Monday, March 24, 2014

Week #28 - Narbonne and parental fail

Well, we did it, didn't write to Max in time...parent fail
The good news, he sent pictures!

Well, mom

My heart is a little broken, but no worries.

We're doing emails pretty early today, because we had a guy tell us to pass him at noon on monday and teach his famille, so we're gonna do that, and then we are leaving this afternoon to go to Montpellier because zone conference is coming up.  So.  No hard feelings, but really, my heart is broken


I might be able to send pictures this week, so, cool, yes


Lundi, we went out to Carcassonne with the grandparents, and it was pretty dang cool.  It's a huge ol castle, and it's beautiful out there.  Pictures to send, maybe :)

Then, we went out that evening to pass some old amis and try to teach them again, but Elder Phelps bike tire popped, so we walked to the store and got a new tire and that was the evening...bummer, but now the bikes are fine!

So then mardi, we decided we wanted to go really far away where the missionnaires hadn't been before and contact there, knock some doors n whatnot.  So we went to Port-la-Nouvelle.  Turns out we made another "Lacanau" mistake, if you remember that from BDX.  It was a beach town, and there was nobody there.  Beautiful, again, but no one.  So we rode our bikes to a neighboring ville, found people there, had a couple nice conversations with some neat people, and then that evening we went to the grandparents home to surprise them and say hey, and we were on bikes, so it was a lot of biking and my thighs were a little sore, but that's the price of trying to fit into French pants :) AND THEN THAT EVENING.  Long story short, a train wasn't able to come due to an accident, so they sent us a bus, we took the bus down, and we were joking before hand that they should play some good music...they played Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 by the Floydsters.  My mind was BLOWN.  I tried  not to listen, but I broke.  Don't worry, I repented after :)

Mercredi we had a lesson with an ami, Lulu (a dude).  The lesson was going pretty well, we had a member present, and then this guy walked up to us.  It was another ami we hadn't seen in a while, David!  And then, his dog sprinted off after another dog, and that dog was the dog of an old ami!  We said hey to her, Isabelle, too.  Then these two little kids were waving at us, and I was trying to tell who they were, and they were two of the kids from the seventh day adventist famille, Melvin and Matheo!  We saw just about all our amis in the space of twenty minutes, at the same park, so that was neat.  It made us look and feel pretty cool, like everyone likes us :)
Then that evening we went out the Coursan, where all our potential familles are, and we knocked a couple doors, and found a cool famille who said to come back Friday.  So we did.  More on that later :)

Jeudi matin we had district meeting, then RCM, then we took a train out to the grandparents, talked about miracles and had a nice little DTR.  He has had so many miracles in his life, but he doesn't recognize it.  His life is really, really amazing, and he's having a hard time seeing that.  Just a cute old stubborn old man, but we love him.  We're making progress, I believe.
Then that evening, we had a RDV with the Coulon and Gisserot familles, two of the three active familles that live in Narbonne boundaries :)  they're awesome, fun old people, and we had DELICIOUS couscous.  Delicious.  Mmmmmmm.

We visited a less active famille vendredi après-midi, and shared with them what we had learned in Sunday school.  BECAUSE, the dad has started coming back, very cool.  He came again this last sunday, but we kinda want the whole famille.  But whate'er.  Step by step.  Then we went out and did some survey, very fun, then we had the famille in Coursan that evening.  Elder Phelps gave me complete charge over this one, so I was SCARED.  But we went in there, had a good time with them, and fixed a day for a FHE the next week.  Cool.  They're a gypsy famille, but they seem to be pretty settled in to there house and he said they stopped voyaging because he has a famille now.  Cool.  A bunch of little cuties for children, too.

Samedi we had to go up to Béziers because Elder Smith has fallen sick but they had some service set up.  Elder Phelps was the lucky duck who got to go do service, and I stayed in a baby sat E. Smith.  We watched a lot of really old church movies and talked about the work in Narbonne.  What I wouldn't give to do some SERVICE AROUND HERE.  Just kidding, I'm enjoying myself, but, you know, service would be nice

Dimanche was.   Fun....This member who comes, but is kind of homeless maybe and a little different, brought puppies to church.  ADORABLE.  But we had to take them out during sacrament, and then this part was nuts.  As we were taking them out, David, our ami we saw in the park, came to church because we invited him!  Anyway, he came in as we were taking the puppies out, so I took care of him as E.  Phelps took care of the puppies.  Then, afterwards, David bought one, as did another member.  It felt kind of like that time that Jesus goes and flips over tables because business was being done in the temple, but also there was no table flipping and those puppies were CUUUUUUUUTE.  That afternoon, we called the grandparents to see what they were doing this week so we could set something up, then they came and picked us up that day and we went to there house....just like that.  This is a weird thing we're in, here, teaching E. Phelps grandparents.  But it's fun, because we played a little Rummikub, a little Sebastoa (which I have to teach you), and taught a lesson.

That was the week!

Today, pas grande chose planned for p day because we have a lesson to teach and some traveling to Montpellier to do.  But this week should be pretty fun and hopefully successful.  I'll let you know next week!

Hope all is well and fine in Utah, and that the weather is finally clearing up.  It's beautiful here. mmmmmmmm

Elder Max Liechty


Another puppy!

The Castle in Carcassonne

Carcassonne Cathedral


Rugby match

The beach!!

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