Monday, May 5, 2014

Week #34 - Narbonne


Feliz Cinco de Mayo to you too!  Joyeux Cinq de Mai.  Eh.  Not the same ring.

The next transfer is the day after ma birthday, the 25th.  And, also, I have a request for a birthday present?  I was wondering if you could send me a George Gershwin CD, like greatest hits or something.  Because I talked to prez about it and he said "eh, he's basically 100 years old, go ahead."  My only desire is that it has at least Rhapsody in Blue and Prelude No. 2 on it.  THANKS

I've heard the dandelion thing, too, but I haven't eaten them yet.  But, it is starting to be summer, the season of dandelions, so I'll have to keep you updated!  We eat lots of salad in France.  Lots.

My favorite dish is Saucisse Rougaille, which isn't really French, but it's from Île de la Réunion, which is a French département, so count it.  Other than that, we had really good cous cous the other day.  That was mmmhmmhhmmmmmm.  The least favorite I've had is....this one time we went to someone's home and all we had was salad and then this other vegetable thing.  It was tasty, but, like, let's be real.

Have you had the chance to listen to/watch David A. Bednar's talk "The Character of Christ"?  It was given in the MTC a few years ago, and they recorded it, and it is GOOOOOD.  I was reading his book that you sent me, and it made me think of it.

Thuh Weak

Lundi we went on exchange with Béziers, after P-day of course.  Also that day I tried riding my bike while holding groceries.  It was, let's say, fun.  Then the exchange was real good, we passed a less active young man because his parents were both in Barcelona for the week, and we wanted to see how he was doing.  then, when we came back in, we noticed one of our neighbors trying to carry some big appliance up the stairs into her apartment.  So we went out to help her and her friend, made friends with them, it was real cool, and then supplied them with some tools to install it.  Gotta make good friends with the neighbors, always important!

Mardi we finished up the exchange, we did some contacting on the street, Béziers is interesting.  Then, I had brought the bikes up from Narbonne so that we could go far out and pass some less actives that they hadn't been able to pass yet because there aren't busses, and they don't have bikes.  So that was really neat.  We found their homes, but no one was home.  eh.  happens.  Then that evening we had a RDV with la famille Fructuoso.  Down in Narbonne things sounded like they went pretty well, too.  They were out contacting, and they passed on the road one of the members visiting here from Bordeaux and her daughter, and then this guy we had contacted a while ago, the guy from NZ with the big ol moustache, and he wanted to talk again.  Cool guy.  People are starting to like us here a little bit!

Mercredi was cool.  We had zone conference, filled with the spirit.  Very cool.  Then we went to Mémé and Pépé's house.  WITH PRESIDENT RONEY.  We had invited him, since it was kind of on the way to the next zone conference, and he came, with the assistants and the office elders and his famille.  It was really good.  Spirit was felt again!  Pépé is progressing, little by little.  But he's still a stubborn little Spaniard.

Jeudi was neat, too.  We had a lesson with our less active friend Loulou, and then we rode our bikes out really far, about 16 km, to pass a famille and a less active famille.  The active famille ended up not being there, but the less active famille was!  we got in and talked with them, and they invited us back whenever we want.  Then we biked back and our legs were really huge.

Then good ol vendredi, we went n saw Mémé and Pépé again, taught a good little lesson.  Then we had game night again, not as many people showed up this time, but it was still a big success, with three less actives there!  They had a real good time.  One of them was the Fructuoso's son, who hadn't been to this church since they moved here to Narbonne, so this was his first time.  Good first time experience, I'd say.

Samedi evening we rode our bikes really far again, about 15km out this time, to pass a less active fella that we had only been able to talk with on the phone before.  We came out, and he was like "It's not true!" and he welcomed us in and it was really neat.  He showed us his really nice bike, but he had just had surgery and he couldn't bike for a while, so he was a little downed.  But hopefully soon.  We became his friend, and he, too, said come back as we please.  He can't really leave the house, so chances are he'll be there!  He's very neat, and his testimony still seems cool.  We had lots of less active success this week!

Then yesterday.  First hour of church was interesting, as it always is.  Then, during second hour, Mémé and Pépé came, out of nowhere.  That was a very pleasant surprise!  Pépé was a little grumpy afterwards because church went over ten minutes, but it was still good that he came!  Then after church a member had invited us over for lunch, and that was fun.  Tasty.  Then we went to Mémé and Pépé's just after, food appointment to food appointment, feeling like a state side mission here :)  But we had a good RDV with them, Pépé still slowly progressing.

This week is gonna be crazy.  We're inviting Pépé to not drink wine for an entire week.  Just to see how he changes. He said he can stop whenever we wants, so we're gonna challenge him, and use his boiling Spanish blood against him to accept the challenge.  Actually, we're just going to use love and the spirit.  And if he doesn't accept today, we're gonna invite tomorrow.  and the day after if not.  But if you could pray for him, that would be awesome.  we want him to have a really spiritual experience this week while he's not drinking.  THANKS

so, as for MOTHERS DAY.

We are planning on going to a member's home Sunday evening.  We'll probably get there around 18h, so 10h for you guys, which means you may or may not need to quit out of sacrament meeting a little early?  But it's around then that I should be calling, so LOOK OUT.

love you bunchets.  Have a sweet week, and tell sambo to stay cool

Elder Max Liechty

Pres and Sister Roney, Memee and Pepe

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