Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Narbonne - Week #32

The Béziers branche


Nasty ol octopus

We ate sardines.  When I send the card, you can watch the video!

Whoa ho ho ho ho whoa probably scared you real good this time, didn't I!  Late email!

If you send the video next week, bien sur I'd watch it!  That sounds hilarious.  Hil.  Arious.

Uh um I didn't realize you had to order No-AD.  Mmmmmmmm.  I guess that shows how much my momma loves me!  Thanks luuuuuuuuuuuv you!

So, like, Brandon Jared got his call.  what what.  The youngsters are starting to swaaaaarm.  Elder Phelp's little brother just got called to North Carolina mission!  Nuuuuuuts


They have TWO DAYS here!  Sweeeeet.  It starts on Sunday and that's when everyone goes to church and thinks about Jesus, and then they have Mondee when they hide eggs and eat candy n stuff.  Every chance the French get, they take a holiday.  So that's why we didn't do emails yesterday, because everything was closed because it was second Easter.  And of course you got your JWs out protesting Easter those two days, those guys don't celebrate nuthin, the poor children.

The week!

So yeah, we went fishing lundi, that was really fun.  This time I have pictures!  To be continued...

Mardi we........well, lundi evening Elder Phelps started getting the same symptoms that I had had that started my sickness, so we started freaking out and running all over the place and throwing tables over, not knowing what to do.  But then he took some meds, all that, but to no avail.  He woke up sick as a dog.  Luckily, after a little nap, we were able to get out shortly and have a RDV with Isabel, the ami that we're really planning on working with this transfer.  Then he started dying again, so he laid back down.  This time, however, instead of wasting the days of his sickness by watching church movies and doing nothing, I read boat loads in the LdM n stuff and it was cool.

Mercredi, poor Phelpsies was still sick as a dog, worse than the day before even!  We went to his grandparents that afternoon and pretended that he wasn't sick so that they wouldn't get upset with us.  Ummmmm, after that we went home and he napped some more and I finished Alma!  Cool.

Yeah, sorry, this week was just about as exciting as yours!  But jeudi, I can't remember what we did.....All I know is that we had two lessons, one I'm assuming was with Elder Phelp's grandparents, and the other with Isabel.  Yeah, uh....sorry about this email....:)

So we had planned to see the grandparents a lot more often this week, to kind of sneakily make pépé live the gospel.  We planned on stopping by for quicker visits and just reading a chapter with them, to make it so he was reading his scriptures every day.  So we saw them again vendredi, as well as a member who is here in Narbonne for the next little while, from Lormont, just accross the river from Bordeaux.  She roooocks.  She'll help our little branch for the next while when she's here.  Then, that evening, we got over to the Fructuoso's home and watched part of the last session of general conference with them, because they weren't able to before.  General conference rocks.  And the mom, who hasn't been to church since they moved to Narbonne, said she missed that spirit.  So, uh, come to church please.  Takin it slow, gotta get her to go outside first, baby steps, baby steps

Samedi we headed up to Béziers to play some bball with Carlitos Gonzalez.  He's tight.  Then while we were in Béziers, we had a little coordination meeting with the other elders, and we talked about this sweet idea we had to have an evening at the church where we can invite our amis and just play games.  Because, after talking with our mission president and the stake mission leader, we decided that is what the branch needs right now.  Because our amis are not ready to come to the FHEs the branch holds every week where they always somehow delve into uncontrollably deep doctrined.  This is something simple that will let our amis meet the members, and show them that we are normal people, too.   Cool idea.  Stoked for it.  Starting it this vendredi, news to come.  Then, later, we passed by to see if some less actives still lived where we had their addresses, and they did, but we didn't get an opportunity to talk to them.  But then we went to E Phelp's uncle's and we talked a good time, learned some good stuff about Pépé.  And, now, I am branche pianist, so, we went to the church and I practiced the piano.  Yes.

Dimanche we had planned to go to Mémé and Pépé's and just go on a walk with them and teach a lesson, but then it rained, so instead we played cards and ate and taught a lesson.  So.  It was a good day, because it was Easter, and church was fun.  We got to take care of the primary because the primary teacher was out of town with her famille.  They're a bunch of little nutsos, but it was fun.  Talked about Jesus and his resurrection, of course.  That's still so cool that that happened, I gotta say.  He loves us!

Then, yesterday, for Lundi de Pâques, as it is called, we had a tasty tasty lunch with the g parents. The RDV we had with pépé on lundi went really well.  We watched a video about the saviors life, and bore our testimonies, and then pépé bore his little testimony.  It was cool.  And then one of the uncles was there (he's a little handicapped) and he kind of broke the spirit and all just went nuts.  But before that, it was really good.  The savior does miraculous things, that's for sure. In France, Easter is all about the lamb.  So we ate some delicious lamb.  Then, that evening, we tried with no avail to pass some less actives because the Fructuosos didn't come to church for Easter :( but then we went out to Coursan to see some of those we haven't seen in a while because we just got Elder Phelp's bike fixed, and we set up a RDV for this saturday.  Coolio.

Today was our new pday, then.  We had some missionary coordination meetings, we stopped by a music store and played some guitars because it's not open on mondays, and then we went to a mall that is not open on mondays either, and I bought a french dictionary.  Very handy.  Lots of meetings.

Well hopefully this sickness is gone for good, dang it.  And we can finally get out and work.  Should have a pretty righteous week.  Pray for us pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaasssssse

I love you all,
Elder Liechty

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