Monday, December 29, 2014

Week #68 - Christmas in Avignon

Breakfast sausage

I have no idea

Christmas shark socks

Mom and the rest!

I love you all!

It was super great to see you, and it was the best.  to see you.  It was cool, because instead of being kinda homesick afterwards, I just felt happy and uplifted and ready to go again.  that was nice.

But I forgot.  I was gonna play the nose whistle for you, because I've been getting preeeeettttty dang good at it, but, eh, I forgot to.  Sorry.  Maybe next time.

The day after, though, all that was going through my head was "whoa.  Zach is getting married." Like, not all day, but when we had some down time like lunch n dinner and right before bed, I was like "whoa.  Zach is getting married."

They went to san fran for the honeymoon, eh?  Fuuuuuuuuuun.  I went there with my family once.

Since I just talked to you, I thought I'd just send you the highlights from the week:


And that's it.  Love you!


Christmas.  Christmas was reeaaallly really fun.  I was kinda bummed we didn't have rdvs fixed with members all day, but I think this ended up being one of the best Christmases of my life, and definitely the best one of my mission.  Probably of my life, yeah.  We found a place in centre ville to go play the guitar and sing for people, and it was pretty good, and we met some cool guys, but it was going kind of slow.  Then we walked around to find a new place, and found this sweeeet place right in the middle of the Christmas market where people were flowing in and out like a river, and there were no open shops around so we weren't breaking any rules :)  we played there for an hour or so, probably closer to two, and we got some real cool contacts.  this lady from Salt Lake was there, too, and she tried to give us money, so I don't know if she was a member :)  We had a sign up that said "Ne pas donner, mais prenez un cadeau!"  So people wouldn't give us money, but we filled the guitar case up with booklets and pass along cards, and we gave all of them away :)  Then I skyped my famille.  also I got a bunch of shark shirts for christmas, and that was sick.  It was buns freezing out, but the spirit of christmas kept us warm as we tried to make people happy all day.  fun times

the next couple days we were occupied with the assistants because we had to exchange a washing machine, but now we have a better washing machine, so that's nice.

We had some delicious meals with members, and also a really cool rdv with our ami Etienne.  He told us that his work problem should be resolved around 5 juillet because that's when his boss is making hour changes, so we're praying real hard for that.  We had also planned on inviting him to learn how to read with some members or something, because while he speaks fine, he never learned to read.  But he brought it up before we even could, so that was real cool.  It was a really spiritual rdv where we all learned a lot, and Etienne is getting super pumped.  We're praying really hard that everything works out.

We also saw Jean-Personne after church on sunday, and he was doing alright.  We found out though that he thinks the BoM is boring and that he can't learn much from it, and that the commandments aren't too important.  It was kind of frustrating and scary when he said that, because we really want him to progress, and we know he can.  But we talked for a good while about his concerns, and we were able to respond to most of his problems, and invited him to figure out a few of them himself by trying them out.  Testimony is what saved that rdv.  So that was a cool day.

And that's just about the week.  Well, at least the coolest parts of the week.  Well, also we got to see our friend André, played some christmas music with him, and that was nice.

Overall it was a really good week, mostly cuz of Christmas :)

Here's our Christmas photos, and also the Christmas breakfast.

Love you!  See you again on Mother's Day!

Elder Max Liechty

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