Monday, October 27, 2014

Week #59 - Muret


1. first district meeting was really FUN.  Zone leaders were there for it, too, so that was a good time.  It's a good thing I'm best friends with the ZLs, otherwise it would have been reeeeeaaaaallly stressful.  But basically I just spent the first half of my weeks studies on preparing for district meeting.

5.  We have not had a primary program in this ward yet, hopefull soon!  There was a child's baptism yesterday, though, and the primary sang at the end and that was adorable.

I've never even heard of Alexander and the Terrible Horrible Very Bad No Good Day.  What was that about?

I got the halloween package!  Thunks :) So what they do is when you send it, they send a text warning us that it's coming, and then we get it a few days later.  It was awesome.  I still love that selfie picture of you guys :)

So, our cool cyber cafe is down for repairs right now, so we're in this really dinky one, and the USB ports don't always work, so I'm not sure I can send photos yet.  We will see.

Okay it worked :)

Also, I thought of more things for the christmas package :)  I thought of RUNTS, and also blueberry muffin mix, like, that betty crocker stuff.  Mmmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmm.

So this week!

Lundi was really fun, because we got to do an FHE with our bishop and his famille.  They wanted Elder Haskin to teach the restoration all by himself, so that was fun.  In the mean time, we tried to control their wild children, more wild than any children you have ever seen.  It was really fun.  At the end, we invited them to pray again about the truth of the LdM, and to write their testimonies in a LdM after doing so, and to think of someone they could share it with.  So we'll be doing some suivi on that bientôt.

The next day was neat.  We got out to Auterive to pass by some members, and were able to see two of them!  One of them we had a nice little chat, and learned that he's been trying to do some missionary work with some pals, and we offered our help, and he accepted.  We also learned his really really cool conversion story.  This same day, I challenged the elders in Concorde to text us everytime they saw a miracle, and we would do the same.  Then we challenged each other to reach a total of 40 miracles seen.  We ended up with 51 miracles/blessings seen that day, and they were really cool.  It was an awesome day.  I decided that had we gone through the day, written down the numbers at the end and looked back, it would have been a really lame day.  But because of this miracle searching, it was such a cool day.  Yeah.

The next day I was in Toulouse on exchange.  We were able to teach two of their amis, both new, both awesome.  One of them came up to those guys and said "hey, I don't want to take to much of your time, but I'm looking for a church, and I over heard you talking to someone else, and I think it's yours" and so that was neat.  The other guy was just a normal contact, and now he has a baptismal date.  Miracles are being seen.  Also, Elder Rellaford and I ate an entire loaf of bread for dinner and then took pictures with light sabers.

After that was DISTRICT MEETING.  That was a really good time.  We talked about unity, and the Spirit was there to guide us to know how we can work better together.  Sweet.  Then afterwards I was on exchange AGAIN in Toulouse, this time with the Zone Leaders, and that was so much fun.  AND.  In Muret, miracles were seen that day, too.  This lady came up to us a while ago asking if we were the Freres Mormons, and we said yeah, exchanged info, and ladida.  So we fixed a rdv with her, she lives FOREVER away, and so that was fun for them.  They learned that she has been meeting with missionnaires for a really long time, and even had the entire works of the LDS church, not just the LdM, and already has a testimony about all that.  That was super neat.  So, the next time we see her, we're gonna probably invite her to be baptized.  She had lost contact with the missionnaires for a while because she moved.  Anyway, back in Toulouse, we found a member's home deep in centre ville, and he hadn't had the missionaires chez lui for a really long time, if ever, and he was very touched by our visit.  Good times.

The next day was pretty lame.  We switched back off, we were supposed to have a rdv in Auterive again, but that didn't go through.  So, while we were waiting, I decided it was time to text everyone in the phone that I'd never heard of and invite them to an activity.  From this texting binge, I received a bunch of "who is this?" texts in return, along with a bunch of "not tonight, but next time!" so that made it worth it.  Some people even called back and asked when the next activity was or if we could see each other another time.  So that was so fun.  We were just sitting there and getting texts for like an hour and a half straight.  Then the activity that night was really fun, I had an eating competition with a recent convert, we ate an entire bag of potato chips together, and then had a popcorn competition, too.  I totally won both, but if you ask Mary-Jane, she would say I cheated.  I didn't.

After that, we have samedi.  We had planned to go out to this distant city and knock all the doors, because it was a really small city, but by the time we got out there, we realized that if we wanted to make it home on time, we'd have to leave right away.  So.  eh.  It was a really, really long walk, and we made it home safely.  Luckily it wasn't a total waste of time, because we talked to some real neatos on the way there, and also fixed a rdv with an old guy we used to see all the time but haven't seen for a while to play pétanque with him.  So I'm excited.  We'll see how that goes.

The next day was chooorch.  The metro line was broken in the morning, so we had to walk from the train station to the church, which wasn't too bad, but it's still so HOT.  It's october and it's just HOT.  But not as hot as it used to be, so that's alright.  Afterwards there was the baptism, all went well, and they showed the Joseph Smith movie from the 1960s or whatever, and it was so fun.  I'd seen it before, but it's still hilarious and really great.

Anyway, yes, we are allowed to watch the Mormon messages.  I love them.  I love the one about the guy with the video in Goblin Valley.  That one is sweet.  There's another one, you might've watched it, about not looking at what we haven't done and looking rather at what we were able to accomplish.  That one was sweet.  There's this part where the mom forgets to turn on the oven and says "shoot shoot shoot" and it made me think of you :)  But that one's really good, because, like, what happened on mardi, when we looked back on the all the miracles we saw and not looking at all the lessons we didn't have or baptisms or whatnot, life was that much better.  Very cool.

" love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU" - Buddy the Elf
I love you,
Elder Max Liechty

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