Monday, June 2, 2014

Week #38 - Narbonne

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Narbonne Cathedral

Elder Costa

Birthday stuff


What in the world's up?

1. We're getting along really well, he's a fun guy.  His famille is actually in Peru right now because they moved pretty recently, but yeah.  He's been out about a year and three or four months-ish.  I'd say our French abilities are pretty similar.  I was thinking about this the other day, and was all, whoa, I speak French now.  Cool.  It's far from perfect, but it's really fun and i loooooove it.

2.  We did get to see Mémé and Pépé this week, it was fun.  It was kind of somber at first since it was not Elder Phelps there, but then Elder Costa started speaking in spanish, and we played some card games, and I let Pépé show me around the garden and all is fishing poles again, so they were cool at the end.  Also, mémé fixed some pants I had a little tear in, so that was nice.  And we also got to share a little spiritual thought, and all went well.

3. So, like, technically, I am still junior companion.  But, like, cuz Narbonne's my baby, sometimes I feel like senior comp.  I really like it, though.  I've had some rockin' companions jusqu'ici, and they have learned me well.  So I'm just gonna apply and try to do my best.

4.  We haven't really had a pday yet, cuz this is the second week and last weeks pday was traveling and shopping and emails.  But Elder Costa taught me this really fun Argentinian card game that we play.  Other than that, we can go see the nearby cathedral, sit at home and hope we maybe get letters or packages or something, or go look at the stores.

5.  i did have a question, and it could concern the package.  So, you know that lactose treats me bad.  Well, the mission nurse found these pills called lactase that help dissolve lactose, and she ordered me two boxes and they ROCKED.  Then I ran out, and she said that those were a gift, but I have to use personal money to buy any more.  So i bought some, but it was like 30 dollars, which is a lot, for about 60 pills, I believe.  And you have to take at least 3 pills per meal with the average amount of milk.  So, I don't know if that's worth it.  Too expensive?  Or is there anything in the US that is the same but cheaper you could maybe slip in the package if that's possible?  Other than that, maybe a cheap deck of playing cards, like from DI or something, because all cards here are EXPENSIVE.  that's all I can think.

6. As far as pictures, really anything. I know that's not helpful :) but like current ones of us as a family, ones of you guys, ones of me, old ones, little kids ones, ones of monty, with the uncles and the aunts and the g parents, the such.  Just a good melange of pictures that make us look goooooood.  Like, for example, I reeeeaaaalllly like the one of all of us on top of that mountain in Hawaii.  I like that one.  I want that one.

You're starting to sound like one of those familles that just does whatever the crud they want because they're so rich.  You're not getting rich, are you?  Is this how I lived before the mission and I just didn't realize it?
if that kid at graduation tried to be funnier than me, he'd better watch his back.
i can't read blogs, but if copy and past some of his funny things in the email, I can read them.

So lundi.  I was at the gare allllll daaaaayyyyy waiting for missionaries and all that, and then I finally got Elder Costa and we came back, bought groceries, and did half of the emails before the guy said that he was having an emergency and he needed to close early.  so that was that.

But mardi was fun times.  We finished emails up at the church right before we had our RCM with the DMB, which was fun.  Elder Costa actually knows our DMB's son, because he served in the ville where he lived.  So that was neat.  Then I opened up the books and explained all of Narbonne to Elder Costa, and he gave me his input of things he wants to try this transfer, and we're gonna get this place moving.  There is LOTS of pontential, we just have to hustle it up.

