Monday, March 3, 2014

Week #25 - Transfer day, and he's in Narbonne!!!


Les Missionnaires
Elder Max Liechty 
1 Rue Des Thermes
Narbonne 11100

Check it out check it out check it out!

I got to it before you!

But yes, I got transferred, to Narbonne!  It's a tiny little ville down south, and it doesn't have it's own branch, we share it with another tiny ville called Béziers.  I'm stoked.  Bordeaux was neat n all, but change is always SWEEEEEET.

So the last week in Bordeaux, here it is.

Lundi, Elder Foote was feeling sick, so instead of going out and doing something fun, we stayed in and watched 17 Miracles on our little DVD player.  Then that evening we had a lesson with Alain, and older fellow who we've been teaching for a little bit, and we kind of dropped him.  He's a great man, but he doesn't really have a desire to change.  He said he's gonna start reading the Book of Mormon again someday, so Elder Foote's gonna stop by in a month or so to see how that is going.  Always a bummer to drop a guy, but it was still a good lesson.

Mardi was fun, we went to the Banque Alimentaire in the morning, made a bunch of new friends because this was our first mardi there.  But it was also the last time we're gonna go, because while it's good service and we got a little bit of gospel spreading opportunities, it does take a lot of time and may not be the most effective thing to do every week.  However, we saw blessings in that our relationship with a less active Pierre Setondji who works there really skyrocketed and our RDVs starting being more awesome.  Anyway, after that, this lady had called us, and it seemed like she wanted us to find her a house or something, and we thought maybe this would be a good opportunity to teach about Jesus, but it ended up being more of a waste of time because all they wanted is that we find them somewhere to live and they didn't want to learn so much about the church....still praying they find a place to live, they had some cute kiddies (they're from the Middle East or Eastern Europe I believe).  Then that evening we had a RDV with a member family who was more or less active, but the daughter wants to be baptized. So they're gonna start teaching her the lessons.  I think she's eight or almost eight, but the mom wants it to be more the daughters choice than her being forced.  Good plan, and it seems as if she's chosen to be baptized, so tant mieux.

Mercredi we had lunch with Frère Daniel Martial and it was DELICIOUS.  He's from Martinique, and he's very old and also less active.  But the lunch was amazing, some kind of spicy pork n rice in some sauce n whatnot.  Very good.  Then we had a RDV with Frère Handy.  We shared a message about how happy this gospel makes us and how God has given us a spirit of hope and strength, not of fear.  He's kind of sad sometimes, but he's a good good man.  Then we were supposed to have a RDV with la famille Hristova, but it's always kind of iffy because we don't really speak the same language.  She came out, said she'd be back in a little, so we talked to people, met some really cool ones, and then she didn't come back before we had to go to get home on time.  Hmmmmmmm.  Still hoping and praying for them.

Vendredi we got the transfer calls, and I learned i was going to Narbonne!  I don't remember really what we did the rest of the day, because I had left my planner at the church the day before and I didn't write anything...but I think it was a pretty good day?

Samedi we had a RDV at the church, but when we got there, it fell through.  Bummmer.  But luckily I got my planner.  The rest of that day was difficult because it was the first day of a new month, and we hadn't recharged our bus we walked....because we didn't have any change to buy just day we walked.  But then we met the zone leaders somewhere and we refilled the passes, except mine, because I was leaving to Narbonne in two days.  Talked to some neat strangers this day.

Dimanche was really fun, spent some time after church saying bye to some good friends, taking pictures (which I will send to time when I remember to bring my camera....)  Then we passed by chez Frère Daniel to tell him I was leaving, so we talked for a little, I told him I'd send him a postcard from Narbonne.  I have several people who i told I would send a postcard from Narbonne.  hopefully they have postcards here, it's pretty little :)  Then I packed it up.  Packed it all up.  All my belongings fit in two suit cases and a backpack.  Wowie.

Now look, I'm here in Narbonne.  The train wasn't too long, just about four hours total.  I did, however, travel the first two alone again.  It was fun, though, because I finally understand somewhat the French language so I wasn't totally lost and alone :)  and Narbonne is windy, and rolling hills, and windmills (the big turbine ones, though, not the cool ones).  And my collègue, Elder Phelps, was called Chinese speaking, because his mom speaks French because she is French.  And get this:  his grandparents are in this ward!  One of them is not a member, so we're working with them.  Prayers prayers prayers prayers prayers.

Here are some things I noticed while packing yesterday:

I'm almost out of razor heads.  Gilette Mach 3 Turbo.  However, Gilette sounds pretty French, so I'm gonna look for those here before I ask you to send any.  I have enough to last me a good while stil.

Do you have that CTR Clothing book that talked about folding stuff and ironing and stuff?  Because I think it would be really handy, but it appears I did not take it with me when i left home.

I was packing away my white pants and...they're gigantic :)  Like, the waist fits fine, and yes, sometimes I say pants are huge when they are not that big, but these are literally huge.  They'd probably fill up with air and I'd float if I got in the font.  I could maybe do some of my own handiwork on em, don't know how good it will look, but if you have some suggestions, I'm open.

Are there any things I should be writing for that French class teacher you were telling me about?  Should i write more stuff in French or does it not really matter what I write?

i love you soooooooooo much,
Elder Liechty

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