Monday, June 23, 2014

Week #41 - Narbonne

Max and Elder Costa

Max and Elder Costa


Yeah I'm not too jealous that you had lots of fun and that you saw a manatee and I didn't, no worries ;)  Yeah I'm jealous, and I'm mad.  I'm really mad and I don't think I'm going to write you any more this week.

I probably fooled you, huh?  that sounds like boat loads of fun, like, for real though.

I don't need to go to the beach to get fried, because I live in southern France.

This week was really cool and filled with good times.  Check it out now

Lundi.  I don't remember what I'd already written, but we had a lesson that day with a young adult named Sara, a referral from the sisters in Perpignan.  the lesson went really well, and that was neat.

Mardi was really fun, because we got to visit a less active out in Ouveillan, the same one we saw last Sunday.  He just left for about three weeks probably, but he wanted to see us again before he left.  He had been waiting for us all day when we arrived, so that was really cool.  Shared the spirit with him, prayed with him, he has lots of potential to come back, very cool.  then that evening we had a cool miracle:  we knocked some doors, and almost every person who answered had a conversation with us.  Normally we'll knock doors for about an hour or two even, and get three or four conversations.  This evening we knocked for maybe 45 minutes to an hour and got eight conversations.  I don't know how it goes elsewhere, but, that was amazing to us.

Mercredi was amazing.  It started out with really, really, really heavy rain and we were scared for our lives it was so heavy.  Big thunder, lightning, like a classic midwest thunderstorm.  but we got to go out anyway, because rain's not even a big deal.  And THAT EVENING.  So, there is a member in Pau that told Elder Costa that he needs to find this less active here in Narbonne named Saia Fekitoa, from Fiji, who plays rugby, and went less active when he came to Narbonne because there isn't a church in Narbonne.  So.  All he had was his number, so we tried calling a few times, no answer.  But then we decided to look him up in the white pages, found the name Fekitoa, figured there can't be that many Fekitoas in Narbonne, so we passed by.  It was him!  We walked by the house once and there was this young white girl boxing with a punching bag, and we were like "what the."  Then we thought, well, maybe he married a french woman?  So we asked her if her family name is Fekitoa, if her dad plays rugby, and if his name is Saia.  As she kept saying yes to the answers, our minds kept getting blown.  We found him!  He came out, and he was really really cool, and now we just need to get him and his family back to church.  I think his whole family are members, because he kept saying "we haven't gone to church" and stuff like that, so, that would be a famille in the branch.  Wooooo!

Then Jeudi we were on exchange, and we were able to see the Fructuosos.  Shared a powerful spiritual thought about how the gospel is for everyone, and tried to squeeze his friends out of him and to let us meet them.  He wants us to, but he's afraid to set specifics.  We'll get 'em.  Then later we were lucky enough to find a train that went to Lezignan, because right now and for the passed two weeks it has been greve, or strike, with the train systems, and not a whole lot of trains are going.  But now it's done.  But it wasn't done then.  So anyway, we got out there, because we had a potential ami to teach.  He wasn't home, but his son was, and luckily we had cookies with us, so we sparked that kid up and now we got the ins with that famille.  Then we struggled finding a bus to get us home, but luckily we found one, otherwise we would have probably been sleeping in the streets.

Vendredi matin we went to go knock some doors, but Elder Escobar's bike blew up, so we had to walk back instead.  So after finding trains to take him back to Nimes and then get back ourselves, elder Costa and I managed to take the bike in and get it fixed.  That was a long day, and not much happened, so, we'll move on.

Samedi, however, was a good time.  Started it out with some sportif, playing soccer, I'm so awful that it's very funny, so it's okay.  After that, we made empanadas to take to the branch BBQ that evening.  Oh yeah.  They were a hit.  and the BBQ was very very fun.  It was cool to see the members having fun and talking with each other instead of disputing deep doctrine during sunday school.  we got lots closer to some of those familles, too, and hopefully that will help some missionary work.


Super cool thing on Saturday.  we woke up that morning to three missed calls around midnight from a woman named Gabrielle Yancy-Piens.  I think I told you a little about her, if not, here you go:  she was a member, but after a very personnel incident, she asked to have her records removed from the church.  But then she sent in her name as a referral to church headquarters, and our relief society president had told us that she had called her saying she wanted back in.  So we tried calling, but no answers.  Then, like, three missed calls.   So we planned calling her back later that day, but she called again that morning, so we answered, and we talked.  she told us her story, which I already knew, but she didn't know that I knew, and said that she knows she needs to come back.  That takes a lot of courage.  LOTS.  So we talked with her, gave her hope, and prayed with her over the phone.  And since then, she has been texting us asking if there is any readings she should be doing to prepare for our first lesson.  so, to me it seems she is ready.  We'll have to get over the barrier of members maybe not reaccepting her too warmly.  So I ask you to please pray for the branch to welcome her back with open arms and love, because that's important.  Thanks.

So that was neat, and the dimanche we had a RDV fall through in the afternoon, so instead we knocked more doors.  Good times.  

This week was very cool.  We worked really hard, and we saw the miracles as a result.  Unfortunately, when we start to see miracles in the ville where i am, I tend to get transferred.  So,  let's hope I stay maybe.  The next transfer is July 7, i believe.  The last week goes till about July 6.

Momma, it's almost your birthday!  Next week!  Whooooooo

Thanks for being my favorite famille.
I looooooove you
Elder Liechty

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