Monday, November 24, 2014

Week #63 - Muret

zone training

driving the train



Yeah, the tummy was that bad...let's not talk about it... :)

The mustache was one of the other elders halloween candy that he gave us.  It was grape flavored, and a reeeeaaally weird texture, not actually sure I was supposed to eat it...

I didn't get the box yet, I'm still waiting!

Frère Déjean is doing great :)  We cleaned his house again, and he's very grateful for that.  But I think he needs more interaction with members during the week, but, eh, it's France :)

And there was Sylvie's baptism not too long ago, and Mary-Jane's, both doing very well.  They've both given talks already and have callings, and are very active.  So no worries there!

As for this week, it was really fun.  Lots of stuff got done.  Check it ooooouuuuutt.

So pday was fun, afterwards we went on a passing route, passing old amis that we found in the area book, with a goal to pass them and then knock ten doors around each ami.  We were only able to pass one, because she ended up living real far away, but we passed by, she said come on back, and then the first door we knocked by her house also said come on back.  Not the door, but the lady behind the door.  So that was a really successful evening.  Nice.

The next day was succesful and miraculous.  We went out to Seysses to pass a less active sister who we had been trying to see for a very long time.  We had run into her at the grocery store forever ago, and tried to fix so many rdvs.  So we just laid it down and decided to pass her instead of calling her.  After taking forever to find her home, we found it, and she wasn't home.  So we called one more time, nothin'.  Then the elders in Toulouse called, and we talked about some plans over the phone for a little, and we were just standing there in her driveway while this was happening.  Then she pulled in.  Had we not gotten that call, we probably woulda missed her, and woulda been a real bummer.  But instead of being a real bummer, it was a real miracle!  Then because she lives so far away, there were no busses returning, so we walked home :)  Not the first time I've walked home from that ville, so not a huge deal

Then I went on exchange in Toulouse with Elder Andersen.  It was a good time.  WE got to teach some of his amis that are absolutely golden.  The wife met the church a very long time ago when she was a young woman, and is ready to be baptized.  The husband is really spiritually sensitive, too.  So that was sweet.  They'll probably be baptized pretty soon.  After that we had planned to pass this guy, and, well, it ended up being really late, and we were trapped in his ville really late, and he wasn't even there.  So it was kind of a bummer.  But the train back home had the conducter's cabin open on the back, so we pretended to drive, and it was fun :) don't worry, there wasn't anyone watching us thinking we were some kind of goof-off nonesense church :)

The next day was back in Muret, another exchange with Elder Mattinson.  But first, we had zone training.  Get this.  The church came out with this new initiative for the christmas season.  Get this.  It's called "He is the Gift."  and you need to go to, I think it opens to the public this weekend.  It's awesome.  It's just as good, and then better than the Because of Him.  Yeah.  And there's all this stuff you can do, too, to be good missionaries at home!  Yay!  So anyway, we cleaned Fr. Déjean's home that day, it's almost kind of clean now!  Then that evening we knocked on some doors.  The first neighborhood we got to was just a bunch of really , really old people that got mad at us, so we moved on, and found a new neighborhood where everyone was eating at that time, but they were cool hip young families, and they said to come back!  Cool.

The next day some things went down, and elder Haskin had a bloody nose, and so the nurse said not to go out until it finished, and it lasted for, like, a million hours.  But I got to go out that morning a little bit with Elder Mattinson and teach this girl from Alabama.  It was in english, and it was hard, because I don't remember english anymore.  Then we got home, had a lesson fall through, and then started our weekly planning, and, well, elder haskin'ts nose starting bleeding again :)  He's fine now, though :)

Samedi was real cool.  We got to see Sr. Labernede, and that was sweet.  She loves the missionaries, and also wants her nonmember daughter to be baptized.  And en plus, the daughter WANTs to be baptized, too.  It's just that, well, they have a hard time coming to church, and also her exhusband is against the daughter being baptized. Well.  We'll say lots of prayers for that.  Then we had a thanksgiving activity that night in Toulouse, and it went really really well.  We were all dressed up like pilgrims and indians, but I don't have the photos. I'll try to get them from someone else.  Anyway, the evening was really really good, lots of people showed up, and we were dang hilarious.  We did a skit.  yeah.

Then sunday was classic.  Church.  Got lots done.  A member even invited us over for thanksgiving!  yay!  Not american or anything, there probably won't even be turkey, but still!  We'll teach those frenchies what it means to be grateful.

So anyway.  This was a good week, and we've got some good times lined up for next week.  Also, next week is the primary program!  yay!

So yeah.  Look up He is the Gift.

Love you.

Elder Max Liechty

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