Monday, October 13, 2014

Week # 57 - Muret

Momma momma momma momma momma

This was a good week. We did lots of things and had lots of fun.  And Elder Haskin is doing great.  He speaks way better french than I did when I left the MTC, so he's gonna go places.  It's lots of fun, but it's also pretty difficult having all the responsibility loaded on you at once.  Like, I can't have him make half the phone calls, I have to make almost all of them!  You remember how much I dislike phone calling!

But I'm not too stressed.  Just taking it as it comes and also praying a lot.

I read Trevor's email :) hehe heheh that's a good time. (Trevor Shaffer had a greenie in the Philippines and his experience is WAY different than Max's greenie:)

Mom.  I cook all the meals.  I just taught Elder Haskin how to cook shrimp and rice.  I haven't learned how to make any amazing extravagant meals, but, eh, maybe some day.  We just don't have lots of tiiiiiiime to cook cool stuff.

No, we don't have many dinner appts :)  I've had a few on my mission, like in Gex almost every day, but not for the last little while.  But, eh.

So, was that an inspired question or what?  HOW DID HE DO IT.  was it cool or was it lame?  Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. (Zach asked Katie to marry him last week!)

You going to Capitol reef makes me think of me visiting Capitole Place here in Toulouse.  In France.

So anyway, check out this week:

It started out with some cool miracles including missing trains and trams and going wrong ways and whatnot for whatever reason, because I can make it around Muret and Toulouse blindfolded these days.  But anyway, we went on the wrong metro line, but met this neat guy who shared his Mentos with us.  That was about it.  But it made me happy anyway :)

Mardi was a very cool day.  We had planned to go to a distant ville called Foix, and as the lady was handing us the tickets, we watched the train roll away.  noooooooooooooooo.  So we made do, and caught a bus to another train stop to take the next train.  So the bus dropped us off about 20 minutes from the train station, and the train was leaving in about 15.  So.  We ran.  it was Elder Haskin's first time running in church clothes, and it was not easy.  But we caught the train!  and then we went to Foix.  We were planning on passing a bunch of less actives out there, but then we saw too many miracles and didn't have enough time.  But we got a lesson with this young adult woman from New Caledonia, who is going to come to church next week and also wants to show us the castle in Foix, which is a SICK castle.  It's one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen.  When I saw it, I was just so blown away and happy that talking to strangers was that much easier and we met some amazing people.  Then, on the way home, we met this legendary member who works on the trains, and whenever he meets the missionnaries, he takes them up to first class and chats with them.  He started it out by saying, in english, "Where are you going?  Do you know Joseph Smith?  Do you know Thomas S. Monson?  Do you know Elder Tihopu?"  and the answer was yes to all of that (Elder Tihopu is in our mission).  So that was sweet, and the first class seats where very comfy.

Mercredi was just as cool.  We went out to Auterive, again with the goal to pass less actives, and then we met this guy and had a lesson with him instead.  Then fixed a RDV for that weekend.  He had some really weird ideas and conspiracy theories, but when we talked about God and Jesus Christ he normaled up a little and we had a pretty good conversation.  Then we visited one member famille we had planned on seeing, but only had a short time with them, and they had some friends coming over, too.  The friends came over while we were there, and we got to meet them, so that was really neat.  Yes.

Then Jeudi we got to see Jean Marc and Séverine, as well as had our zone training in the morning.  It was probs the coolest one we've had yet, and the Spirit was super strong.  When we went to Jean-Marc's, we started out by helping him plant some plants around the edge of their house.  That was a good time.  Then during the RDV, we found out that their daughter, Coralie, had read out of her BoM comic book, and that she liked it.  That was cool.  But that was about all we got.  It's going pretty slow with them, but they have so much potential that we don't want to stop.  We'll see.  We've seen that when we go with the Ducrocqs, their famille-in-law, the rdvs are a lot more focused, and the Ducrocqs just got called as ward missionnaires, so they're pumped to do more work with us.  Sweeeet.

Vendredi was pretty slow.  We did our weekly planning, and were supposed to meet up with Frère Déjean to take him to a baptism that day, but he wasn't able to make it.  Bummmmmer.  Then there was fhe that night, it was fun, but not too many people showed up.  Slow day, but, eh, we got some stuff done, so that's aight.

Samedi was fun.  We went to lunch with Frère Déjean and his pal Jean Claude.  When JC was out smoking, the Déj told us his concern for JC and his health because he drinks too much and smokes too much. He said he is someone that merits spiritual paradise with how nice he is, but that he's afraid for his health n stuff.  We read the story about Zeezrom and how even the worst can change, and all it takes is simple testifying of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.  He was touched and said he would do it.  Then that evening we got to see our friend from Auterive again.  We sat down and drank a coke with him, talked about spiritual stuff, it was good.  He likes talking about weird conspiracies n whatnot, but we did our best to keep it under control.  We challenged him to read 3 Nephi 11, and he said he wanted more to read, so he'll do 3 Nephi 11-26, the whole story of Jesus' stay.  So that was cool.

Then we got dimanche.  church was great.  We were supposed to have some amis come, but we called them before to make sure, and she was feeling really sick, so she couldn't come.  But we should have a rdv with them this coming week, so, uh, pray for the please!  They're really cool, and from Ethiopia.  And we totes found a bunch of ethiopian supplies that we can give them, so that's cool.  Other than that, church was sweet.  Everyone seemed really happy this week, so there was a really neat spirit there.  Yeah.

Then we're today.  Voila.  It was a really good week, sweet and awesome towards the beginning, slowed down a little at the end, but I'm picturing this next week and being pretty dang cool.  Should see lots of miracles, as usual!

I Looooooooooove you all
Elder Max Liechty

Château de Foix

Capitole Place

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