Monday, October 20, 2014

Week #58 - Muret


For a second there, I thought you were french! Woooowwwiieeee

1.  The first district meeting is this thursday, so, I'll let you know how that goes.  So no, I haven't had to teach a lesson in a DL meeting yet.  But soon!

2.  Right now, yeah, still planning on BYU.  I'll make sure I tell Nate he's made a mistake :)  But seriously, though.  I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think my plan is gonna stick with BYU.

3.  ... No response.  But, with you, I'm pretty sure it's the end of July.  "And that's all I have to say about that" - Forest Gump (I was wondering if he knew when he'd be coming home so I could make school plans)

So much marriage.  'Tis the season? Heh heh, yeeaaaaahhhhhhh.

I know that road, because that's where Jacen, Bobby and I went van camping that one time.  But I never went up those rocks.  Went up some other rocks some other time, so I know what you mean when you say it's no fun :)

If you're really gonna miss LP marching band, you should sign up for director or something.  That would be really fun


what are some thanksgiving songs?  They put me in charge of translating thanksgiving songs for an activity, and then I realized that I don't know any, except Thankful by Josh Groban.  So.  Could you please send me some and the lyrics? (does anyone know any Thanksgiving songs?!?)

Also, I saw an ad for a new Danny Radcilffe movie called Horns.  WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT.  It basically looks like a younger version of Hellboy.

Mom check out this week, it was a neat one.

It started out with us on lundi.  We did street boarding as a district, and it was really fun.  It always starts out kind of slow, and I'm not really looking forward to contacting people for two hours straight in the same place, but it's always really cool.  We talked to this guy who looked like Johnny Depp, and he was pretty neat.  Talking to people that long always reminds me the importance of making each contact personal, and just opening your mouth and letting the Lord fill it, because otherwise you're saying the same thing to people for two hours and it gets really boring and most of the time people say no.  So I always end up liking street boarding :)

The next day we were able to see Sylvie, the first time since she was baptized since she was with her mother for the last little bit.  Still a member!  Still active! :)  We talked about all the blessings we have seen thanks to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  Then, after that, we went down to Foix to see our friend Dayana.  She ended up being in this rdv for longer than she had planned, so we talked to the people in the streets.  We met this really neat guy, who was very very friendly and we had a nice long discussion with him.  He asked me to friend him on facebook, too, so, we'll get around to that.  But he's in between Paris and Algeria all the time, only in Foix to visit his bro, so we got his number and gave him ours and that is it.  He also invited me to come to his house any time in Algeria when I can.  So.  Then later, our train was an hour and a half en retard, so we ended up having to sleep in Toulouse because we missed the connecting train to Muret.  That was a good time.

Then we woke up nice n early to get back to Muret on time.  Then we went on exchange, I stayed in Muret with Elder Andersen's bleu, Elder Player.  He's from Alaska :)  We got to see Jerome, and that was fun.  Talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He seems more interested in talking than learning, so we'll see where this goes in the future.  After that we went searching after the home of this referral we had, and it was really confusing, because there was construction being done on his appartment complex, and we couldn't find his place.  So we rang this one door, and the lady who answered somehow knew everything about this guy and exactly where he lived.  So.  It was kind of startling and funny, but we found his home!  And apparantly he hasn't been there for the past couple weeks and no one knows when he's coming back, so...we'll try calling him :)

The next day we were out in Auterive to pass the less active members we weren't able to see before.  We did lots of walking to find their homes, with not too much success.  But on the way home we talked with the bus driver the whole time, about a half hour, and he was really cool, very nice.  And it's the same guy every time, so, we've got some kind of ins with him now.

Then we were supposed to have a rdv in Foix the next day, so we went out, but, it didn't end up going through, and that was a bummer.  So we were out there, talked to strangers, and then it was back on home to eat dinner with our friends André and Charlotte.  They made this delicious meal, and that was so dang nice.  They told us they aren't too interested in learning about the church and applying it's teachings, moreso just meeting the members and seeing how they live.  So.  Well.  We'll probably see what we can do about that :)

Then samedi we were supposed to visit another less active member in a ville a little distance away, but she called us before saying she couldn't.  But at least she was thoughtful enough to call!  Sometimes they don't call and we show up and there's nobody.  We refixed for another day.  So next on our list was to walk really far away to these other amis house from Ethiopia and give them their BoM in amharic, and when we got there, she was on the phone with another ethiopian friend who lives in Aix-en-Provence, which is in our mission, and she wants one in amharic, as well.  So that was a cool little miracle as far as timing goes n stuff.  Then we got to see our dear Frère Déjean, still doing very well, loves the missionaries, and probably loves the church more than anyone in the world.

Sunday was cool, too.  Unfortunately, none of our amis were able to make it ... but the Déj was there, and he was happy out of his mind, that was cool.  The talks were also really neat, and were about love n stuff.  Overall, it was just a really good sacrament meeting.  I made it a goal to really really prepare myself for the sacrament, and so that helped a lot.  It was something our seminary teacher challenged us to do a few years ago, and I applied it once, and it was cool, and that was it.  Did it again, still just as cool, so I'm probably gonna try to do it more often.  So.  Yup.

It was a real interesting week.  We worked pretty hard, had some good times, and fixed some stellar goals for next week.  Looks like all you guys do is have fun, so that's nice :)  I tried mind photoshopping my face into the photos to feel a little more loved, and it worked alright :)


Elder Max Liechty

And some from his letter to kent:


One day, sam is going to find a lake and catch all the fish in it, if he perseveres.  That's the message of the gospel, there!  But also maybe he doesn't quite have the wrist movements down?  Maybe there's a training video you can show him.

Dad.  I can't find the raincoat.  I know this is the worst news I probably could have brought you, but, I have to tell you.  I was looking for it, and I can't find it.  It must be in the mystical void where is hiding my umbrella and the rest of my Altoids.  But I'm sorry dad!  I tried to take care of it, I even mourned over it when I thought I lost it!  And now I've truly lost it!  I'm the worst son.  Forgiiiiiiive me.  I'll even buy you a new one if that's what it takes!

I've been focusing a lot on more sincere prayers this week, too.  Nightly prayers where normally a quick one on my knees, in bed, and then after laying down in bed I would continue to kind of have a prayer in my mind until I fell asleep.  But I've started trying to do it out of bed at night (I do it in the morning for sure, because if not, I would go straight back to sleep!), and it's really cool.  My knees might hurt a little more because these french apartments don't have carpet, but my prayers have felt a lot more sincere, and I've really thought more about what it means to pray, and how awesome a is.  It's a blessing!

Thanks dad, keep being the best dad,

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