Monday, May 4, 2015

Week #86 - Avignon


Moooooooooom (in a groaning kinda tone), the picture is supposed to be of Elder Olivier pretending to be Joseph Smith in the paintings!  I can't believe you didn't get that!  Maybe that's just missionary humor...(Picture from last week...I THOUGHT that was it, but I had to ask:)

So we got plans for mother's day!  But I do need your help.  What time do you have church these days?  Cuz we have a member that can host us, but I need to know when you are home so i know when to Skype you.  So.....

(Birthday question) Maybe just some treats?  But not too many, cuz I'm fat, and I need to be skinny to fit into a french suit before I get home!  But really, I can't think of much.  Maybe just some fun pictures and letters n stuff?  That would rule.  I already have ALMOST enough shark shirts, but the rest could probs wait :)

I don't have a pic of all four of us yet, but we'll get one and I'll send you it!

I'm sorry, this computer place has been real ghetto lately and I'm running out of time already, so I'll try to get this all in.

I'll start with mardi.  We saw our friend Victoria, who works at the pope's palace and speaks english.  We practiced english with her and shared the My Famille booklet with her.  She realy liked it and wants to get hoppin' on her geneology, so that's neat.  Then after that we headed out to orange to see the famile Farina.  We had a real good FHE with them;  We just shared something out of the liahona about being an example for others, nuthin' special, but they all participated, and it really ruled.  Sweet.

Then we've got ourselves mercredi.  Cool things from that day:  We saw Jean-Person (turns out I've been spelling his name wrong for, like, 5 months...), and talked about baptism with him.  He really wants to be baptized, and said he will be, but he's waiting for his calling.  So...we're gonna try to help him understand that God called all of us to be baptized n stuff and how to recieve answers from prayers, and he'll be baptized. Don't know when, but he will.  But it was a real bummer, cuz he didn't come to church this sunday :( we'll see what's up

Then jeudi we had to help the other Elders teach an ami in a ville about an hour away, so that was fun.  She's real cool, but we also helped her move a couple days ater and she's no longer in our area :(  but she did meet the missionaries from Aix (the new area she's in), so that's neat.  Then when we came back we tried to pass a couple less actives with no success.  I actually had forgotten the map (oops), but we kinda remembered where one person lived.  Well, we knew what door/floor she lived on, but we weren't sure which building.  So we knocked on all the doors on that floor in all te buildings around, found some cool people, but not the less active.  Still pretty fun though.  Then when we were coming back, we decided to pass by Eric's house.  We had passed earlier, but he wasn't home, so we passed again. On the way, we ran into this guy who had met the elders in Aix and had given them his number to give to us cuz he's here in Avignon for school break.  looks like we got to him before the Aix elders could get to us!  Neat.  Cool guy.  Then Eric was home!  So we got to teach him, too.

Then vendredi was hilarious. It was a holiday here in france, the only one during the year where there are NO BUSSES.  So we had no busses.  Luckily we did our weekly planning that day, but we still had time to work, so we walked.  And walked.  We walked real far, visited a member who was in the hospital not too long ago, she's doin' fine, then we had our english class, and that went well.  After, when we were walkin' home, one of the english class students drove by and offered us a ride home, so that was neat, cuz we were able to make it home on time!  wooooo!

Then samedi was kinda a weird day.  We had it completely open, 'cept the morning when we helped the ami in that outer ville move (went well, met her tahitian ex-husband who is a less active, too, so that was neat), so we planned to go and try to see all the less actives we could.  We passed just about each one of them, not a single one was home, and we learned that many had moved and don't live there anymore, so that was....great?  It was fun anyway.  The funnest part was when these crazy kids tried to hit us with their car!  Whooooo!  We were in a pretty so-so area, not that bad, though, like, I'd been there before and never had any problems and there's plenty of old people walking around, but for some reason that day all the teenage Algerians were after us.  But we handled it well.  The face I made at them was kinda like this:    :I   And that sure got 'em.  Then we tried to pass some more less actives and didn't find them either :)  but, like, it was still a pretty good day

Dimanche was also neat.  We had lots of people at church, so that was nice ('cept our man J-P).  but the coolest was after church.  We had a fun branch council, and then we hit the streets to find some people to teach.  We met some cool people on the streets, including an ancient ami's boyfriend who's pretty cool.  And then when we were coming back in the evening, we were waitin' for the bus and started talking with this lady sitting there.  She recognized us because she takes the same bus as us every sunday morning, and I recognized her, too.  She thought it was silly how we ran every morning to catch the correspondance for the church. Ha.  But we ended up teaching her a restoration lesson on the bus, so that was neat;  She's real nice, and we had given away our only LdM that day, so we promised her one the next sunday.  YEah.

And that was the week.  Kinda weird cuz we didn't see our amis that much.  Etienne kinda disappeared for a second, but he's back and we should be seeing him tomorrow!  he was out of town working for a little and they're moving, too, so we're gonna help them with that.  anyway.

Weather's nice.

So yeah.  Let me know ASAP about the church hours, but i should be able to Skype you whenver you are available!

I love you a lot, all

Elder Max liechty


I've already started to try to serve him in little ways, and each time I do, I've seen it's really helpful.  Sometimes I'm just too caught up in myself to really help the guy out, or i really want to do what I've planned.  I think the problem is that I started out trying the "fix" the guy, cuz when President called me at the beginning of last transfer he went on for about 5 minutes telling me about all Elder K's little issues, so i was dead set on fixing him.  But I was way off, and I actually just needed to show him lots of love and be real nice and let him know that someone cares, because he's got a pretty difficult family life and all that.  So it's been cool to try to change my attitude around and just love the man.

the mission rules, dad.  I'm real happy that I'm here and that I've met all the people that I have.  just tryin' to meet more, if you catch my drift.

I love you a lot dad!  I'll see you THIS SUNDAY!!!!

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