Monday, October 6, 2014

Week #56 - Muret with a new greenie!

Max and his new "son" :)

I'm guessing Lyon

Wassup wasssssuuuuuppp?


How big is the marching band this year?  Still 3A?  And you'll have to record all of their performances and keep the best so I can watch it afterwards, because I loooooooove that music.

So this will probably be a real little email, because I spent more than half of this week in Lyon learning how to be a good father and all the keys to raising a good son, things which you cleeaaarrly already know, because you raised the best sons and a pretty good daughter, too :)  I'M KIDDING CAITLYN.

Lundi was straight off to Lyon in the morning, passing throught Montpellier...Wait.  I already told you this.

So MARDI, after I had emailed you, we did some training for the trainers.  I think.  This whole week was a blur and lots of training and traveling and sleeping in an apartment with, like, a thousand beds, smelling like a stinky locker room and feet because of the 25 unshowered bleus that arrived at midnight!  It was funny, because their plane was delayed, so they missed the corresponding plane, and the next one landed them in Lyon at midnight.  Heh heh.  So they all dragged themselves in at night, tired as bums, smelling worse, having not showered for more than, like, 40 hours at least, and that was that.

All I remember from Lyon was that we did some contacting in the streets to fill time because we were so behind because of the plane delay, and we met some neat guys.  One guy I was talking to seemed really cool, and we were having a pretty nice conversation, until this weirdo came up and started interrupting and asking questions about why I was mormon and not JW.  I later learned that he wasn't JW, either, but he was actually curious why I was mormon and what we had that the others didn't.  So I told him.  Half way through, the cool guy left, and I was stuck with Eavsdroppin' Earl.  At first I was bummed that cool guy was gone, but the new guy was actually pretty neat, too.  We were talking about the Godhead n stuff, and he wanted to make sure that I believed they were three separate beings.  I showed him Jesus' baptism as proof that it makes sense, and his mind was BLOWN.  More blown than any mind I've ever seen, and I was like, "buddy, that's first grade!"  But that was cool to see something click in his mind like that.  At the end of the convo, he handed me all the JW stuff and said he didn't need it anymore and took all our pamphlets and a LdM.  That was neat.

We met our bleus on jeudi, I believe, and that was super cool.  I got the coolest one.  His name is Elder Haskin.  Born in Minnesota, but lived in Georgia for the past little bit.  Everyone I've met from Georgia on my mission so far has not been in the same stake as Cumming, so no one knows Bruce or Karen!  Anyway, he's beautiful, and I'm so excited for this transfer.

So we got back from Lyon on vendredi, and I made a bunch of phone calls telling people sorry we were out of town foreeeevvveeer and couldn't see them.  That evening was FHE, and we had the two bleus in our district teach it to practice french!  And they did perfectly.  They speak like natives, those dogs.  And on the way home, these two people sat just accross from us, and said "WOW how welled dressed they are" and then we joked about it being friday night, gotta have the class, and then they were the coolest people I've ever talked to on the train.  So that was a good time.

The next day we got to visit Frère Déjean, and that was fun.  He has a reeeeaaallly heavy southern accent, not at all easy to understand.  But having been with him for three months, I'm starting to arrive at understanding.  But Elder Haskin!  Oh boy.  No idea what was going on.  He got a lot of it, but Frère Déjean likes to talk about his health problems, and uses medical terms, and when he started doing that, no one was following.  Then it was conference!  I'm always afraid that there is no way conference could be better than last time, but, it always is.  My favorite part was when Dieter F. Uchtdorf said "Mind boggling."  Heh heh, yeah.  Gotcha.  It was especially funny, because when we were in the car after the implosion of that building in Ames, you asked dad how the germans would say it, and Elder Uchtdorf said it just like daddio.

Dimanche was also straight conference.  Such good times.  I think one of my favorite talks was Lynn G. Robins when he talked about "remember which way you face," that was on saturday.  So was Uchtdorf.  After three sessions of conference on sunday (we do priesthood, saturday afternoon, and sunday morning), I was pretty much shot, so I really really enjoyed the talks, but I could not for the life of me take any notes.  But they were, as far as I remember, just straight testimonies of Jesus Christ and the living prophet.  Sweet.

So, as a DL, all I do is call people on sunday night and see how they're doing and also I'm suppoooooosed to inspire them and be a good example.  We're having a meeting tonight to set goals as a district for this transfer, and, eh, that's all I know.  I should be getting a list soon of things I'm supposed to be doing, so I'll let you know IF I get that.


A 2015 calendar, preferably something waaaaaaaaay cool, and then some, like, shark stuff.  Aaawww yeah.  That's all I thought of.  So.....if I think of some, I'll let you know again :)


And these are all the pictures I have this week, sorry, they're lame, I'll get a better father son photo soon for you.

Elder Max Liechty

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