Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week #55 - Staying in Muret and training a brand new missionary


0.  You called me a girl!  Google tranlsate made you call me a girl!  I would be "mon cher" because I'm a dude.  But I was impressed anyway!

1.  Weather is getting pretty cold in the morning.  But maybe that's just because I've been in southern france for so long, and 70 degrees is starting to feel cold.  Other than that, it's nice and breezy during the day, a little toasty still.  But also, I went through Montpellier the other day, and it was raining and flooding and actually that's really a big problem for transfers because if anyone is going between and east and west, we have to go through Montpellier, because any other train goes out of our mission, so.....but mostly it's nice weather!

2.  If you gotta go, you gotta go.  I haven't yet gone at an investigators house, though, just members'

3.  So, I'm staying, but... (see question 6)

4.  I thought of one thing: poptarts.  I would be so down with some fruity poptarts.

5.  Lost weight, fo' sho'.  I fit into pants I never could have imagined wearing once upon a time.  My one belt doesn't do anything anymore, but the other one has more holes, so that's a good thing.

6.  So my new area is not new, it's still Muret.  And my new collegue is.............I don't know yet!  Because I'm training!  Right now I'm in Lyon with all the other trainers, and we're waiting for our bleus.  Woooooooohoooooooooo doggie.  so that's fun.

So, eh, my week, check it ooooouuuuutttt

Lundi was a good time.  We had an FHE with the Urbanis, with all the missionaries, kind of a parting party because one of the sisters was finishing her mission, and some of us others have been here for a while, so we were sure that someone else would be parting, and also their son is leaving on a mission this week, to Tahiti!  so that was really fun.  Then, afterwards, we took a bus home, that was supposed to go to Muret, but instead it stopped in Seysses, in between Toulouse and Muret, and we asked the bus driver why it was terminus Seysses, and he said "ain't no busses goin' that far this late!" so he showed us the way home, and we walked for about 40 minutes and were late :) but it was fun!

Mardi we had a RDV with Jean Marc and Séverine, showed them how to make German pancakes.  And also, we got one of those comic book BoMs for Coralie, and she was diiiiggggiiinn' it.  So that was really neat.  And that night, we got to see Frère Déjean, and teach the restoration, because our ward council and mission president and also Elder Ballard have asked the missionaries to teach the resto in the houses of every member.  He loved it.  Then we had him right his testimony in the LdM, and he wrote a super sweet, humble testimony and that was great.

Then we had Sylvie's baptismal interview (!)  She passed!  No problems.  Then after talking a little more about baptism with her, we headed out to Auterive to pass some less active members and teach them the restoration.  We were able to see a few of them, and one with a member, as well, and that was very cool.  Afterwards, she asked us for a blessing, and we gave her one, and the Spirit was super solid in there, you could cut right through it.  Then also it was Malika's birthday, so we had made cookies that morning and gave them to her, and she was super thankful.  

Then jeudi was our last district meeting this transfer.  This transfer flew!  But anyway, after that, we got to see Sylvie again, talked about the Holy Ghost, and that was sweet.  Afterwards, we had a RDV with this italian fella, and it was realllllyyyy interesting.  We invited an italian member to come with us, and well, it was just kind of a bizarre rdv.  He started preaching to us out of this binder he had made for some kind of economic plan that would change the world.  But it was weird, and we had come to teach the gospel, so....then the member started trying to stop him, and kind of they started shouting at each other, and we were like "are they mad?  Or just italian?"  And then he gave us pizza, and that was it.... :)

The next day we got our calls!  I'm staying in Muret, training a newbie, Elder Mattinson is going all the way to Toulouse Concorde, the same ward, just a different city.  Elder Olsen says "hi" then that evening we went to Toulouse for a party at the church, and Jean Marc and Séverine drove us, so that was cool!  Coralie loved it because she got to meet all the other little girls.  That was a good time.

The next day was SYLVIE'S BAPTISM.  We spent the whole morning preparing, filling the font, making her a fruit salad, finishing the program, voila voila.  Her baptism was great.  She was so happy, and I'm so glad I got to take part in her conversion!  Then we got back that night and it was up n packing for Elder Mattinson, even though he's just moving next door :) like, 30 minutes next door, mais bon.

