Monday, May 19, 2014

Week #36 - Narbonne


So, about the package real quick, they came to drop it off when I wasn't there, so they left a slip, and we went to the office to drop off the slip, but they didn't have the package there....hmmmmm...the slip said it got there Saturday, but they said they didn't get anything sat, so maybe it will come in today, so they'll call us.  Ummm, hopefully it gets here! 

I'm gonna miss Jackie(my brother's sweet sweet dog passed away this weekend).  Keeping those two in my prayers, for sure.  Man that's sad.

I forgot to bring my planner today, so anything important that I wanted to make sure I said is probably going to be missed, and I'll get it to you next week :) and we'll see if I remember anything about this week.


Lundi was pday, and we had planned to go a-fishing, but apparently it was going to be bad weather the afternoon.  Ummm, it was beautiful and warm all day, but the grandparents were convinced that it was going to get worse.  Eh.  Whatevs, so instead we kinda sat around, went to this book store that's fun to hang around in and look at the books and smell the new ones n stuff, then we had the grandparents in the evening.  We shared some more testimonies, and all seemed to be going well.

Mardi we had RCM, and that's all I remember from that day.  Actually, it was a missionaries only RCM, because our DMP said he couldn't do it that day (he's kind of bizarre sometimes).  I wish I could tell you more, but the missionary handbook says not to say negative things about your area :) it's not really negative, it just makes things a lot more FUN and interesting.  Yeah.

OH.  Just got a text from the post office, they have my package, cool.  Check.

Mercredi was Pépé's birthday, so we went over to surprise them, and shared a talk about gardening, because he loves his garden.  We've found the only way to get through is through the famille, and through the garden.  So we shared the "I'm the gardener here" one by Hugh B. Brown, I think it was.  Really good.  Still a stubborn little fella.  

Pépé is, a stubborn little man.  he doesn't really get logic.  for example, we asked him "Why do you think your grandson is here?" and he said "Well, because he's here!"  That's what we call Pépé logic.  And I hear what your saying, and it's definitely true.  I think he's waiting something huge.  Because Mémé had a big old manifestation in a dream, and Elder Phelps' mom had a big one, too, but Pépé isn't getting it.  On the other hand, he has had many amazing dreams he told us, but he doesn't understand.  One, for example, was him standing on one side of a river with his ancestors on the other.  And they were saying "come through the water."  Um, I think that's pretty clear, but he didn't think so.  And then he had the Jacob 5 Olive tree grafting dream, too, where he was on a dying tree that he knew was his famille, but his branch was the only good one. so the gardener cut him off and grafted him onto a new healthy tree.  Interesting.  We tried explaining with love what they mean, but he's not accepting.  He's come to church a few times, but he likes to find little things that bug him, like the small parking lot, and the fact that we went ten minutes over just drove him over the edge.  Eh.  We're still loving him, and there has to be something for him.  He needs to recognize the way he, himself, feels the spirit.  Keep praying please!

Jeudi was district meeting in the morning, really good stuff.  President has commanded us to use the BoM a lot more during contacting and during RDVs.  So, we're gonna do that, and it will be fun.  Then I went on exchange in Nîmes, BEAUTIFUL city.  However, I forgot my camera, so, uh, no pictures.  BUT.  I should be going back this Thursday for another exchange, and I'll bring my camera this time.  It's really a cool city, big old collesseum in the middle, old catholic stuff, very clean, too.  and lots bigger than Narbonne :)  We did lots of contacting and had a fun RDV, an overall real good exchange.

Vendredi I came back from Nîmes, and then Frère Fructuoso called us saying he had a friend that needed help moving.  He had told us about her, but we kind of had to force ourselves in to be invited to help, because members around here are afraid of what we'll do if we meet their friends.  So, we came in normal clothes and helped move and avoided forcing any church stuff on her, and gained the trust of Frère Fructuoso.  It was neat, and she said she would invite us over sometime for Couscous. Mmmmmmmmm.  That might be one of my favorite meals now.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Then, that evening, we were supposed to have a Soirée d'Information, but, uh, no one showed up.  Which is kind of okay, because we don't really like the soirée d'info, because the way it is presented is really mécanique, not enough love or testimony or spirit.  So, we were okay with it.  Our DMP was a little upset, but we lifted his spirits.

Then, samedi, we played b-ball up in Béziers, good time.  Béziers got a couple new amis who are pretty cool and played bball with us, good times.  Then, that evening, we went to the Mudarras, and shared the last testimonies, Elder Phelps' mom's and dad's.  The spirit was there, it was really cool, and we asked Pépé what he thought about them.  he said "they're good." and that was it.  We were kind of hoping for something more profound, but that was it.  He's really fighting the spirit, and it's dumb.  But we have to keep loving him, and we can't drop him because Prez told Elder Phelps "you can't drop your grandpa."  So.  After that we stopped by the Fructuosos, asked Frère Fructuoso a little more about this lady, and invited them to come to church the next day (because they are less active.)

Dimanche, he came!  Frère Fructuoso was able to get up and come to church, very cool.  Then, after a good sacrament meeting, we came home.  Then, Frère Fructuoso called us again saying that his friend needed help moving and wanted to give us Couscous that evening, too.  So, we went to help move (after deciding that no, service on sunday is not breaking the sabbath), sparked up the rest of her famille, and then had couscous with them later that evening.  Delicious couscous.  This part is funny.  We were eating around the table, talking, it's the mom (she's a widow of eight years), her daughter (20 something, maybe acutally younger), the daughter's BF-almost-fiancé, and her son (about 7).  And Frère Fructuoso.  We were sitting around, and then she said "clear this up for me, are you Mormons?" and we said YES.  And she asked "where are the beards and the big hats!?!" because everyone in France thinks we're actually Amish.  Ha.  so we cleared that up, discussed a few eternal truths, and so forth.   Still, very good RDV, and they invited us back Wednesday to finish moving and to teach her son english, who actually speaks it pretty dang well already.

the best part is, at the beginning of the week, we made a faith required goal to find a famille of four.  FOUND.  They might not be a perfect famille, or necessarily all married right now :) but God moves in mysterious ways.  Amen to that.  Very good week.

Well that's what I remember, it was cool.  
We're not giving up on Pépé, but keep praying for him.  We're gonna try some different things this week.
Jealous that you got to go to Rod Stewart.
What play was at the Hale Center?
Find out this week if I stay or go!  Now that we have had some cool success, I kinda want to stay.  I'd be happy wherever the Lord puts me, anyway.

Elder Liechty

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