Monday, May 12, 2014

Week #35 - Narbonne


If you must know, I have lost a liiiiitttle weight.  But I'm pretty sure it's the French clothes that did it.  Or the camera angle.

I loooooooooooved talking to you, too!  One hour is not much.  At all.  But, eh, whatevs, at least we got an hour!

Sam is just a lucky buns.  And I've been keeping in touch with Wesley, so I actually totes knew that, too. Oh yeah.

My real friends:
Jacen, Bobby, Kylie, Emily, Nate, Tommy, Ryan, Wesley, Mom, Dad, Caity, Zach.  Sam could work harder, but I'll add him to the list, too.  These are the real friends that write, at least from time to time.  Everyone else I'm gonna unfriend on Facebook when I get home


So last week started on lundi, comme d'habitude.  I don't remember doing much in particular for p-day, we did a real deep clean of the apartment, though.  Afterwards, we had the RDV with Pépé, and tried inviting him to stop drinking, but he said that he wouldn't do that, not even for his famille.  He says, it's not hurting anyone, so why stop?  We told him that it changes him when he's drunk, and that also it's hurting himself, and he gets grumpier, but we just have to keep rubbing those facts in his face, with love, until he stops.

Mardi we went out to Lezignan early in the morning, to pass and see if a less active lived there.  The member lists here in France are pretty sketchy and sometimes have false information, so we have to do this kind of thing often, then mark up the list on our own.  But we found that they live there!  We didn't get to meet them, but that gives us something to do next time we go visit Elder Phelp's grandparents!  we also walked past a guy building a wall, and he recognized us as Mormons, and chatted up with us.  He was neat.  We offered to help build his wall, but, being French, they like to do it on their own, so he said no.  Eh.  We're getting close, however, with this whole service searching thing.  We're gonna get in contact with the Red Cross here in Narbonne, and we have a couple other potential activites in Béziers.  COOOOOL

Mercredi was really fun, because we got to go out to Fleury d'Aude on our bikes, which is a good ol distance.  We brought cookies with us, because there are two familles that live out there, one active, one less active.  And they're neighbors!  We went out and gave them cookies and left, showing them that we didn't want to take a lot of their time, but that we love them.  Because the active famille had always been kind of "eh, we don't really want you over" and the French mentality is that you can't come over unless the house is really clean and we have a huge meal for you.  And at the same time, that's a lot of work, so instead of being invited over to lots of clean houses with big meals, we just....don't really get invited :) but little things like this show that we still love them, and one day will get us into their house!

Jeudi was reaeaeaeaeaeally fun.  We had a BBQ with the grandparents in the morning with their really good friends, who lived in America for a little bit.  We invited them over to get to know them n stuff, and it was really fun.  We made the meal, it was enchiladas and guacamole, and it was goooooooooood.  Then, that evening, we hustled out to Ouveillan where another less active lives, and taught him the restoration, because, like you said yesterda, some of them might as well be amis it's been so long!  He loved it, you could tell he felt the spirit, and it was great.  We invited him to start reading the LdM again, and we gave him a chapter to read.  And he asked "can I read it over and over again?  And can I read more than just that chapter?" and we said "Of course!"  So this is really cool.  even though we might not have many (any) progressing amis, we're working with some pretty cool less active members.

Vendredi we went on exchange with the zone leaders, I stayed here in Narbonne.  Right when Elder Leduc, the ZL, got here, we got a text from Isabelle, who we had not seen since the beginning of this transfer, and she said she wanted to see us in the parc.  So we changed plans and went there and chatted with her, and taught her a little.  While we were there, this drunk man came up and started talking to us, and saying drunk guy stuff, and Isabelle was there defending us, so that was cool.  It's interesting with her, she loves the Mormons, her best friend is LDS, but she's kind of a free spirit and doesn't like to be pinned down to one thing, like the church.  She's cool, anyway, and that was a neat miracle.  Then after, we have a member visiting here in Narbonne from Lormont, where Elder Leduc had served before, so we set up a secret surprise RDV with her in another parc, so that was fun.  Afterwards we headed out to Béziers for game night, another success!  A less active famille was there, as well as more members this time.  We played spoons, it was a hit, and we ate yummy pancakes.  And the weather that evening was veerrry pleasant.

Samedi we started out by playing some b ball with Carlitos, and that was reall fun. Instead of playing 3 on 3, like usual, we played Knock out, and that was real good.  After that we came back to Narbonne, switched companions again, and then headed out to the Fructuosos for a quick visit, just to see them, because they haven't been back to church for a while again.  We asked them to write their testimonies in a couple of LdMs, and we'll hand them out.  They were very excited, and talked about how the missionaries first met them, and the love and the spirit they felt.  But something is keeping them from church, and we gonna find it out.  After that we saw the Mudarras again, yummy dinner, yummy spiritual thought, played some Rummikub, too.

Then yesterday I got to talk to you all!  We had bigger plans to do stuff in Béziers while we waited to do Skype, but Greg came to pick us up earlier than we had expected, so we didn't have much time.  But, eh, whatevs, because I got to talk to my famille and that was awesome.  I LOVE YOU

This was a pretty hoppin week.  Hopefully next week we get more time for contacting n stuff, even though I love RDVs n less actives, but we need to find more new amis!  Thanks for your prayers and your loves.

I can't think of anything else.  Eh.

Elder Liechty

PS. Something I forgot to tell you:

I brought a couple of pants with holes in the (you know where) to Mémé, because that was her job once upon a time, a seamstress, and she took care of them.  And while she was finishing them up, she said had this kind of feeling or impression that you were sitting next to her, thanking her for taking care of me.

So, I don't know how your praying or what your praying about, but keep it up, because that's a neat little story.

Love you much!

Dinner aftermath

Chef Elder Phelps


Dinner with Pepe and friends

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