Monday, May 18, 2015

Week #88 - Avignon


So, How's Avignon is a good question, because I was only here for, like, half the week!  this was the week of exchanges, but it was real fun.

Also, you didn't tell me if you liked or didn't like the way I emailed last time, so......I'm just totes gonna do it again :)

Yeah, so, Bob emailed me a little bit ago and I told him to tell his parents to talk to you about it, too, cuz that would be TIGHT to room with him.  Because also we still share the record player, so we both need to profit from it in some way :)  But yeah.  If it's possible in the same place, that would be the rockinest.

Nothin' real new and exciting happening here, 'cept the fact that there's a baptism this saturday!  It's not my équipe or nothin', but it's this real cool american guy named Nate. He actually moved from Switzerland to the US when he was younger, was in the army, was in a bunch of crazy stuff in his life, and then got in an accident and found himself in a hospital in france, where he met the missionaries the first time in Nimes, just next to us.  Then another accident, and found himself at the hospital just 5 minutes on bus from our appartement!  Real neat.  He's a bro, too.  covered in tats, really funny, loves Jesus and the church and is getting baptized this saturday!  So that's new.

Other than that, I was in Vitrolles and Aix-en-Provence for a few days this past week.  In Vitrolles I got to meet one of their coolest recent converts, an Iranian who moved here about a year ago, and he and his brother both got baptized.  Really cool story, really cool guys, really cool rdv.  Loves Jesus Christ :)

Aix-en-Provence was really fun, too.  It was actually a holiday that day, so there weren't many busses.  So after having a rdv with a real cool guy with a red beard, we headed towards the bus stop to catch a bus out to this place a little ways away to find an ancient ami of about 3 years.  So we headed to the bus, but cuz we were talkin' with people, we just missed it, so instead we decided to walk out there and pass this lady.  We found ourselves at the top of this sweet mountain, like the middle of a rain forest/national park, with a few houses here and there, but it turned out this lady doesn't live there we decided to knock our way down the mountain, and every house we knocked on we got a good conversation in with the people, and a couple turned into lessons, too.  So that was a miracle.  One real cool young family that spoke english with us, and then this reeaaaaalll old lady that needed help with gardening, so they're gonna go help her out soon.  That's what the picture is of, it's Elder Nye in front of some bamboo or something on whatever mountain we were on.  Took a video, too, but the only reason you don't see fun videos of me is cuz it takes waaaaaaaaay long to send them on emails, so I just wait till I send the card.  Sawry.

Other than that, here in Avignon we got to see Jean-Person. We talked about the Book of Mormon with him, cuz it was clear he didn't totally understand everything that was in it.  so we talked kind of about the whole story, when stuff happens, why there are 4 Nephis and why they aren't the same guy.  He really liked it though, and then when he came to church on sunday, they had a real good rdv with him.  I couldn't be there, cuz I got to play piano to help the primary kids for the primary program for mother's day the 31st.  but he seemed to really like it, so that was sweet.

We also got to see Lou, an ami we hadn't really seen for a long time.  She's the one for whom we killed a mouse.  Yeah.  so we saw her, did the Ma Famille booklet, and she loved it, so that was sweet.  She wants to do some stuff on, so we'll do that with her sometime soon.

i didn't get to see Etienne this week, but elder Kimbergt did, on exchange, and he seems to be doing alright.  'Cept that they're baptizing their son into a false church this sunday! ;) but yeah.  We should be seeing them this week again, because I haven't seen him in FOREVER.

We saw Eric a couple times, but weren't able to visit with him because he was always just about to leave.  but he told us when we should pass by and he'll be there, so that should be happening this week.  So.

And that's about the week.  This coming week is MY BIRTHDAY and then also right after that we get iPads!! whooooooooooo. Neat.

Have another good week, tell Sam to not even study for finals, they ain't even a big deal, and give Nana and Poppa a big ol' hug for me when they get there.

Elder Max Liechty

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