Church was amazing.  We had 3 Amis at church!  That's more than I've ever had ever on my mission ever. And of all places, it was here in Muret!  Muret-cles (miracles, kind of).  So this guy we were teaching english called and said he'd be in Muret this weekend and wanted to come to church, so that was one.  And then.  So it was fast sunday, and we decided to fast to find a way to bring Jean Marc, Séverine, and Coralie to church, or at least some of them!  So we left it at that, and started the day.  When we got to church, we got a call from Sr. Ducrocq, saying she was one her way to their house to get Séverine and Coralie and bring them to church!  JM works, so that'll be more difficult.  but that was an answer to our prayers!  She had felt that morning, randomly, to call her. She called her, said "are you dressed?  Can you come to church with us?"  And it was as easy as that.  so that was sweet.  Then we said bye bye to all the dying missionaries from Toulouse getting on their trains that evening right before we got on our own. And that was the week.

Now I'm here in Lyon, gonna get a baby.  This transfer was so much fun, and so fast, and we saw so many miracles.  Elder Mattinson has made his way into my favorite companions, along with all the other companions I've had, because they are all my favorite companions.

I love you all so much, and sorry if I scared you again being a day late!  Heh heh hehhhhhhh


Elder Max Liechty

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week #54 - Muret

Mom!  and everyone else!

1.  We are getting along just fine.  Like two peas in a pod!  This has been one of the easiest transfers, and the fastest, too.  Not saying it wasn't easy to get along with the rest of my comps, but Elder Mattinson has been really fun!

2.  I met Elder Dover for, like, two seconds once.  He was companions with one of my companions a good while ago, too.  And remember when I met Elder Gee, and Ben Jones knew him from BYU?  I just remembered that.  That's neat.

3.  YES I remember waving stuff in the air and shouting stuff.  More like, chanting it, but close enough.

4.  Okay

5.  Bed time.  I'm kidding.  But sometimes, it is.  But I really like the evening, because we either have RDVs, or there are people home when we knock on their doors!  Cool!

I never read the Maze Runner.  I remember hearing about it, but that's it.  I read the Kite Runner?  Not the same.


It all starts with lundi, when we did our district street boarding.  We were talking with people, good times, met some really cool ones, gave them BoMs, and then got a really neat lesson with these people that I thought were homeless at first, but then I learned that they were students at a private college, and really smart, and spoke real good english, too, and also really nice.  Talked about the restoration with them, they were touched.  Cool thing.

Then the next day was really good.  We saw Sylvie, still on track to be baptized, no problems :)  And right after that we headed out to Auterive, a city that has quite a few less actives, so that was cool.  We were able to see a sister who hadn't been visited for a reeeeaaaal long time.  She still has a stellar testimony, but, like a lot of less active members, someone offended her reeeeeaaaal bad a while ago, and she hasn't been able to forgive him.  So we talked about the power of forgiveness and repentance.  She has a goal to come back to church before the end of the year!  So we'll help her with that.

Then I started getting sick.

But it was okay.  The next day we had service in the morning where we shoveled, and shoveled, and shoveled.  And my back hurt until dimanche.  But it was okay.  Then we were able to visit Fr. Déjean, and he's still doing great.  Better than ever.  The famille that takes him to church every sunday is sparked out of their minds because they've been seeing such big changes in his life the past little bit.  So that was great.  AND ALSO.  This guy called us, who had contacted us a while back on the train, asking for english class, and had accidentally forgotten to give us a number, because he gave it in english.  Anyway, he called us--luckily he had our number, too--and we fixed a rdv for the next day!  Cool.

Then I woke up the next day, sore back, sore throat, stuffy head, pain.  But the mission nurse lead me to some amazing medicines, and now I'm all better!  The morning was really difficult that day, I could barely move, but we made it to district meeting, and I was alright to finish the day.  We got to see the guy that had called the day before, and that was a neat RDV.  Right before seeing him, though, we met this famille from Ethiopia, and we fixed a RDV for a coming day.  Then our english class went well, got him a BoM, voila voila.  And then we gave some cookies to André and Charlotte, who were sparked out of their minds, and drove us home because they were so sparked.  Cool.

The next day we saw Sylvie again, still great :)  Then out to Auterive again!  This time we gave some cookies to the famille that takes Fr Déjean every dimanche to thank them, and saw a different less active, who was really cool.  The first time we saw him, he said a real catholic prayer, but this time he said a good ol fashion mormon prayer!  Yay!  Progress!

