Saturday, June 7, 2014

Week #39 - A surprise email from Max

Pau Pau Pau - pronounced like bum in Germany:) (which is po)

Les Hauts de Narbonne - The Cathedral, that you cannot see from the city, you have to be above it or leaving on a train to be able to see it.

Les Hauts de Narbonne - the sea

Les Hauts de Narbonne - some hill where the sky looked really cool


What a surprise, am I right?

Because we are going to Nice leaving Monday and don't get back to about Wednesday, the whole mission is doing emails today, so.  Surprise!

I do have one request:
could you send me the recipe for the brown sugar salmon stuff?  because oh oh oh that is the good stuff.

So, this'll be a real quickie en tant que email cuz it's only be about five days since I last talked to you.  So.

Lundi.  After I emailed you, we did pday, which was go shopping and come home and go to Carrefour and buy SUITS.  Yes.  We each bought a suit from a supermarket on lundi.  Yeah hea.  they are not bad, non plus.  Whoo.  Then we cleaned.  then we did missionary work.  It was pretty cool, because that evening we got more conversations in two hours than we got in the whole last week.  Then another cool thing.  We went and knocked some doors in this area called Les Hauts de Narbonne (or Narbonne Heights) where all the houses are really nice and it has an amazing view.  We knocked some doors, because I had been feeling for a while that this was the place to go and we needed to knock it, so we did.  We found a lady that said "right now I'm busy, but come back any day between 10 and 10 30 and I'd love to talk" and then a JW famille that is actually really cool and we're going to try to baptize, and then a couple other young familles.  So.  That was really neat.  We knocked five houses only, lots of cool stuff.

Mardi we had a leçon with Denis.  It has been a really long time since we last saw him and his famille, and this time it was just him.  He showed us some of his 7th day adventist stuff, and it was interesting and all, but we're there to testify about the Book of Mormon, so we did.  He wants to start reading it, but he's reading a lot of 7th day literature.  As well we got to see our less active friend Loulou, had a good time with him, then RCM.  Après ça, we went to Coursan to say hey to our familles, and we finally found one home that normally isn't home.  It was her husband who answered, and he was super cool, but they were en train to eat, so we let them be for the evening, but that was cool.

Mercredi was a good time, we went out to Lezignan because we had a leçon that afternoon with a fella named M.  Claus.  He is real cool, his mom was Mormon, and he's really searching, so we're gonna try to help him find whatever he's looking for.  Apart from that, we were able to knock some more doors, finding some neat people and setting up a RDV for next week and potentially some others.  Then we hopped on a train to Pau, because we needed to pick up Elder Costa's legality card saying he is legal in France, because we have to get those about halfway through the mish.  so that was a good long 5 hour train ride.

Jeudi we spent in Pau, getting the card, getting lunch, and then leaving for Narbonne.  We actually talked to a member while we were there, he's from Fiji, and he has a really good friend here in Narbonne who is less active because he couldn't find the church in Narbonne (because it's in Béziers).  He gave us the friend's number, and we're gonna get in contact with him.  then, we took the train ride home again.  When we got home, we had to make cookies for zone training the next day because we got thrown under the bus to make dessert for it.  Dumb (but they were good cookies)

Vendredi was zone training, which was a good time.  We talked mostly about how we're going to prepare ourselves for Elder Andersen's arrival.  Then after arriving home, we were going to go to Frère Fructuoso's friend's place and meet him and become his friend, but that couldn't happen that evening for some reason, so we went back to Les Hauts de Narbonne.  Knocked a few more doors, no one was home, except for one man, who said "you'll be wasting your time with me, but I'd love to give you a drink."  So we had some water, and we got talking, and he hat met the missionaries about 40 years ago (he was an older man, born in the 1940s) in Montpellier.  That was cool that he still remembers that after all that time, because there are people we contact on the street and then see them the next week and they don't remember us.  But that was a very cool evening again in les Hauts de Narbonne.

then we find ourselves today, samedi.  We just played b ball and soccer with Carlitos, and then ate lunch, and now we're here.

Tomorrow's stake conference, mardi's Elder Andersen.  Oh yeah, and Elder Andersen and President Uchtdorf are both going to talk at stake conference.  Coolio.  they're in Suisse right now, doing some kind of Europe conference, and we're using the broadcast for stake conference.  Cool.

Um, I love you, sorry it had to happen this way and that I know you're going to feel bad that you didn't love me enough to write me today instead of sunday, but don't worry.  I still luv u.

Elder Liechty

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