Monday, April 28, 2014

Narbonne - Week #33

Eating crabs that mémé caught

Porting at Port la Nouvelle (that's the funny part about it)


Wowie wow, um, it sounds like you guys had the sweetest weekend there ever was!  You went to Virginia?!?!  How long are you staying there? How much school does Sam get to miss?

If you send the video on a DVD I should be able to watch it on our little DVD player.  Also, John's videos if you have them?

Where did Sam get an accordion?!

The baptism in Gex!  Yeah, I heard about it!  It was the girlfriend of one of the coolest members, Greg Plug.  We always joked about her getting baptized.  Well.  Voila!  And I didn't recognize the name in Bordeaux, but that's also really cool!  

In primary we sang that "Oh it is wonderful that He should care for me enough to die for me" one.  In french it's "Merveilleux Amour."  Kids love the chorus.  I think we sang that one about three times, and that was it


Starting with mercredi, because I already told you about lundi et mardi because of the craziness of last week.  The mission had asked us to take a picture of us in the prettiest part of our sectors, so we went down to Port la Nouvelle, the beach, and took a picture of us knocking on the door of the lighthouse.  I'll send that to you.  Then, we had to get on a train and go to Nîmes to stay the night so we could get to Zone Training the next day.  Cool.

Jeudi was zone training, in Nîmes, because the church in Montpellier is under construction.  Nîmes is beautiful, and there is a huge colosseum for bull fighting, which they do here.  Cool.  If I serve there in the summer, I'll have to go to a bull fight!  Zone training was sweet, always a nice remotivation.  Afterward, we went back to Narbonne, did what we do, and talked with a really cool guy with an amazing moustache from New Zealand (the guy was from NZ, too).  He thanked us for reminding him of the things that we know, but we often forget, and for helping people back on the path.  He was sweet, and also had some pretty good jokes n stuff.  Then that evening we went to Elder Phelp's grandparents, and we pulled some tricks out of our sleeves.  He had his mom send testimonies from the whole family, including some really close friends that meme and pepe have met before, and we're gonna read them to him and show him that the gospel blesses families, because the famille is number one to this little spaniard.  It went really well, the spirit was rich.

Vendredi matin we went to the Mudarra's again, but this time we just read a scripture with them.  We tied it in to familles again, about how every time the Lord asks one of His prophets to do something, He always says "and take your famille with you."  That's cool.  GAME NIGHT.  We did game night.  We got there, and there were the usuals there, us, the missionnaires à Béziers, the senior couple, and the old people that normally come.  So we did it anyway, thinking "eh, it was a success because at least people came?"  AND THEN.  We were playing a game, having actually a really good time, and then, through the windows, we saw people flocking.  Two big ol less active familles that the elders à Béziers had invited showed up.  We ended up have 21 people there, and it was a hoot.  The kids were awesome, the parents were awesome.  The senior couple took care of the oldies, and we took care of the hip youngsters.  Lots of fun.  Big success.  Miracle.

So the day before we had invited some of the kids to samedi sportif with us, and they said oh yeah.  So the next day we went to play b-ball, and the usuals were there, us, Béziers, Emmanuel (ward missionary), and then Carlitos who normally comes had brought three friends, and then two of the kids from the night before came!  It was awesome.  And Also Greg Farrands came, and he's young men president (you know, if we had any active young men :)).  that was also a hoot.  then, the afternoon we went out to the Mudarras for a lunch with them and some of the oncles.  It was delicious.  And then we played pétanque.  wow what a good game.  What a good day.

Then dimanche, we went to church.  It was nuts, as usual.  I love this little branch.  Then we came home, snuck ourselves into the Mudarras home again, played some Rummikub, and then read more famille testimonies.  We can tell he's feeling the spirit, but he doesn't want to admit it, and he's hiding it so hard.  Fighting it.  But we'll get him.  Once we pull out the big guns.  Then that evening we had dinner with our DMB, who had invited us earlier.  I don't know if this is appropriate to share, but it's funny.  When we were driving home, he invited us to eat with him, and I saw a pizza guy drive by on his moto.  I joked saying "we're having pizza tonight" and he said "you like pizza" and I said "of course" and I thought we were just teasing and joking, but when we got there, he said "the pizza will be arriving in about 15 minutes."  HA.  He wasn't joking.  Next visit is talking about the Sabbath Day.  The pizza was good, though.

So that was the week.  Most of our amis have gone missing or are on vacation, but that's not just here in Narbonne, that is throughout the zone.  So we're calling this next little bit "spring cleaning" where we find more amis and kind of start over.  Doesn't mean we won't still try to teach the old ones, but, yeah.  We've found some pretty cool characters recently, hopefully we can start teacing them.  Neat.

I love you all, and you should go to church next Sunday, you sinners.  Meh.  Who am I kidding.

Elder Max Liechty

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