Monday, September 1, 2014

Week #51 - Muret


That's neat.  That's really neat.  Sometimes, when we're going on through the day, I'm like "I'm not touching any lives right now, people are just getting angry at us!" and it's really nice to know that on the other side of the pond, someone's life was touched.  That's awesome.  That's reinforcing, hope wise.  Thanks, momma.  I got a real tingly feeling when I read it.  Neat.

How in the world do you find so much time to just do stuff?  Wowie.  Neato.  Salt Flats.  Things.  What in the world is Primintory Point?

Tell zach that's none of his business :) but we can go ahead and say lots better since I realized that dairy is the problem.  But, you know, being in France, you can't always avoid it, so, yeah.  We can leave it at that?

Why does caity want lotion?  If I go to Marseille I could probably get some nice parfums, but, like, as far as lotion, I'm not so sure that France is famous for that.  But, eh, if she wants lotion....I guess?  I actually noticed that lately my hands have been really flaky, and it's bizarre, but, like, not a big deal.  Unless it means I'm dying?

We're probably going to Toulouse for general conference, cuz it's the stake center, and it's right next door.  If they don't have it in english, we'll probably get together all the missionaries at the young adult center and watch it online?  But probably at Toulouse.

As far as FB, I've heard rumors, but I've heard rumors from since I got here last septembre.  So.  But these later rumors sound a lot more legit, which would be really neat.  That could be really handy sometimes, like, finding less actives n stuff.  Coolio.  Yes, neat.

This week was hoppin, to say the least.  Check it out.

We finished up our p-day by waiting in the gare for two hours to buy tickets to go to Boussens, so that wasn't fun.  But then we went to Boussens!  Look at those pictures!  So it turns out our sector is a lot prettier that we thought, eh?  Like, Muret's pretty, but, BOUSSENS.  And I've been told that's not even the prettiest.  So we'll keep searching, alors.  While we were out there, we met several really neat people.  We met this one couple working in their garden, they had just moved in not too long ago, and we decided to force service upon them sometime.  They said they never really know when they're gonna do it, but we'll find them, and there will be nothing they can do about it.  :)  They were very neat, and very friendly people.  And the train ride was really cool, too.

The day after we got to visit the Gisondas home, some members in our ward originaly from Italy, make awesome pizza.  And the elders from Toulouse brought an ami, too, and it was just a good time FHE.  Other than that, we had learned the day before that we should have a carbon monoxide detector in our apartement, and if not, that we're not allowed to sleep there.  And we didn't have one :)  so we spent that day and a lot of the rest of the week searching for one until we finally found one on jeudi.  So.  All is good now :)

Mercredi was a very cool day.  We got to see André and Charlotte, and talked about the Plan of Salvation with them, just the first half.  We shared 2 Néphi 2 something, about the fall of adam, and their minds were BLOWN.  It made total sense to them.  It was definitely different for them, and I can understand that, try living for 30 years thinking something and then someone telling you it's the other way, and it just making so much sense.  That was neat to see that lightbulb go off.  They're number one.  Then we saw Frère Déjean, too, and he's doing a lot better.  He still hasn't been able to make it to church, but he's getting there.

Jeudi was sweeeet.  We got to see Jean Marc and Séverine again, and they're doing great.  We made crêpes with them, too.  Also, they had started reading a little in the Book of Mormon!  Yay!  After our RDV, we invited them to read 3 Néphi 11, the number one power chapter in the LdM, so, that'll be cool.  Seeing them again this week.  Then we found the CO detector.  So neat.  We also found the biggest supermarket in France, more or less.  Looked like a super walmart, no jokes.  And it was the only place in, like, a 100 km radius that had a CO detector, so that was siiiiick.

Vendredi we were able to see Sylvie, had an awesome RDV with her.  She's making awesome progression and is totes ready to be baptized.  We're not really teaching anything new, anymore, so, yeah.  We talked about the holy ghost's responsabilty as the comforter.  The spirit was there, for sure.  Afterwards, we were able to go to our ward FHE, where we taught service by acting out the Good Samaritan.  It was silly, because we had the guy reading the story as the guy who got robbed and was on the road.  Very silly times.

Samedi was very, very cool.  We got out to Auterive, a city a little far away, to visit some members and to talk with strangers.  We got to pass some members briefly and pray with them, and share some miracles with them, so that was cool.  Then, on our way to another members, we were walking down this barren road (it was actually a really busy road, but there was no one to talk to on it), searching for this familles home.  We kind of realize that we've probably passed it, but, eh, we keep walking because maybe not?  And then we stopped this guy going the other way, out speed walking, with ankle weights, n wrist weights, n those things that you squeeze to improve hand strength.  Anyway, we decided to give him a break from exercise by talking to him.  He was a really neat fella, and we were even able to fix a RDV with him for next week.  Then we eventually found the member's home, and it turns out they had driven by while we were talking with him, and had seen the contact!  So we were able to share that miracle with them, and it sparked them up.  That evening we also got to see Frère Déjean again, and he's still doing great.  What a good fella.  We had given him a PMG last week, and he had started reading it.  He said he loves it, a lot.  so that's good.

Dimanche was dimanche.  But church was for some reason really, really good this time.  Everyone was in a good mood, and the spirit was there, and all the talks were lively as well as the lessons, and ladidadida.  Then we got to see Malika, and had really good RDV with her, talked about geneology and preparing to go to the temple.  She's ready!  Neat.  Then, on the way home, this fella talked to us after we got off the train, and said he wanted to learn english and gave us his number.  so.  Hopefully we see him soon?  cool.

So, like that was the week.  I hope it was special for you?
Keep having fun without me, and just know, that I'm having more fun, because I'm in France :)

Elder Max Liechty

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