Monday, June 16, 2014

Week #40 - hot and sweaty in Narbonne


So that was pretty crazy, huh, that whole email on saturday n whatnot.
Probably blew your mind.

Regularly teaching, at this moment, not really.  We have a couple less active people we visit regularly, but as far as amis, we kind of get a lot of first lessons, and then people have a really hard time committing to a second lesson, even if we have a really good RDV.  So.  No.  But names of people we're teaching sometimes.
Ha ha.  Actually nevermind because we're not even really teaching many people sometimes.  But people you can pray for:
Less actives:  Loulou, la famille Fructuoso, Frère Antoine Queque
Amis, more or less :) : Sara, Gerard, Denis, Antoinette, la famille Perez, la famille Miele, David.
But to make the prayer work, you have to say all those names with French accents

We went to 
And it was a very fun trip.  Really long, really hot, and very very fun.  I finished reading the LdM in French!  Woooooo.  Very good time.

As far as low days, yes.  We could say maybe wednesday-saturday were pretty low was tough because we just got out of rockin the park with Elder Andersen and elder Kearon and Prez Roney, and then we get home and Elder Costa gets sick.  And then the trains go on strike.  Not the trains themselves, but the workers.  And then we get stuck in distant villes all the time because there are no trains.  And I was just curious what we were doing wrong, and why we weren't getting any success.  My mind was all over, and I was just mad.  And I haven't really gotten mad for a looooong time.  So then I sat there (because we were trapped in a train station) and thought for a good long time, and thought of something Elder Andersen taught "don't let the spiritual whirlwinds bring you down" talking about trials of our faith.  I had faith, especially after that conference, to take Narbonne to town, and then it all got pulled out from under us.  But I realized that that just meant that Heavenly Father wants to see if I'll keep working, even though nothing much is happening.  And I'm gonna, so no worries.  The scriptures definitely helped.

We young adult in our branche :) but we did do an activity with the ward in Perpignan not too long ago where we paired up with young adults and other members to search for less actives, and it was really fun.  We try to work with our one young adult, but the Béziers elders keep stealing him when we need him.  Curse them!

P.S.  I was totally at the part when he (Elder Anderson) was walking around, FIRST ROW wooooooooo.  We made extended eye contact several times.  I smiled at him, he smiled at me, it was aaaaawwwwweeeessssoooommmmmeeee.

We can get a type of brown sugar over here, it works just the same, just a different consistency kind of.  And taste.  heh heh.  It works :)

As far as the last week n a half

Dimanche was stake conference, so we got to go to Perpignan for that, had a good time.  Met a guy from Germany, going to church while he was on vacation, like a good Mormon ;)

Lundi we hopped up on that bus and headed out to NICE.  We took a train to Montpellier first, and then a tour bus with the Toulouse and Montpellier zones headed out.  It was really fun, and I read, like, three books in the LdM on that thing (there and back, of course.)  We arrived at the hotel, the beds were pretty comfy, and then we hit the hay.

Mardi we got up nice n early to go to a big conference center and see ELDER ANDERSEN.  I got looped into this choir thing with a bunch of other missionaries, and we sang the most beautiful renditions of Peuples de Monde, Ecoutez donc, Les Anges dans Nos Campagnes, Souviens-toi, and L'Esprit du Dieu Saint.  I can't really remember the english names, so, sorry.  Uh, look em up.  But they were beautiful, I don't know if they were able to record them, but the spirit was there.  And then President spoke to us.  And then his wife.  And then Elder Kearon, of the seventy.  And then his wife.  And the Elder Andersen, and then his wife, and then Elder Andersen again.  We were invited to bring questions, so I brought a few, and then they all got answered, and I was content.  the answers were just like "bam smack voila" and I was all "duh."  It was so clear, and the spirit was so obvious.  Just a good time.  Then, unfortunately, we had to go home.  Mmmmmmm.  Good times.

Then that night, Elder Costa threw up.  to put it gently, his body turned inside out and just flaked off into the toilet.  It was nasty.  So, we called the nurse, and she said don't do nuthin.  And we were all "dang because we're finally on a sweet spiritual high and ready to work again."  So that was a bummer.

Then jeudi we went up to Béziers with the senior couple to buy a fan, and then got stuck in Béziers because they had a RDV, and there wasn't a train for an hour and a half.  so....But that evening luckily we got in with the Fructuosos and ended the night well.  They were all up n talking about hypocrites and offenses, so I whipped out Ether 12:4 and smacked them in the faces saying "this is a gospel of hope and happiness, so let's try to focus on the good."  Suddenly the spirit was there, and we had a good RDV.

Then vendredi was an exchange, and I went to Montpellier.  It was cool, because there was this point where we were at the church doing some service (because theirs is under construction), and as we were leaving, this guy passed by asking "are you open" so we said yes, and he was looking for our geneology center.  Luckily, the geneology expert was already there, and that was very cool, so he could help him.  then that evening we had a RDV with one of there amis, and taught with a recent convert, which was really cool, because he got the chance to bear testimony.

It's really hot.

France doesn't have air conditioning.

then samedi we had sport in the morning, we played soccer, and I was on top of my game.  I even got a goal that morning.  Granted, we were playing against about five kids around the ages of 10, and a few adults, but I was happenin.  That was really fun.  Then, we got stuck in the gare, major bummer, but we finally made it home.  On the way home this Greek guy came up to me, and we talked church and Jesus, and he was cool.  He was really old, and spoke broken French and broken English, but we got our points accross, and had an all around good time.

Dimanche rolls around and we got ourselves church.  It was much cooler this day, thankfully, because that evening we got to go out to Ouveillan and pass Frère Queque, who we hadn't been able to see in a while.  The air was cool, and on the way home it rained, so it wasn't too hot!  When we got there, he was really excited to see us again, told us that we had blessed his life the last time, and that he loooves us.  That's nice to feel loved!  We shared a scripture about hope and Jesus, because it was pretty late when we got out there finally.  He told us about how the last time, we had prayed that all would go well with his recent divorce with his wife, and it did!  He thanked us and the Lord lots, and that was neat.

Then today already, we had a RDV with a woman named Sara.  She was a coordonnée from Perpignan, apparently she had met the sisters there about a year ago, and somehow they sisters there just sent us her number and info, and we taught her!  We were supposed to have another RDV this morning, but that didn't happen, unfortunately.  But we got Sara!  And she's very cool.  We extended a soft baptismal invite, and she said "well, if I know it's true, maybe" so that's more than a no!

So yeah.  The week.

It's still hot.  Imagine, being on the beach in Virginia, only hotter, and then not having an air conditioned apartment to go back to.  Mmmmmmmm.  Sweaty.

Thanks for the recipe, mommas.  I finally got a companion that likes seafood like me, so we can get it up in here.

I love you allll, and I'm praying for you!
Elder Liechty

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