Samedi was the best.  We went out to lunch with Fr Déjean and Jean-Claud, his appartement buddy.  Those are the pictures.  We drove through this beautfiul country side out to this tiny ville to this delicious and not too expensive restaurant.  Fr Déjean was the happiest I've ever seen him.  He couldn't stop smiling.  And Jean-Claud kept teasing him, because he was afraid maybe we wouldn't come, maybe we'd forgotten, and as soon as we showed up, he hadn't stopped smiling.  He was all dressed up in a suit and tie he had just bought.  I was more sparked than anyone!  After the delicious meal, we went to FHE, that was lots of fun.  We did this cool object lesson, where you put five matches on a piece of gum on a plate, and then fill the plate with water.  You light the matches, each of them representing an element of the gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, holy ghost, endurance to the end), and then you put a cup over them, representing the help of Jesus Himself.  THEN ALL THE WATER GETS SUCKED UP IN THE CUP WUT WUT.  The water is sin, and also there is normally a coin on the plate and is trapped under the sin, but is saved through the gospel!  Yay!  Elder Mattinson taught me that one, and my life was changed forever.

The dimanche.  The usual.  Except for in the morning this guy called us that also had contacted us a few days ago, only taking our number, saying he will decide if we are worthy to meet with him. He decided we were, so he called to fix a RDV, and it was kind of bizarre, he said he wants to have a really high level discussion...and he's italian, so we're bringing an italian member, and probably just gonna let them go at it :)  Church was great.  Fr Déjean was there again :)  as far as logistics and numbers go, that means he's officially reactivated :)  yay :)  That many smiley faces means I'm actually smiling and actually reall happy :)

This was a sweeeet week.  And now it's the last of the transfer.  So.  Looking back on Muret, I've learned a loads.  And I saw the work hasten from almost nothing, to not having enough time to do all the things we would maybe like to do.  so that was really cool.  The Lord's hand is in this, and I know it.

I love you all!
And Also Chan's post was very silly.  Good man

Elder Max Liechty

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week #53 - Muret

Mary Jane's baptism

 Elder Higham and I (my MTC companion!)

Frère Déjean!

Peter thuggin' a BoM

Wooooo mom!

I'm writing in my journal, don't worry!

I've gotten to see a little bit of Toulouse, a cathedral or two, eh, besides that, not really.  We had planned to take a pday down to the border of France and Andorra, because that is the edge of our sector, but it would have been a 2 hour ride there, 2 hours back, and only 20 minutes enjoying it if we wanted to get everything else done on pday.  And en plus, like, 30 euros. So, we decided against it.  Today we found a mall, though, it's huge, and we call it "Wal Mart" and also we found a Toys R Us, so that was special.  Some areas are definitely a lot easier for sight seeing pdays, Muret, not so much.  But it's still a good time!

It was so much fun to see Bordeaux again.  I saw some members at the conference, too, and they recognized me!  Yay!

Mary Jane just got baptized, and Sylvie is going to be baptized the 27th.  Yes.

If anything, it's getting hotter and humider.  Not really, it's cooling off a little.  It should really start dropping after this week, or so I am told.

Transfers are in TWO WEEKS, aka, the 29th is transfer day.

Mud run looks like a BOAT load of fun.  Am I invited next time?

I was just remembering some jazz band songs today, and I remember how much I like jazz band, but not so much the class!  Heh heh.  Yeah.

Do you want to hear about my week?  Even if you don't, here it is.

It was a really fast week, and a little uneventful, simply because we were up n gone for a lot of it.  Listen up.

Lundi we were in Toulouse, did some legality, am now legal in France again for the next year, and then did some street boarding.  Talked to some really neat guys, especially this guy who had a Bob Dylan shirt on, talked to him and his pal for a good 45 minutes (only 10 or so were about Bob Dylan and music :) )

Mardi was ZONE CONFERENCE IN BORDEAUX.  It was uplifting.  It was a good time.  The spirit was there.  It was cool.  We watched a video of Elder Ballard who had visited the missionaries in the Swiss part of our mission, and it was cool.  He made a lot of promises if we keep working really hard and keep improving our effectiveness.  Saw some of my old comps, yes, good times.  That was the whole day, other than that, we were on trains there and back.  Had to wake up at 3h45, thought, because there were six of us in the appartement trying to catch a train at 6h00.  That was fun.

