Monday, December 15, 2014

Week #66 - Avignon

Max's new address:
Les Missionnaires
Elder Max Liechty
L'Orée des Remparts
1171 rue de l'Aérodrome
84140 Montfavet


Avignon is great

1.  I love Elder Beck.  I told you he was an indie band singer, right?  Well we've been getting along pretty dang well.  His sense of humor is top notch, he's handsome, talented, kind of reminds me a lot of myself :)  But serious.  It's a real good time.  This is just his second transfer, and less than that really because last transfer was only 4 weeks!

2.  The new apartment.  It was infested with cockroaches, but now it's a little better.  There are four of us, and it was pretty gross when i arrived......but it's starting to get better with some nightly cleaning.

3.  Drive?  Come on mom.  This isn't some US mission.  We walk and take buses everywhere here.  there are a few cities to go to by train, but it's mostly accesible by city bus

4.  Haven't had the big conference yet!  That's next week!  I'll let you know

5.  You're probably gonna have a boring time and not even have fun for Christmas, am I right?

6.  This new area is difficult because there are SO MANY PEOPLE I don't know what to do.  I want to try to stop 'em all, because we could try to do that in Muret no problem.  You stop everyone there and you've talked to like 15 people.  But here the streets are pretty full sometimes, and so I don't really know what to do, and I feel weird just walkin' by people.  Eh.  It was like that in Bordeaux, too.  I'll get used to it

7.  I do miss Muret.  I knew it like the back of my hand, and here I'm LOST

8.  We do have more (people to teach), it is bigger (the town), we don't have to be in at 6 (like they do in Marseille).  It's not dangerous like Marseille, don't worry :)

9.  It's a branche, but pretty good size, about 60 people.  They're good people, too. I met most of 'em on sunday and one or two during the week, and I like 'em.

You never told me where Sierra is going !

Check out this week.

I told you about most of mardi already, but after emails we went to go have a lesson with our ami, but, uh, we got lost because neither of us really knew where to go.  So we didn't end up seeing him....(we saw him later) and that was kind of the end of the day.  But it was a good day, cuz o the two lessons earlier on!  Yeah

Then mercredi we hit the streets hard.  Talked to a bunch o people, and that was kind of when I realized this is gonna be different.  Too many people.  Not as many people as Bordeaux, but WAY more people than Muret.  I got to see a little bit of the outer cities that day, too, we knocked some of them doors.  And that evening I met the DMB, Fr. Lacombe and his wife and we had our RCM meeting.  So that was fun.  Good people

The next day we were able to fix a rdv with our ami we were supposed to see a few days ago :) and it was SWEET.  We found out where he lives, so that's already sick, and then the lesson went very well.  We engaged him to baptism on the 10 of january, ALRIGHT.  His only problem right now is that he works the graveyard shift, including sunday mornings, so he can't make it to church.  He's supposed to be talking to his boss about that right about now, so if you could pray that his boss's heart will be softened and that they might figure out a good schedule that can help him get to church, too, that would be awes.  Thanks.  After that rdv, we went straight on up to Lyon for our bleu's conference.  A good long train ride.  Not as long as this coming week's, though.  All the way to Bordeaux, a good 8 hours or so :)

Then vendredi was bleu's conference, got to see some of my old pals who were also training again.  We watched this sweet video of Elder Eyring and Elder Holland going hard in the paint about consecration and missionary work.  About how we can't give up when it's hard, because Jesus didn't give up when He accomplished the HARDEST task ever.  We show our appreciation to Him by not giving up, and seeking His help that He's already offering us.  That was cool.  After that, before we got on the train ride home, we went caroling in this big place in Lyon.  Met this people giving free hugs, and it was a little awkward, because it was a woman, and that's not alllowed!  Luckily there was guy, too, so we gave him a big ol hug.  They were doing those fun social projects like Caity did in psychology.

Samedi when we were back, we weekly planned and tried to figure out this city, because both of us are pretty new.  We dug through the area book and organized it and now we're gonna hit it HARD this week.  That evening we went out and chatted with some real neat people in the street that like Christmas, and some that don't like it so much.  People who like Christmas are normally nicer :)

Dimanche was real fun.  We had church, and the guy we had seen on tuesday, we had invited to church.  AND HE CAME.  He and his girlfriend (he's, like, 70 with a girlfriend, it's kinda silly).  the members loved it, too.  Everyone was surprised!  We were not expecting it at all.  We had invited him, and he had said probably, and he did.  He's a real cool guy.  Hopefully we can see him again!  After church, we went over to the branch president's home, and he has one of the COOLEST homes I've seen.  And he collects antiques and insects, because he's really, really rich.  So he showed us all that, we had an amazing dinner, and then afterwards they took us out to this thing that is kind of like the Festival of Trees, but it's with nativities.  Some of the neatest little sceneries you'd ever done seen, and some of the most random paraphanilia, too.  That was a good day.  Avignon is cool.

Now today.  We hard core cleaned the floor today, checked out Avignon a little, and that's it.

SO SKYPE.  We are going to a members home on Christmas evening time, she said whenever, so I say we do it same time as last year?  I think it was at 18h chez moi and 10h chez you guys.  If that works LET ME KNOW and I'll try to let you know if anything changes.  Thunks :)

Here's some of the nativity stuff (it's called a "crèche") and also the wall around Avignon.  Sweeeeet

Elder Max Liechty

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