Monday, April 14, 2014

Still Narbonne - Week #31


I'm....staying!  Staying in Narbonne for another with Elder Phelps!  I'm excited.  we got this place started up last transfer, and this one we should really get it moving along.  stooooooooked

As far as the package, I was also wondering if you could sneak in there some No-AD sunscreen or something because around here it's all really expensive, and I only have the face stuff, and I really like No-AD :)

Oh, you'll like the spanish game.  It'll take a lot of playing until we all get it down and we can kick booty at it, but once you get it down it's a real blast.  It's way more fun than silly little kid games like Dominion (aimed at zach)

Did you know I've always wanted to go to four courners........
Ah whatevs, it'll be there in two years probably

The weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

Lundi was really cool, because we had the surprise RDV with Isabel!  We called her that morning as we were finishing weekly planning to see if there was a moment during the week we could meet up, and she said that day, so we did.  Did I already tell you this story?  Eh.  Maybe.  but it's still a good'n.  We had the RDV with her, and it was the first real teaching RDV we've had with her since even Elder Phelps got here two transfers ago now.  So that was cool.  More news on her to come.

I don't remember everything we did mardi, but the end of the day was really cool.  We had invited Isabel to come to the FHE they hold up in Béziers every mardi and she said 'uh yeah' so she did!  Little did we remember we had a RDV in Coursan that evening with a new famille we wanted to start teaching, so we were in a pickle.  Luckily, the zone leaders were free to do a major exchange (long story short, district leader Elder Smith had to do a colon cleansing that day because he was getting a colonoscopy the next day because he is sick (I don't know if I should put a frowny or a smily face because it's sad that he's sick but also funny that he got his colonoscopy already.  We made lots of jokes about it, I assure you)), and we managed to have two lessons that evening, one in Béziers with Isabel and one in Coursan with the new famille.  I went with Isabel and it was neat cuz she got to meet lots of the members, and Elder Phelps went to the famille in Coursan and there were sweeeeeet and stoked about the LdM, so we'll see where this all goes.

Mercredi we went to E Phelps' grandparents, talked about recognizing the spirit and how we are all different when it comes to that.  He said he has never felt the spirit, and he is an honest man, but we believe that he has felt it before, just not recognized it.  He's been to almost every church history site, as well as general conference.  So.  that's what we're focusing on.  Then, later, we planned to go out in shorts and shirts and search for service like president Roney told us to do here.  but as we went out, E Phelps' bike has been having problems, and it just acted up again and we couldn't go any farther, so that evening was a bust.

Jeudi evening we had a RDV with a less active famille, the Fructuosos.  We played pétanque with them (that's bocci ball), and we learned that the wife never goes outside.  Ever.  We don't know what's wrong, but that's our new goal.  To coax her outside with love.  Because she can't come to church and renew her covenants if she doesn't go outside?  We've got good plans for them.

Vendredi I woke up sick.  Like the beginning of a sickness.  So I mostly shrugged it off and took some meds, and we went and taught E Phelp's grandparents.  But then when we got back I was out and I was dead.  That evening I dragged myself out to go to a soirée d'information that we had invited some amis to that our DMB would be presenting a historical approach to the restoration.  It was very good, except for the fact that I was dyyyyyyiiiiing.  I lived, however, and Isabel and David both showed up!  and Frère Fructuoso.  And some other members.  very cool.

Samedi I stayed inside and died most of the day.  This transfer turned out to be a huge chiasmus, with Elder Phelps dead at the beginning, and me dying at the end.  Interesting.  Hopefully we've taken care of all the death and sickness this last transfer and can consecrate the next to working like a couple of chiefs.  After a long nap, I was well enough to go play pétanque with E Phelp's uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin's girlfriend, and David, our ami.  I really like pétanque, and it doesn't even take any energy.  That's why you see really old French geezers out playing it all the time.  I got to play some of them the other day.  However, I forgot the stuff for my camera, so, uh, no pictures this :)

Dimanche was awesome, it was Elder Smith's last, and the Senior Couple's first.  their from Quebec, they're called the Laplante famille.  They're sweet.  No offense to all the other senior couples I've met, but, uh, they seem like they're out here more because their solid testimonies than the fact that they have lots of money and not lots to do........I like all the senior couples, don't get me wrong, but I love the Laplantes.  And, Isabel came to church!  Very cool.  We're hoping to work a lot with her this transfer.  Very neat.  Then I finished dying that afternoon, we tried to pass the Fructuosos, too, but they weren't home.  Bummers.

So the end of the week was kind of a drag with me being dead n whatnot, but it was still a pretty dang good week.  glad I get to stay another!

today we went fishing with mémé and pépé, I didn't catch anything...Elder Phelps caught a pregnant crab that we threw back so that next time there will be more crabs :), pépé caught three dorades, and mémé caught a big ol' fish of some kind and, get this, and OCTOPUS.  that was sweet.  I'll send the SD card home soon so that you can see the videos of her killing it.  Nuts.  also, this morning, we took some time to do some contacting, andt he first lady we talked to we got her number and should get a RDV with her soon.  It's been a while since we went contacting, but I always like to remember how good it is like that.

Momma, I'm glad you came to the church, too.  REALLLLLLYYY.  I love your testimony, and I love your mom-ness.  I love yooooouuuuuu.

We should be getting the Liahona chez nous, so no worries about sending a copy.  If not, I'll let you know.  sometimes we get them, sometimes not.  Meh.  I'll let you know.

I got lots of pictures, so, uh, next week I'll show you :)

Elder Max Liechty

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