The next day I was on exchange in Toulouse.  I got to meet some of their really cool amis and teach them.  A lady from Ghana was one of them, and she's so cool.  They hadn't been able to teach her because of her situation, but now they can see her again, and she has so much faith and is ready to learn.  So that was cool.  Then I got to teach Mary Jane again!  And that evening we got to visit a less active fella from Nigeria, and he's really cool.  I'll send a photo of him thuggin' a book of mormon.

Then it was already jeudi and it was my first day in Muret the whole week!  And we didn't even get to do much.  We got to talk with Frère Déjean, though.  We're in more or less daily contact with him, and he's doing really, really well.  He has a goal to get to the temple, so I'm excited to help him with that!

Vendredi we got to see Sylvie, went over the restoration with her again, because we're running out of new things to teach because she's so ready!  I'm kidding, we're just going over the baptismal questions to see if there is any way at all possible to prepare her better than she already is.  After that, we got to see Malika again!  It's been a while, because she is really busy at her store because the other employee quit and she was all alone.  But she was able to make some time, and that was neat.  After that was FHE, good times as always!  Talked about the wise man building his house on the rock, and the foolish one on the sand.  Classic.

Samedi matin, we got to see Frère Déjean again!  he was a little upset because we weren't able to find any way to get him to the baptism!  No members from Muret were planning on going, he's a bigger fella, and would have a real tough time taking the train and walking n all that, so he was a little bummed.  But we promised him we'll make plans for the next baptism to be able to get him there!  After that it was to Toulouse, preparing for the baptism, and seeing Mary Jane baptized!  yay!  I'm happy I got to take a little part in friendshipping her and her son and even teaching them a coupld times.  She has an awesome rock solid testimony.

Then comes dimanche, which was church as usual.  AND FRERE DEJEAN WAS THERE AGAIN!  Yayyy.  The picture is him and the very charitable member couple that bring him to church on sundays.  They said they'd love to keep doing it.  Yesssssss.  He's so happy when he's at church.  Also, I got to translate for a guy from Arizona who was there doing somethin with Air Bus or someth.  Church was real good.  Real happenin.

It was a really quick week, and kind of a bummer that I was only in Muret for, like, a couple days in whole, but, eh, work got done, right?  This next week should be siiiiick, I'll let you know in a week if it was or not :)

Elder Max Liechty

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week #52 - Muret

Cheezball Max

Yay mom!

Howdy do?

Tell caity that I all I can do for her is Cetaphil, but I'm pretty sure she has some of that chez elle.

When we didn't have the CO detecter, we slept at the other elders' appartement in Toulouse.

So, the ankle weight guy.  The number he gave us and the adresse he gave us are both good, but when we went to his house, he wasn't there!  However, I blame us, because of train times and trying to find his neighborhood, we got to his house about 20 minutes late, so it's very possible he figured we weren't coming and he just up n outed.  But we're gonna pass by again, because he lives in a very nice neighborhood, with a good amount of potential!

Whoa ho ho HUNTER.  Music school, eh?  Wooooowwwiieeeee!

As far as weeks go, this one was really fast, and yeah.  Check it out.

Lundi we were able to see Sylvie and we talked about wait.  I'm pretty sure I told you this last week, because we did that before emails.  Well, anyway, we talked about the first baptismal question, and it was really neat.  Then that evening we went street boarding and talked to some very interesting people.  I stopped this guy who was cruising by on his bike, and we talked for a good while.  Then at the end, he said "if I ever want to learn more, I'll stop by Bellevue" which is where the church is, and I was like "wut."  And then he explained that he had met the missionnaries like a year ago, but it was cool that he remembered where the church was!

The next day I was on exchange in Toulouse, where I got to teach Mary Jane, the elders' ami here is going to be baptized this coming saturday!  That was really neat.  We talked LAW OF CHASTITY (oh boy) and it went very well.  She was very ready to accept it.  After that, we had several tombez-vous, and, well, voila.  We talked to strangers on the street again!  It's always nice to share with people a testimony of Jesus Christ, though.

Mercredi was a very special day.  We got to go to French class in the morning, a class taught by a member from the other ward, and it's awesome.  It's like english class, but fun, and in french.  And after that, we went to Jean-Marc and Séverine's.  We went to make a cheese cake for the Ducrocqs because it was both of their birthdays really close to each other!  So we made the cake, and then we learned that something had happened in this famille's life that really shocked them and they were having a pretty hard time.  So we were blessed with the opportunity to give the parents a blessing, because they were taking it the hardest.  Frère Ducrocq gave the first, and then surprised me by asking me to give the second.  That was a really neat spiritual experience that I hope I never forget.  The french language is hard, that's for sure, but when Heavenly Father wants something said, it gets said.

