Monday, January 5, 2015

Week #69 - Avignon and New Years



New Years was fun.  We didn't do much, cuz we're missionaries.  We left glasses of water next to our beds and set an alarm for 0h and woke up and took a sip and crashed again, but that was about it.  Here in Avignon there were no fireworks, or at least in our little corner.  And YES, I have heard of that movie, in French it's called Invincible, and I'd heard of the book n stuff too, Mr. Birrell told us about it.  It sounds siiiiick.

The shark cards.  I want them.  I mean, like, normally some other missionary will have the face cards, and maybe it would be best to keep them mint condition back home, so....I'll let you decide this one :)

Is JEN conference for Jazz Band?  Is it not in Monterey this year?  Wut?  I don't even know anything any more.  I'm so ooooolllldddd.

So get this, this week was pretty fun.

Lundi night we were out trying to pass some less actives and ancient amis, and it was BUNS COLD OUT.  It was so cold.  The wind was all up in our grills and it was just cold.  We didn't end up finding either of the people home, we knocked some doors, talked for a little with some people, but most of them said it was just too dang cold to keep the door open for us.  Welp.  It was fun, anyway, and I've heard that every time you contact in the freezing cold your wife loses ten pounds.  that's just what I was told, I'd have no idea.

The next day was fun, we went to have lunch with a member, she's a single sister with a bunch of kids, so all four missionaries went over, and it was very, very fun.  She's tahitian, so she made a boat load of food, very tasty, too, and she was so happy to have us over.  It had been a real long time since she had had the missionaries over, and so she teared up a little bit just while we were sitting there.  That was cool.  After that, we went to go pass some people, don't remember if any of them where home or not, i don't think so, but we got to meet some neat people in the streets.

Then comes NEW YEARS EVE.  We were actually in Marseille for the day (that's the pictures) because of district meeting, and that was fun.  We did a white elephant gift exchange, I gave away this sweeeeeet lion tie I got for 2 euros and a lion king book for 50 cents, and in return I got some tasty chocolats, peanut butter, and.....finger nail polish....I used it to paint a bunch of stuff on my desk, but not my fingers, don't worry.  That evening we went passing some pals again, and it came to the mind to pass this guy we hadn't seen in a real long time.  We passed him, he was home, and we had a good rdv with him!  It was really, really cool.  His name's Eric, and he's super into Bob Dylan and other 60s music, so he's cool.  that was neat.  It's actually even more neat, because normally the missionaries would pass him on friday because he doesn't work, but we had been gone the past four fridays and hadn't been able to pass him!  turns out he had been pretty dang busy the past month or so, so he wouldn't have been able to see us anyway.  So that worked out nicely!

Then we got ourselves NEW YEARS DAY.  It's already 2015!  Wow!  Can you believe I started my mission in 2013?  Nuts.  So that day our DMB invited us over to eat, and it was tasty tacos.  That night we were out contacting, and we met two really, really cool guys.  One named Aaron from Florida (aw yeah, good ol 'murican), and the other Florian (if I remember correctly) who wanted to go get Dr. Peppers with us, but everything was closed cuz it's New Years.  But he was cool anyway, we had a nice discussion, made a friend, so it was worth it.
And then that night.  that night was what we might call "the purge."  We though the cockroach problem was dying down a little, but NOPE.  the other elders got home just before us and found a million and went on a killing spree, followed by a cleaning everything in the apartmet spree.  We set up all the cockroach traps we had and killed anything that moved.  It was fun.

Next up was vendredi.  We got to see Jean-Personne and talk with him a little.  He's doing alright, still doesn't really want to live the commandments.  Then that night we got to see Natalie, we teach her english, with Josué, a member that helps us and also is learning english.  Basically we spent this whole lesson talking about english idioms, like "stick in the mud" and "beating a dead horse" n stuff like that.  Natalie loves to laugh, and she's kind of a lonely older lady, so we just have a real good time with that.

Then on samedi we had a birthday party of sorts for a member at the church.  It was really neat, because in attendance was her less active little brother and also a nonmember family friend who was currently living with them.  Both of whom I'd met before, and it was really really cool to see them again.  That was about the whole evening, too.  Really fun, and I'm glad the less active brother and the friend were there, cuz they had a good time, and it was at the church, now when they think church, they'll think "good times" and want to be baptized or reactivated or whatever.

Then dimanche was a reeeeaaall good'n.  After church we went out to pass some friends, and we actually taught a lesson with a guy on the street, and he said when we're in avignon, he'll probably be there, so we can call to meet up anytime.  really, really cool guy.  Then we got to see André again, too.  Played some guitar with him, talked about changing and new years n stuff.  He also invited us over another time to record some songs, because he's got some stuff for that, so we might just do that some time!  Whooo!

Now today, we're headed out to TOULOUSE!!!! wooooooo!! back on home.  To do legality and finally be legal in france again.  Well, I'm legal, I just don't have the cool card that says I am.

Hey.  Have you gotten my package yet?  It has the SD card in it, soooooo I hope you get it!  aye aye aye!


Elder Max Liechty

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