Monday, September 8, 2014

Week #52 - Muret

Cheezball Max

Yay mom!

Howdy do?

Tell caity that I all I can do for her is Cetaphil, but I'm pretty sure she has some of that chez elle.

When we didn't have the CO detecter, we slept at the other elders' appartement in Toulouse.

So, the ankle weight guy.  The number he gave us and the adresse he gave us are both good, but when we went to his house, he wasn't there!  However, I blame us, because of train times and trying to find his neighborhood, we got to his house about 20 minutes late, so it's very possible he figured we weren't coming and he just up n outed.  But we're gonna pass by again, because he lives in a very nice neighborhood, with a good amount of potential!

Whoa ho ho HUNTER.  Music school, eh?  Wooooowwwiieeeee!

As far as weeks go, this one was really fast, and yeah.  Check it out.

Lundi we were able to see Sylvie and we talked about wait.  I'm pretty sure I told you this last week, because we did that before emails.  Well, anyway, we talked about the first baptismal question, and it was really neat.  Then that evening we went street boarding and talked to some very interesting people.  I stopped this guy who was cruising by on his bike, and we talked for a good while.  Then at the end, he said "if I ever want to learn more, I'll stop by Bellevue" which is where the church is, and I was like "wut."  And then he explained that he had met the missionnaries like a year ago, but it was cool that he remembered where the church was!

The next day I was on exchange in Toulouse, where I got to teach Mary Jane, the elders' ami here is going to be baptized this coming saturday!  That was really neat.  We talked LAW OF CHASTITY (oh boy) and it went very well.  She was very ready to accept it.  After that, we had several tombez-vous, and, well, voila.  We talked to strangers on the street again!  It's always nice to share with people a testimony of Jesus Christ, though.

Mercredi was a very special day.  We got to go to French class in the morning, a class taught by a member from the other ward, and it's awesome.  It's like english class, but fun, and in french.  And after that, we went to Jean-Marc and Séverine's.  We went to make a cheese cake for the Ducrocqs because it was both of their birthdays really close to each other!  So we made the cake, and then we learned that something had happened in this famille's life that really shocked them and they were having a pretty hard time.  So we were blessed with the opportunity to give the parents a blessing, because they were taking it the hardest.  Frère Ducrocq gave the first, and then surprised me by asking me to give the second.  That was a really neat spiritual experience that I hope I never forget.  The french language is hard, that's for sure, but when Heavenly Father wants something said, it gets said.

Jeudi we got the opportunity to go out to Boussens again and search for people to teach.  We were walking in this new part of town we hadn't been to yet, and it was shockingly similar to Gex and my mind was just blown.  All the same, we talked to some real neat people, but not neat enough to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ just yet :)

Vendredi, we were supposed to see our speed walking friend.  But, like I said, we showed up when he wasn't there.  But while we were there, we decided to look for some less actives and pass members n whatnot.  We found one less active, who said we could totes come back, and then discovered that he lives right next door to this member who's adresse had been a secret to missionaries for the longest time, so that was neat.  He invited us in, and we talked a good while, and then he told us of this other less active out in that area that we should pass, that wasn't on the list we have, but we got in contact with her, and voila.  That was neat.  Then that evening we were surprised by the Toulouse elders, because they were trapped in their appartement because there were plumbers fixing their toilet, so we had to go see them earlier and get the FHE lesson from them, and did an exchange to teach it.  It was good.  A good thing.  A good time.

Then the next day we did some service for a member famille, weeding n whatnot, and I had FUN.  I actually liked it!  I can't promise it will be the same when I return and dad wants me to work in the garden.  But maybe.  Then we had a very tasty lunch with them.  Then after that we got in some real good weekly planning.  We had visited frere Déjean this week and had been in almost daily contact with him on the phone, and it was great.  And we were this close to getting him to church.  Until the guy that lives with him said he was too tired to drive him, so, bon.  But then we asked around for members that could help, and miraculously found someone who could pass by and take him!  He was so excited when he learned that it would be possible, and he even wrote out his testimony on paper to share at fast and testimony meeting.

Dimanche matin, he called us saying he didn't know if he could come anymore.  He said he was tired, but we found out the real problem was he was afraid of members mocking him when he came.  We promised him that the members wouldn't mock him, just be very excited to see him again.  AND HE CAME!  he came to church!  And he bore his testimony!  And the members loved it!  One of them even directly thanked him from the pulpit in her testimony.  That was good.  That was a good day.  

Since that day, I've been in Toulouse, and probably will be until mercredi?  Or even jeudi.  I'm gonna be here forever.  But today I got to teach Mary Jane again, tithing this time, and it went really well.  She's ready.  She knows it won't be easy, but she's ready.  We also bought her and the members helping us pizza, and we had a tasty pizza lunch.  The store is called, directly translated, "cheap pizza" :)

AND TOMORROW I GET TO GO BACK TO BORDEAUX!  For zone conference.  I'm excited.  Yes.

Thank you for the quote on obedience.  Because no matter how obedient we are, if we do it and hate it, that's not gonna bring about too much good.  But at the same time, being obedient with hate is better than not being obedient?  It's good to be obedient out of fear, but it's AWESOME to be obedient because you love Heavenly Father.  Thanks momma.

Elder Liechty

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