Jeudi we got the opportunity to go out to Boussens again and search for people to teach.  We were walking in this new part of town we hadn't been to yet, and it was shockingly similar to Gex and my mind was just blown.  All the same, we talked to some real neat people, but not neat enough to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ just yet :)

Vendredi, we were supposed to see our speed walking friend.  But, like I said, we showed up when he wasn't there.  But while we were there, we decided to look for some less actives and pass members n whatnot.  We found one less active, who said we could totes come back, and then discovered that he lives right next door to this member who's adresse had been a secret to missionaries for the longest time, so that was neat.  He invited us in, and we talked a good while, and then he told us of this other less active out in that area that we should pass, that wasn't on the list we have, but we got in contact with her, and voila.  That was neat.  Then that evening we were surprised by the Toulouse elders, because they were trapped in their appartement because there were plumbers fixing their toilet, so we had to go see them earlier and get the FHE lesson from them, and did an exchange to teach it.  It was good.  A good thing.  A good time.

Then the next day we did some service for a member famille, weeding n whatnot, and I had FUN.  I actually liked it!  I can't promise it will be the same when I return and dad wants me to work in the garden.  But maybe.  Then we had a very tasty lunch with them.  Then after that we got in some real good weekly planning.  We had visited frere Déjean this week and had been in almost daily contact with him on the phone, and it was great.  And we were this close to getting him to church.  Until the guy that lives with him said he was too tired to drive him, so, bon.  But then we asked around for members that could help, and miraculously found someone who could pass by and take him!  He was so excited when he learned that it would be possible, and he even wrote out his testimony on paper to share at fast and testimony meeting.

Dimanche matin, he called us saying he didn't know if he could come anymore.  He said he was tired, but we found out the real problem was he was afraid of members mocking him when he came.  We promised him that the members wouldn't mock him, just be very excited to see him again.  AND HE CAME!  he came to church!  And he bore his testimony!  And the members loved it!  One of them even directly thanked him from the pulpit in her testimony.  That was good.  That was a good day.  

Since that day, I've been in Toulouse, and probably will be until mercredi?  Or even jeudi.  I'm gonna be here forever.  But today I got to teach Mary Jane again, tithing this time, and it went really well.  She's ready.  She knows it won't be easy, but she's ready.  We also bought her and the members helping us pizza, and we had a tasty pizza lunch.  The store is called, directly translated, "cheap pizza" :)

AND TOMORROW I GET TO GO BACK TO BORDEAUX!  For zone conference.  I'm excited.  Yes.

Thank you for the quote on obedience.  Because no matter how obedient we are, if we do it and hate it, that's not gonna bring about too much good.  But at the same time, being obedient with hate is better than not being obedient?  It's good to be obedient out of fear, but it's AWESOME to be obedient because you love Heavenly Father.  Thanks momma.

Elder Liechty

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week #51 - Muret


That's neat.  That's really neat.  Sometimes, when we're going on through the day, I'm like "I'm not touching any lives right now, people are just getting angry at us!" and it's really nice to know that on the other side of the pond, someone's life was touched.  That's awesome.  That's reinforcing, hope wise.  Thanks, momma.  I got a real tingly feeling when I read it.  Neat.

How in the world do you find so much time to just do stuff?  Wowie.  Neato.  Salt Flats.  Things.  What in the world is Primintory Point?

Tell zach that's none of his business :) but we can go ahead and say lots better since I realized that dairy is the problem.  But, you know, being in France, you can't always avoid it, so, yeah.  We can leave it at that?

Why does caity want lotion?  If I go to Marseille I could probably get some nice parfums, but, like, as far as lotion, I'm not so sure that France is famous for that.  But, eh, if she wants lotion....I guess?  I actually noticed that lately my hands have been really flaky, and it's bizarre, but, like, not a big deal.  Unless it means I'm dying?

We're probably going to Toulouse for general conference, cuz it's the stake center, and it's right next door.  If they don't have it in english, we'll probably get together all the missionaries at the young adult center and watch it online?  But probably at Toulouse.

As far as FB, I've heard rumors, but I've heard rumors from since I got here last septembre.  So.  But these later rumors sound a lot more legit, which would be really neat.  That could be really handy sometimes, like, finding less actives n stuff.  Coolio.  Yes, neat.

