Monday, August 25, 2014

Week #50 - Muret

Max and Elder Mattinson

Cute kids in Toulouse

Whoa hoa hoa. 

Sam's into that whole V-neck club now, is he?  Hmmmmmm someone's starting to get fashionable :)

And it's Jake Dame that lives at the top of Suncrest.  Jacen with a C lives in JAPAN but also his house is in Alpine.  At the top of another hill.

My companion is officially Elder Mattinson, from Washington.  A city that is right next to Idaho, and sitting on a river.  He's a real fisherman, and he's hilarious.  This is his sixth transfer on his mission, he started not far from Toulouse in Albi, and then went to Aix-en-Provence, and now he's here.  He's great.

Our neighborhood is nice, it's quaint, adorable, really little.  It's not as beautiful as Gex, or Bordeaux, or Narbonne, because those are the three most beautiful villes in the world.  But it's pretty.  And we're going to be doing some outer city work this transfer, so we'll probably find some amazing beautiful little cities, just wait.  Pictures to come!

As far as cooking, I'm a salmon master by now.  And now that I'm with Elder Mattinson, who is a salmon fisher, bon, we're going to be eating probably more.  But apart from being salmon master, I have a recipe book with a bunch of creole recipes from the reunion island down by madagascar that a member gave me, but I haven't made anything in it yet, I'll probably have to get on that so that I can be ready when I get home.  I've EATEN a lot of really tasty food, but as far as made it, eh, not so much.

Oh yeah, and as far as anti stuff, 

Everyone in France has somehow seen some documentary on Mormons that makes us look like the amish and says we certainly still have more than one wife.  And all the french people just eat that kind of stuff up and believe it.  So part of our job here is telling that that's not the case.

And also apparently there is some french guy a while ago who had translated the book of Abraham, too, and had done it differently, proving Joseph Smith wrong, and one time this guy was just saying that to us over and over again, and wouldn't let us talk, and just saying we were wrong.  I got so mad at him I just wanted to punch him in the face.  But all I did was testify hard core in his face, and grab his arm to make him shake my hand and then left.  The rest of the day I was pretty upset because of that dingus, but, eh, I'm over it.  Because the church is still true.  And no matter the amount of garbage the media feeds the French people, truth is more awesome than lies.  Voila.

And how did Evan learn so much mexican food if he was in the northwest US?  That doesn't make any sense!

Wait, are you saying nobody drives the van?  Wut.  Is it completely dead?  Is the couch still in the back?  Does it smell funky?  Are the windows still open?

They're selling school supplies in all the supermarkets, here, too, so that's exciting.  SAM'S OLD.

As far as this week goes, get ready for it.

When Elder Mattinson finally arrived, we did some street boarding as a district and had a real good time.  Talked with lots of cool people, got some phone numbers, some potential amis.  Oh yeah.  Yes yes.  Cool.

Then the next day was pretty lame because we still had to do groceries, and Elder Mattinson had to do his emails, and then we went over our plans for the transfer, goals n whatnot, and this is going to be a super sweet transfer, I'll tell you that now.

The day after that, we were able to see Frère Déjean, our less active buddy, and his roomate, Jean-Claude.  We talked about the restoration, and looped Jean-Claude in it, forcing him to participate, and it went pretty well.  They were both really attentive, and it was just a good time.  They were sad when we had to leave, and since then I think Frère Déjean has called us every single day to see how we're doing and to tell us how he is.  I love that man.  I really love the people of Muret.

Then jeudi was craaaazy.  We had to make cookies in the morning for an activity the next day, and after we did that, we were off to Toulouse, for a leçon with Sylvie and then an exchange with the Zone Leaders.  Our leçon with Sylvie went really well, we talked about relying on scripture for answers to some of our questions.  She's still on the bon chemin.  Then she also gave us some delicious bread to eat, that was amazing, that we ate with goat cheese, and that was a really good decision.  Then we got to the ZLs appartement for our exchange.  It was a very neat exchange.  We got to meet some very cool people on the street, big cities are always really fun for that because there's, like, a million people.  And then we were able to pass a famille who is more-or-less active, I believe, but they were home, and we got to pray with them.  And one of their friends was there, too, searching for her son, who had up and gone about six years ago.  So we're praying for her, too.  Neat-o.

The next day we had a RDV with a fella named Alain, who was living in the same house as a less active who just passed away.  And at one point, they had 56 cats in their house.  Now they have 23, because they called the cat people.  But, the law is 9.  But anyway, that was quite the experience, everywhere you turn cats.  But the lesson was neat.  We talked about faith, and it's clear this guy wants to get more faith, he's just a little afraid.  But he'll get there.  Then after that we got a surprise call and had to help the sisters move a bed into a new appartement for the other sisters, and that took a while.  That took until about 6 o'clock, when we had our soirée familiale at the church.  Jean-Marc and Séverine and Coralie were all there, and that did my heart good.  I had invited them earlier in the week when we realized that we were doing too much moving around n nonesense that we couldn't see them any other time.  The loved it, and we finally got them a book of mormon.  We'll be following up on that, because they're super cool.  After that, during the soirée, I got to help one of the ZLs with a leçon, because the other one was in a baptismal interview.  It was an awesome leçon about the plan of salvation, and the guy they are teaching is crazy cool.  He has a baptism date, and he's good.  Real good.  Good times.

The next day we had samedi sportif, which was really fun, and there were so many chinese people there.  Because one of the Toulouse companionships was half chinese, and now 100 percent chinese, and they're making it happen.  That was a really good time. I'm even getting maybe a little better at basketball, but not really.

Then dimanche went really well.  At church we talked with all the members, as usual, and there were lots of amis and less actives there that day, sparked them all up.  Stuff is happening here!  Things are actually moving!  Muret Muret Muret!

Then today was already pretty neat.  There was this little kid at the grocery store that sparked the world out of us telling us he loved our ties and that it was cool that we worked for Jesus.  And then this lady later on stopped us on the street and told us that she really wants us to pray for her and her family because they are moving out of Toulouse soon and need prayers to help find housing.  Neat.  Neat day.

Apart from that, that's all I really have to say.  I'm having such a good time on the mission, but it's going too fast.  Hopefully this transfer will slow down a little and I can really get everything into order!  Wowie.  Neato.

I love you.

Elder Max Liechty

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