Monday, September 15, 2014

Week #53 - Muret

Mary Jane's baptism

 Elder Higham and I (my MTC companion!)

Frère Déjean!

Peter thuggin' a BoM

Wooooo mom!

I'm writing in my journal, don't worry!

I've gotten to see a little bit of Toulouse, a cathedral or two, eh, besides that, not really.  We had planned to take a pday down to the border of France and Andorra, because that is the edge of our sector, but it would have been a 2 hour ride there, 2 hours back, and only 20 minutes enjoying it if we wanted to get everything else done on pday.  And en plus, like, 30 euros. So, we decided against it.  Today we found a mall, though, it's huge, and we call it "Wal Mart" and also we found a Toys R Us, so that was special.  Some areas are definitely a lot easier for sight seeing pdays, Muret, not so much.  But it's still a good time!

It was so much fun to see Bordeaux again.  I saw some members at the conference, too, and they recognized me!  Yay!

Mary Jane just got baptized, and Sylvie is going to be baptized the 27th.  Yes.

If anything, it's getting hotter and humider.  Not really, it's cooling off a little.  It should really start dropping after this week, or so I am told.

Transfers are in TWO WEEKS, aka, the 29th is transfer day.

Mud run looks like a BOAT load of fun.  Am I invited next time?

I was just remembering some jazz band songs today, and I remember how much I like jazz band, but not so much the class!  Heh heh.  Yeah.

Do you want to hear about my week?  Even if you don't, here it is.

It was a really fast week, and a little uneventful, simply because we were up n gone for a lot of it.  Listen up.

Lundi we were in Toulouse, did some legality, am now legal in France again for the next year, and then did some street boarding.  Talked to some really neat guys, especially this guy who had a Bob Dylan shirt on, talked to him and his pal for a good 45 minutes (only 10 or so were about Bob Dylan and music :) )

Mardi was ZONE CONFERENCE IN BORDEAUX.  It was uplifting.  It was a good time.  The spirit was there.  It was cool.  We watched a video of Elder Ballard who had visited the missionaries in the Swiss part of our mission, and it was cool.  He made a lot of promises if we keep working really hard and keep improving our effectiveness.  Saw some of my old comps, yes, good times.  That was the whole day, other than that, we were on trains there and back.  Had to wake up at 3h45, thought, because there were six of us in the appartement trying to catch a train at 6h00.  That was fun.

The next day I was on exchange in Toulouse.  I got to meet some of their really cool amis and teach them.  A lady from Ghana was one of them, and she's so cool.  They hadn't been able to teach her because of her situation, but now they can see her again, and she has so much faith and is ready to learn.  So that was cool.  Then I got to teach Mary Jane again!  And that evening we got to visit a less active fella from Nigeria, and he's really cool.  I'll send a photo of him thuggin' a book of mormon.

Then it was already jeudi and it was my first day in Muret the whole week!  And we didn't even get to do much.  We got to talk with Frère Déjean, though.  We're in more or less daily contact with him, and he's doing really, really well.  He has a goal to get to the temple, so I'm excited to help him with that!

Vendredi we got to see Sylvie, went over the restoration with her again, because we're running out of new things to teach because she's so ready!  I'm kidding, we're just going over the baptismal questions to see if there is any way at all possible to prepare her better than she already is.  After that, we got to see Malika again!  It's been a while, because she is really busy at her store because the other employee quit and she was all alone.  But she was able to make some time, and that was neat.  After that was FHE, good times as always!  Talked about the wise man building his house on the rock, and the foolish one on the sand.  Classic.

Samedi matin, we got to see Frère Déjean again!  he was a little upset because we weren't able to find any way to get him to the baptism!  No members from Muret were planning on going, he's a bigger fella, and would have a real tough time taking the train and walking n all that, so he was a little bummed.  But we promised him we'll make plans for the next baptism to be able to get him there!  After that it was to Toulouse, preparing for the baptism, and seeing Mary Jane baptized!  yay!  I'm happy I got to take a little part in friendshipping her and her son and even teaching them a coupld times.  She has an awesome rock solid testimony.

Then comes dimanche, which was church as usual.  AND FRERE DEJEAN WAS THERE AGAIN!  Yayyy.  The picture is him and the very charitable member couple that bring him to church on sundays.  They said they'd love to keep doing it.  Yesssssss.  He's so happy when he's at church.  Also, I got to translate for a guy from Arizona who was there doing somethin with Air Bus or someth.  Church was real good.  Real happenin.

It was a really quick week, and kind of a bummer that I was only in Muret for, like, a couple days in whole, but, eh, work got done, right?  This next week should be siiiiick, I'll let you know in a week if it was or not :)

Elder Max Liechty

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