This week was hoppin, to say the least.  Check it out.

We finished up our p-day by waiting in the gare for two hours to buy tickets to go to Boussens, so that wasn't fun.  But then we went to Boussens!  Look at those pictures!  So it turns out our sector is a lot prettier that we thought, eh?  Like, Muret's pretty, but, BOUSSENS.  And I've been told that's not even the prettiest.  So we'll keep searching, alors.  While we were out there, we met several really neat people.  We met this one couple working in their garden, they had just moved in not too long ago, and we decided to force service upon them sometime.  They said they never really know when they're gonna do it, but we'll find them, and there will be nothing they can do about it.  :)  They were very neat, and very friendly people.  And the train ride was really cool, too.

The day after we got to visit the Gisondas home, some members in our ward originaly from Italy, make awesome pizza.  And the elders from Toulouse brought an ami, too, and it was just a good time FHE.  Other than that, we had learned the day before that we should have a carbon monoxide detector in our apartement, and if not, that we're not allowed to sleep there.  And we didn't have one :)  so we spent that day and a lot of the rest of the week searching for one until we finally found one on jeudi.  So.  All is good now :)

Mercredi was a very cool day.  We got to see André and Charlotte, and talked about the Plan of Salvation with them, just the first half.  We shared 2 Néphi 2 something, about the fall of adam, and their minds were BLOWN.  It made total sense to them.  It was definitely different for them, and I can understand that, try living for 30 years thinking something and then someone telling you it's the other way, and it just making so much sense.  That was neat to see that lightbulb go off.  They're number one.  Then we saw Frère Déjean, too, and he's doing a lot better.  He still hasn't been able to make it to church, but he's getting there.

Jeudi was sweeeet.  We got to see Jean Marc and Séverine again, and they're doing great.  We made crêpes with them, too.  Also, they had started reading a little in the Book of Mormon!  Yay!  After our RDV, we invited them to read 3 Néphi 11, the number one power chapter in the LdM, so, that'll be cool.  Seeing them again this week.  Then we found the CO detector.  So neat.  We also found the biggest supermarket in France, more or less.  Looked like a super walmart, no jokes.  And it was the only place in, like, a 100 km radius that had a CO detector, so that was siiiiick.

Vendredi we were able to see Sylvie, had an awesome RDV with her.  She's making awesome progression and is totes ready to be baptized.  We're not really teaching anything new, anymore, so, yeah.  We talked about the holy ghost's responsabilty as the comforter.  The spirit was there, for sure.  Afterwards, we were able to go to our ward FHE, where we taught service by acting out the Good Samaritan.  It was silly, because we had the guy reading the story as the guy who got robbed and was on the road.  Very silly times.

Samedi was very, very cool.  We got out to Auterive, a city a little far away, to visit some members and to talk with strangers.  We got to pass some members briefly and pray with them, and share some miracles with them, so that was cool.  Then, on our way to another members, we were walking down this barren road (it was actually a really busy road, but there was no one to talk to on it), searching for this familles home.  We kind of realize that we've probably passed it, but, eh, we keep walking because maybe not?  And then we stopped this guy going the other way, out speed walking, with ankle weights, n wrist weights, n those things that you squeeze to improve hand strength.  Anyway, we decided to give him a break from exercise by talking to him.  He was a really neat fella, and we were even able to fix a RDV with him for next week.  Then we eventually found the member's home, and it turns out they had driven by while we were talking with him, and had seen the contact!  So we were able to share that miracle with them, and it sparked them up.  That evening we also got to see Frère Déjean again, and he's still doing great.  What a good fella.  We had given him a PMG last week, and he had started reading it.  He said he loves it, a lot.  so that's good.

Dimanche was dimanche.  But church was for some reason really, really good this time.  Everyone was in a good mood, and the spirit was there, and all the talks were lively as well as the lessons, and ladidadida.  Then we got to see Malika, and had really good RDV with her, talked about geneology and preparing to go to the temple.  She's ready!  Neat.  Then, on the way home, this fella talked to us after we got off the train, and said he wanted to learn english and gave us his number.  so.  Hopefully we see him soon?  cool.

So, like that was the week.  I hope it was special for you?
Keep having fun without me, and just know, that I'm having more fun, because I'm in France :)

Elder Max Liechty