Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week #64 - Muret...will he stay or will he go?


How are you?  Were you scared that I wouldn't write you?  Yeah.  You were.

We had a service project most of yesterday and then a rdv in the evening, so, like, we got permission to move pday to today.  So.

A few things:

No need to vomit, got the package, opened all the presents already.  I'm kidding.  But I did get the package.  THANKS

I'm going to have to deny the wedding invitation, I don't think I can make it.  I'll try to skype with you guys the day before, but, no promises.

Do you remember Adam Packer?  Well now he is the assistant to the prez in his mission, and he's in the ward of one of the elders in my mission and he said to say hi!  Also, could you in any way maybe find his email?  I've tried it all, but I don't think his is one of the normal ones because it never goes through.  Well.  Anyway.

I was thinking.  It's really really cold.  Could I have some thermal garments, please?  I've become a weenie after this last hottest summer of my life.  Also, dryer sheets.  I know that's kind of silly, but they don't have them in france, and I was thinking they could help with how gosh dang wrinkly and stiff french clothes get when you dry them.

Also, did you know James Taylor sang with the MoTab?  It was a while ago, and well, I'm gonna bring it up with the big guy in Lyon and see if I can't listen to it.  I'll keep you updated.

No more bloody noses for the Hasker.

This last week we taught 2 lessons....I think my record in Muret is about 6.  This week we have a few lined up, so, we'll be seeing.  It's true it's not a huge lesson ville, but, eh, that can change!


Lundi was kind of lame.  We had pday and all, a fine time, but that evening we were in the apartment doing weekly planning because somehow we didn't get around to it last week.....well....so that was the day.  That's also the day it started getting cold...

But the next day was better!  We got to check out the He is the Gift website in the morning to really explore it and get ready to share it with members.  It's so good.  Such a good thing.  And like you, I tear up a little when I watch it, so I'm probably right up there next to you on the Celestial scale :)  Then we got to see Frère Déjean, had a good spiritual thought about gratitude with him.  That was good.  This is also the day that I found out Frank Sinatra is on our mission CD.  Yeah

Then mercredi.  This was a great day.  We had french class in the morning, and then Fr. Vantonder who teaches us agreed to help us teach Sylvie right after.  He also made us lunch :)  He's an angel.  Our rdv with Sylvie went really well, we talked about prophets and following them n whatnot.  I shared your story about the earrings, I hope you don't mind :)  Then we came on home, called some people, talked to some strangers, ladeeda.  And that evening we got to see some members!  We shared the restoration with them and also the He is the Gift.  Unfortunately, it wasn't working on their computer...but they were really excited for it, so that was cool.  They also gave us food to take home, so we had a totally free eating day.  Nice.  And also that famille will be blessed for their niceness.

Jeudi was district meeting and THANKSGIVING.  However, there was a train strike this whole week, so it was really hard to get around, so we showed up to district meeting an hour late.........but we got stuff in anyway, and also afterwards went out to eat kébabs with a member for tgvg lunch.  Mmmmmmmmm.  After that we came on home, talked to a few strangers on the way again, and prez asked us to take some time to really think about what we are grateful for, and how we can be more grateful.  So we took that time, and made some sweet goals.  And then that evening chez les Crouets.  Not a real tgvg meal, but instead it was amazing raclette.  Mmmmmmmmmmm lots of cheese n meat n pickles n french stuff.  that was awesome.  Then ward council over the phone right after.  Aw yeah.

Then vendredi.  It started out as a day with absolutely nothing.  However, we made a few calls, and were able to share the He is the Gift video with two members and also got a lesson in.  yeah.  that was a miracle day.  As soon as we fixed all those rdvs, we started our new made goal to be more grateful and just had a prayer of gratitude.  Cuz that would've been a really hard day with absolutely nothing planned...it was a really good time.  Very good day.  He is the Gift is still amazing.

Then we got samedi.  We got surprised called into service in the morning, and that was really fun.  It was like home, taking a bunch of leaves and branches and throwing them into the back of the truck.  There was no stompy the leaf monkey this time, but there was a member up in the truck stomping the sticks down.  So that was a good time.  Also saw a baby hedgehog that day.  Yeah.  After that we were supposed to have a rdv with a less active in Seysses, but she called to say she couldn't.  I'm just happy she called, otherwise we woulda gone out and probaly would have had to come straight back, because there weren't any busses.  Anyway, we afterwards went with Fr. Déj and Jean claude on a nature walk which they do several times a week for their hearts :)  it was really fun, and we also learned that Jean Claude doesn't smoke at all when they do the walks, the entire day no cigars. He normally smokes 10 a day!  So that was a miracle learned that day.  We congradulated him and invited him to do it again.  We'll see them soon, so we'll follow up on that.

Dimanche was dimanche, you know.  Travelling, church, more travelling.  some members were so kind as to give make us some salad and also bring some yule logs, and that was awesome.  It was also the primary program!  It was really really adorable.  good church time.

Then yesterday we had service helping Malika, a recent convert, and her husband move.  We started at 9 am and we finished around 4 pm because they had a bunch of really huge stuff that we had to put upstairs.  My arms still hurt, but it's not a huge problem.  After that we came home and changed and then got up n out to Seysses to see our less active for real this time, cuz she had refixed for today.  The rdv was awesome, Malika's husband helped us out, because he served his mission in Vegas and this less active sister speaks english cuz she's from Trinidad n Tobago.  The rdv was sweet.  We shared the He is the Gift video with her and her daughter, and they both commited to share it.  Yes.  good.  Then we came on home and ate a yummy dinner and that was the end.

Now we are here today.  And voila.

I'm excited to see you all in a few weeks, and also to find out this weekend if I'm being transferred or not!  aye!  Part of me would enjoy staying but the other part is kinding of saying ENOUGH.  We'll see :)

I love you all!

Elder Max Liechty

Elder Haskin, Frere DeJean. and Jean claude

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