Mercredi is when we fiiiiinaallly got to work again.  We went out to Mémé and Pépé's to surprise them, and like I said, it was a little sober at first, but then totes fine and a good time.  We had a good little RDV with them, and it was good to see them again.  We probably won't be able to see them as much as we did with Elder Phelps, because we pulled the grandson card a lot, but hopefully we can see them often, because like you, they hold a special place in my heart. I looooooove them.  Then we came home, did some questionnaire dans la rue, and it was a good time.  got a couple of good conversations.  And while we were out, we saw a potential investigator with whom we had fixed a RDV for later, and we confirmed the RDV, so that was cool, and then we saw a member, who also speaks some spanish, so SPARKd her up good, too.  Then we went to our less active Frucutoso home, where on the mother and son were home, but we got to talk to them quand meme.  But mostly it was actually just her talking to us for a long time, because she doesn't really talk during the day, and gets it all out at the end when we visit :)  That's why we're here for them.  But she did say that she knows she needs to be reactivated, but she also said she really needs a motivation and just get started.  So that was cool, now we know she really wants to, we just need to find out how.

Then jeudi was DAD'S BIRTHDAY.  I was thinking about how old he was all day.  And we rode our bikes out a distance to Ouveillan to try to pass a brother, but he was not there, but we found a beautiful little cute neighborhood out there where we knocked doors.  We asked a guy for water once, but he was so nice he tried to give us wine instead.  He tried so hard.  He wanted us to drink wine so bad, but we let him know.  He poured us a glass anyway, so out of courtesy, we drank it.  Ha.  Kidding.  But he did pour a little, but we said no, so he said toss it, so we tossed it, then he filled the same cup with water, but it still smelled like alcohol, so we were all NO, and then we just drank out of the other, untainted cup.  That was a fun time :)  Otherwise, we found a cool little famille out there, it was just the mom and her kids though, so we just had a door contact, and she said her husband probably wouldn't be too interested, but she was cool.  We'll see where that goes.  We planted a seed.

Vendredi we had a fat session of weekly/transfer planning, and it went well.  We have good plans, now it's time to carry them out.  After that we passed an old couple out here in Narbonne, and they were there, so that was cool, and we sat down with them and chatted, got to know them, introduced my new companion, so forth.  Then their nurse came over, this big old friendly man, and we met him a little.  We're going to try to set up a little RDV with them and him to met him some more.  Give him dinner or something, because he basically saved the wife's life.  cool.  Then we knocked some doors, comme d'habitude.

Samedi was really interesting and fun.  We went out to Perpignan for a ward activity of there's, where they went out on splits of members and missionaries to pass less actives.  I was with this sweet dude, and we had some cool success, and also I got to meet him, a sweet dude.  The members loved it, and it's good to see them getting involved.  If I could ask you to pray for the members here to have a greater desire to help with missionary work, could you do that?  They do good work, but we need their help still.  THANKS.
Then that evening we went out to Coursan, passed the familles that we always do, and FINALLY set up RDVs with them.  For next week.  so, soon.

Dimanche was a good time.  We had a good sacrament meeting, and good fast sunday.  Then we broke the fast with some tasty salmon.  Mmmmmmm.  Thanks for the recipe book.  Then we were supposed to have a RDV with that guy we saw earlier in the week, but it ended up he was in the hospital in Montpellier, so no that.  But, on our way to that supposed to be RDV, we saw a member from Paris, who was really cool, and gave us some bananas and some honey roasted peanuts.  Nice guy.  Whenever random members from wherever pass by and honk or stop and shout "Elders!" we always say "I wonder if that's what a state side mission is like all the time."  Of course, yes, we are kidding, we're not that prideful.  That evening we got over to Afifa's home, and got talking alittle about religion, did some service, and taught a little of english to her son.  and also fixed their Wii.  That counts as service.  They were sad to see Elder Phelps gone already, but ravi to meet Elder Costa.  good famille. GONNA TEACH.

Like i said, lots of potential.  And we're gonna get it moving, and Narbonne will be the best sector of all of them.

I really like the quote you gave, because it's true.  And I was thinking about it this morning.  It reminds me of the character of Christ.  He always turned outward to help others, when most of us would turn inward and complain.  Granted, he was perfect and didn't need to change anything, but He never blamed people.  He always worked with them.  And that's what we should do , and it saves relationships.  

i love you, my famille, have a stellar week.
Elder Liechty

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