now I'm here in Lyon, gonna get a baby.  This transfer was so much fun, and so fast, and we saw so many miracles.  Elder Mattinson has made his way into my favorite companions, along with all the other companions I've had, because they are all my favorite companions.

I love you all so much, and sorry if I scared you again being a day late!  Heh heh hehhhhhhh


Elder Max Liechty

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