Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week #65 - AVIGNON!!

Max's new address:
Les Missionnaires
Elder Max Liechty
L'Orée des Remparts
1171 rue de l'Aérodrome
84140 Montfavet


Big old surprise, huh?  Yeah.  I left Muret.  We thought about not writing until tomorrow just to scare you out of your pants, but then decided against it.


Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse, on y danse.  Look it up.  You'll find it to be familiar :)

What the crap?  Sierra Mayes is going on a mission?  NO ONE TOLD ME THAT THAT'S SO COOL!!! Where is she going?

Jean-Claude never looks happy, but he's always very content.

I've heard a lot about Meet the Mormons, but not actually a lot.  Is it good?  Maybe we get to watch it, who knows!

That ornament is SICK.  Yes.  Yes yes yes yes yes.

I'm mediums.  I think that's how they do it.  That's how they did it when I was there.  If it's changed, I'm around a 31 or 32 or something waist.  I think.  I'm french now.  Things are metric here.

DL was fun.  Really fun.  Just because I had the easiest district with the least amount of worries, so that was nice.  And no, I don't have to stay when I move, so now I'm not. Pfew.  It wasn't actually that much work, and it was fun, but arranging exchanges and sending numbers in on sunday night are the WORST.

We go to a store called Lidl normally.  It's german, and it's like Aldi.  They have a bakery in it, because it's france.  Sometimes we go to real bakeries n stuff for fun, but their too expensive to go too often.

My motivation is good :)  After four in muret, it was getting tough, but it was still good.  New ville always pumps you up again, though.  We saw some sweet things happen today in Avignon, them first day miracles.  But yes.  My motivation is fine :)  I pray for it every day

No dentist.  En plus, the french hate the dentist.

My gut is fine.  If I eat too much lactose products, it's not.  But right now it's fine.

I could probably go for some face soap in the next package.  I'm fine right now, but, like, why not.

I was so close to breaking the Muret record.  BUT I DIDN'T EVEN TIE IT.  Two weeks short of tying it because of the short transfer.  Bums.  I'll just break the Avignon record instead :)


Please forgive me I did not bring my planner from last transfer...

After pday on mardi, our bus managed to take us TWO HOURS to get from toulouse to muret (normally takes 20 minutes), so we got home a lot later than normal, ran to frère déjeans home for our rdv, and that was about the night.  We knocked a few doors, but honestly only a few this time.  We got all bold with Jean Claude on the word of wisdom, so I hope they keep working with him now that I'm peaced out.

The next day...we had french class in the morning, then Jean-Marc and Séverine, then I'm pretty sure we saw Jérome, too.  I'm so sorry, this is a stinky mail.  

Jeudi was fun, I was on exchange in Muret, and we taught a boat load of lessons in thes tree I DID LEGALITY.  That's what I did.  Yesterday.  Elder Olsen came from Lyon and we did legality together in the morning.  That's it.  So back to jeudi, we had a boat load of lessons in the STREET not thes tree.  And we also got a lesson with an ancient ami, and that was really cool.  It was a day filled with christmas cheer, because we started using this christmas questionnaire Elder Olsen made up.  It was cool.

Then we got our CALLS.  Learned I was going to Avignon, getting Elder Beck, from New York.  And he loves Bob Dylan.  He was in a couple indie bands in New York, and I'm pretty sure he's got some CDs out, I'll let you know.  You can listen and tell me if they're any good.

So that day was mostly just packing, because after being in Muret for a while, all my stuff was spread out throughout the apartment (neatly, and put away, but everywhere), so it took a looooooong time to pack up.

Then district meeting the next day.  Went on exchange with Elder Rellaford, where we went to a baptism of the chinese elders, Jérome came, cool.  Then, on our way back to Muret, we realized there weren't any trains (this whole week had been train strike...) so we went back to toulouse and did work there instead.  Yeah.  Neat.  We met some cool people because of the He is the Gift initiative.  SO COOL.

Then sunday, we came home.  The last song I heard in the Toulouse metro was "Brick House" by the Commodores, that was a tender mercy.  Then some members took us to church, because there weren't trains......then all the members cried their eyes out that I was leaving because I was the best missionary in the ward.  I have a bunch of pictures of all my friends, but I can't send you all of them, because I have too many.  But really, it was a good time, chatting with members, saying good bye.  Then we got to go to some members' home that evening, the Urbanis.  Turns out they lived in Avignon and they knew everythiing about it!  yeah!  so that was really, really fun.  I also got a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet cake recipe I'll have to make for you some day.

The next day was transfer day.  We went out for these delicious kebabs with the coolest member from Toulouse, Frère Van Tonder.  So tasty.  That's the picture.  The other picture is Elder Rellaford and I in our pajamas after an exchange jumping on the bed. And also the urbanis is the other photo. Anyway, so I came to Avignon.  Voila.

Today was really cool.  We got around centre ville a little bit, taught a lesson with a random lady, we have a rdv tonight, and we were late to do emails BECAUSE; we had another cool rdv miracle.  We ran into this guy randomly who invited us in, gave us to drink, and then it turns out he plays all the instruments in the world and so we played together and talked about Jesus and that was really really fun.  That was really cool.  Super cool.  Yeah.

so I'm here.  I was sad to leave Muret, she cried when I left, just like Narbonne.  But here I am in Avignon, where the pope used to live.  It's also surrounded by a SWEET castle wall.  Yeah.  France.  I'm excited for this new start and yeah.  All that.  I had a good time in Muret, I'm gonna miss it.

AND I LOVE YOU.  I love you a lot

Elder Max Liechty

Delicious kebabs

The Urbani's

Elder Rellaford and Max....jumping

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