Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week #37 - Narbonne


I'm....staying in Narbonne!  Wooooooo!  This is first time my companion has left me and I haven't left my companion, so this is going to be exciting!  I'm the big boy in Narbonne now, no biggie.  I gotta take the lead now, wow!

My companion is Elder Costa, from Argentina.  YES.  A foreigner, finally.  But he went to BYU Idaho for a couple years, and he speaks perfect english, but, eh, at least he's not from west US like all the rest of my companions.  He's cool.  He was Elder Beyer's companion in the MTC, so that's a neat connection.

Well it sounds like you guys are just partying back there, so I'm gonna get a move on with the week:

Lundi we did a big ol deep clean of the apartment, and also went and visited the cathedral in Narbonne, finally.  It's like the only cool thing in Narbonne, but we hadn't gone to see it yet.  Ha.  Well we saw it and it's cool.  then that evening we went and saw the Mudarras.  We taught Pépé about prayer, and it got a little heated as it does some times when we talk about real stuff.  But those are always good, because we get real feelings and real issues out on the table and we can deal with them.  So it was neat.  Had a tasty dinner, too.  I think it was rabbit stew yuuuuuummmmmm.

Then mardi we were on exchange, and it was fun.  We got a quick RDV with Loulou, our crazy less active, and then had RCM, where we got it all out on the table and told our mission leader what's up and that he needs to slow down and stop doing some of the things he's trying to do, and don't worry, we can take care of that.  He's doing a lot to help, but he's kind of going a little outrageous sometimes with some of his ideas.  It's alright, that keeps it fresh.  Later that evening, we went to pass the Fructusos with cookies, they weren't there, so we passed an ami with cookies, he wasn't there, so we passed Frère Gisserot's wife with cookies, and she wasn't there.  BUT.  This really cool young couple came down as we were trying to call, and we said "if these people aren't home, we'll give you the cookies."  And they weren't home, so we gave them the cookies.  And made friends.  And learned a little about what they think religiously, and they said we could totes stop by some evening after seven, so we'll probably do that.  Neat.  Exchanges are always fun, because neat little things like that always happen.

Mercredi we came home from the exchange, and then went to our new famille's home, the mom's name is Afifa, and that's all I know right now, to do some service.  But there was something wrong with the gas, so that was shot.  But we still SPARKd her up and she was happy to see us, so that was neat.  That evening we managed to get out to Mémé and Pépé's, because it was the only time besides dimanche that we could see them.  So we got out, watched president Monson's talk from General Conference, and hustled back home (Don't let him know I told you this, but on the way home, Elder Phelp's fell off his bike :)  it was bound to happen to one of us one of these days :) He was fine, just a little bruised, no tears in his clothing).

Jeudi we had district meeting, and talked about Elder Andersen, because he's coming in A WEEK AND A HALF. That is going to be really cool to go see him with the whole mission.  We read a bunch of his talks, and shared what we liked about them.  Good stuff.  Then after, I went to Nîmes for another exchange.  This one was neat, because we got a lesson with one of their amis, Jawad, who is reeeaally searching for the truth, and that was cool to see.  I haven't taught anyone but Pépé for a while, so it was really good to teach again.  The spirit was definitely present during that RDV.

Vendredi we got transfer calls, and Elder Phelps is going to Montpellier as Zone Leader, so he'll be my ZL, and I'll see him again a few times this transfer, so no big.  We have some plans that he'll come back here and do some exchanges to surprise his grandpa.  Then we came home from the exchange, and went to game night in Béziers.  That was really neat, because a less active young man came and brought two of his homies, and they really enjoyed it.  And I got to make German pancakes, and they were delicious :) thunks

Samedi we had sportif, and the same less active boy, Carlitos, and one of his friends came (the other had a test, so no worries), and that was really neat.  good fun.  Then, we came back, and Elder Phelps started packing up, because we had plans already for Sunday and we would be gone most of the day.  so he packed up, and we did weekly planning, too.  Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.  I got your package on lundi, and I opened a gift a day (including the Bednar book, which is not the same one I had, no worries), until my birthday.  THUNKS.  I like ALL OF IT.  I'll send you a picture of me rocking it all.  Then, Elder Phelps made me a cheese cake, very tasty.  And also the Elders in Béziers found an old antiques store that sells records for a euro each, and they bought me a Chopin record that I can listen to in a couple years.  Very nice.  Yes.  Good day.

Dimanche was exciting, because we got to teach primary, and it was Mother's day in France.  so we practiced a couple songs they were going to sing in Sacrament meeting, and it was fun.  The performance went well.  Good group of youngsters.  Then we had the Mudarra birthday bash, because it was Pépé's birthday a few weeks ago, and mine the other day.  We had some amazing rice and shrimp and other seafood that Mémé made and it was mmmmmmmm good.  Uncles and Aunts and cousins were all there, good time.  Then, the senior couple had found a cool famille in Béziers they were going to start teaching, and we went to go visit them and sing for them and eat cheese with them.  SPARKd em up real good.  Played games with them, joked with the childrens, we got em wrapped around our fingers :)  they are a very cool famille, and I'm excited to see where this goes with them.

This was a fun week.  I'm gonna miss Elder Phelps, he was a very good companion, but I'm just as excited for Elder Costa.
Advice for Sam : go on dates instead of not going on dates.

I love Prez Uchtdorf's talk. I like gratitude.  It's important.  And it's also important to show your gratitude for stuff, not just to Heavenly Father in prayer, but also to people. I learned that people really like it a lot if you just say thank you.  SIMPLE.

So I'm staying in Narbonne, don't be afraid to mail that package :)
THANKS FOR HAVING ME AS A SON so that I could have birthdays :)
Elder Liechty
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Elder Phelp's family

The Catholic version of "I'm a Mormon" campaign - it must be working if they are using it now!

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