Monday, September 22, 2014

Week #54 - Muret

Mom!  and everyone else!

1.  We are getting along just fine.  Like two peas in a pod!  This has been one of the easiest transfers, and the fastest, too.  Not saying it wasn't easy to get along with the rest of my comps, but Elder Mattinson has been really fun!

2.  I met Elder Dover for, like, two seconds once.  He was companions with one of my companions a good while ago, too.  And remember when I met Elder Gee, and Ben Jones knew him from BYU?  I just remembered that.  That's neat.

3.  YES I remember waving stuff in the air and shouting stuff.  More like, chanting it, but close enough.

4.  Okay

5.  Bed time.  I'm kidding.  But sometimes, it is.  But I really like the evening, because we either have RDVs, or there are people home when we knock on their doors!  Cool!

I never read the Maze Runner.  I remember hearing about it, but that's it.  I read the Kite Runner?  Not the same.


It all starts with lundi, when we did our district street boarding.  We were talking with people, good times, met some really cool ones, gave them BoMs, and then got a really neat lesson with these people that I thought were homeless at first, but then I learned that they were students at a private college, and really smart, and spoke real good english, too, and also really nice.  Talked about the restoration with them, they were touched.  Cool thing.

Then the next day was really good.  We saw Sylvie, still on track to be baptized, no problems :)  And right after that we headed out to Auterive, a city that has quite a few less actives, so that was cool.  We were able to see a sister who hadn't been visited for a reeeeaaaal long time.  She still has a stellar testimony, but, like a lot of less active members, someone offended her reeeeeaaaal bad a while ago, and she hasn't been able to forgive him.  So we talked about the power of forgiveness and repentance.  She has a goal to come back to church before the end of the year!  So we'll help her with that.

Then I started getting sick.

But it was okay.  The next day we had service in the morning where we shoveled, and shoveled, and shoveled.  And my back hurt until dimanche.  But it was okay.  Then we were able to visit Fr. Déjean, and he's still doing great.  Better than ever.  The famille that takes him to church every sunday is sparked out of their minds because they've been seeing such big changes in his life the past little bit.  So that was great.  AND ALSO.  This guy called us, who had contacted us a while back on the train, asking for english class, and had accidentally forgotten to give us a number, because he gave it in english.  Anyway, he called us--luckily he had our number, too--and we fixed a rdv for the next day!  Cool.

Then I woke up the next day, sore back, sore throat, stuffy head, pain.  But the mission nurse lead me to some amazing medicines, and now I'm all better!  The morning was really difficult that day, I could barely move, but we made it to district meeting, and I was alright to finish the day.  We got to see the guy that had called the day before, and that was a neat RDV.  Right before seeing him, though, we met this famille from Ethiopia, and we fixed a RDV for a coming day.  Then our english class went well, got him a BoM, voila voila.  And then we gave some cookies to André and Charlotte, who were sparked out of their minds, and drove us home because they were so sparked.  Cool.

The next day we saw Sylvie again, still great :)  Then out to Auterive again!  This time we gave some cookies to the famille that takes Fr Déjean every dimanche to thank them, and saw a different less active, who was really cool.  The first time we saw him, he said a real catholic prayer, but this time he said a good ol fashion mormon prayer!  Yay!  Progress!

Samedi was the best.  We went out to lunch with Fr Déjean and Jean-Claud, his appartement buddy.  Those are the pictures.  We drove through this beautfiul country side out to this tiny ville to this delicious and not too expensive restaurant.  Fr Déjean was the happiest I've ever seen him.  He couldn't stop smiling.  And Jean-Claud kept teasing him, because he was afraid maybe we wouldn't come, maybe we'd forgotten, and as soon as we showed up, he hadn't stopped smiling.  He was all dressed up in a suit and tie he had just bought.  I was more sparked than anyone!  After the delicious meal, we went to FHE, that was lots of fun.  We did this cool object lesson, where you put five matches on a piece of gum on a plate, and then fill the plate with water.  You light the matches, each of them representing an element of the gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, holy ghost, endurance to the end), and then you put a cup over them, representing the help of Jesus Himself.  THEN ALL THE WATER GETS SUCKED UP IN THE CUP WUT WUT.  The water is sin, and also there is normally a coin on the plate and is trapped under the sin, but is saved through the gospel!  Yay!  Elder Mattinson taught me that one, and my life was changed forever.

The dimanche.  The usual.  Except for in the morning this guy called us that also had contacted us a few days ago, only taking our number, saying he will decide if we are worthy to meet with him. He decided we were, so he called to fix a RDV, and it was kind of bizarre, he said he wants to have a really high level discussion...and he's italian, so we're bringing an italian member, and probably just gonna let them go at it :)  Church was great.  Fr Déjean was there again :)  as far as logistics and numbers go, that means he's officially reactivated :)  yay :)  That many smiley faces means I'm actually smiling and actually reall happy :)

This was a sweeeet week.  And now it's the last of the transfer.  So.  Looking back on Muret, I've learned a loads.  And I saw the work hasten from almost nothing, to not having enough time to do all the things we would maybe like to do.  so that was really cool.  The Lord's hand is in this, and I know it.

I love you all!
And Also Chan's post was very silly.  Good man

Elder Max Liechty

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