Monday, March 17, 2014

Week #27 - Narbonne

We begged and begged and begged for pictures....apparently the computers they're using are older and not set up to send pictures....we don't think he knows what he's talking about.  But he said he'd send us his SD card, so hopefully one of these days you'll see more pictures:)

hallo meine mère (frère means brother, but fils means son :))

We got to do stuff this week and it was fun!  Elder Phelps is much better, so we got to do work n stuff.  Very fun.

His grandmère is a membre, yes.  She was baptized after her daughter (E Phelp's mom) was.  And we did get to teach them, and I like them :)

And yeah, I had that thought myself, that I could totally just buy my own razor here, that it's kind of pointless for you to send one.  Oh, que je suis bête!  What a goofball

For p-day we rode our bikes to this ville called Gruissan, right next to the beach, that is, the Meditteranean Sea.  So we touched it, and it was nice.  The sand is really really soft.  REALLY soft.  Then we rode back.  It took about 20 or 30 minutes to ride out there, beautiful countryside, but then the way back it was really windy right in our faces and it took about 40 minutes, maybe more.  But it was still cool!

We ride bikes a lot, but not all the time, because on bikes that means we just pass by a lot of people that we could be talking to.  We ride them to RDVs n stuff.  We take the train, often, also.  And we don't have a car, there are only four companionships who have cars in the whole mission, that is Gex, Corsica, Albi (because he is branch president, also), and the assistants in Lyon.  Prez wants to get rid of all the cars in the mission!  Nuts.

As for the week:

Lundi, we biked to Gruissan, then Elder Phelps had a doctors apt, it was kind of a mess, French doctors are known for not being awesome doctors...and then we went to Béziers because we had some meetings the next morning.  We met a couple really cool people in the train station, and it was good to get out and talk to strangers again

Mardi we were up in Béziers for a meeting, then our branch mission leader (dmb) needed us to stuff envelopes with these letters that he wants us to drop off in mail boxes.  What we're going to do is drop them off in family dense neighborhoods, and then pass by a few days later or so and knock on the doors.  Béziers has done it already, I don't know the results, but we might be doing it here in Narbonne.  Trying to change things up.  Then we came home, Loulou, a less active, called us and asked us to come over, so we went over and taught him.  We asked him if he could help us with another less active sister, so that should be cool.

Mercredi we had lunch with and taught E Phelp's grandparents!  It was fun, they are such grandparents, little, old, originally from Spain.  We shared a thought from the LdM, it went well.  He still isn't really willing to act, but, we'll see. Then.  That evening.  We went out to a ville called Coursan, where it was impossible to really get to before because the buses in Narbonne STINK (you have to call them the day before if you want them the next day, and they don't really go in the evenings...) but now we have bikes, and it's not that far on bikes.  But anyway, they had gone out there before, and a few families had said, yeah, you can come back.  So we went back, passed four of them, gave them all proclamations to the world, and they said come back.  That was very cool.  They told us when they'd be home and we can pass them whenever.  Cool.  Neat.  Yes.

Jeudi we had zone training!  And get this:  prez is changing everything up and he came out with a new way he wants to contact.  We have surveys, and we just ask these simple yes or no questions to people that get them thinking and hopefully interested.  Things are changing, the work is hastening.  People are so much nicer to us, and we are seeing blessings.  Prez is an inspired man.  When he gave this idea to the zone leaders, he said "this is what the Lord told me to do" and it was all "who-ho ho hoooooa" because he is an inspired man, yes he is.  Then that evening we had a lesson with a less active famille, very cool famille, and the dad actually came to church yesterday!

Vendredi we had the opportunity to really start the survey contacting.  And it was sweet.  People were so nice to us, and time flew.  Sometimes, honestly, contacting is the worst part of the day, but this survey thing is making it nice.  It's changing.  Like you learned it stake conference, it's really hastening!  I rewatched that broadcast the other day when E Phelps was sick, and it's still really great.  You can almost see me in the stands, because I was totally there with Adam Packer.  It was the same day I got the Melchisedek priesthood!  Wow, those were the days.  Then that evening we had a RDV with this 7th day Adventist famille who is awesome.  They wanted to have a meeting with us, them, and the JWs, but the JWs chickened out and it was just us.  They wanted to talk signs of the second coming.  So they showed us their video (hilarious and cheesey and doom-preachy), and we said "yeah, we believe in a lot of that same destruction, but we want to talk about two other signs of the second coming: the apostasy, and the restoration."  So we taught a first lesson, and it was cool.  They are really really stuck, however, on the sabbath being Saturday.  The only way we can change that is not through logic and arguing, however, but helping them gain a testimony of the LdM and modern revelation.  The kids looooooooooove us though.  They're a great famille.

Samedi was fun, because we got to go to a rugby game!  There is a kind of less active guy in our ward from Fiji, and his wife is from Hawaii, and he is on the team.  He invited us, and it was sweet.  Béziers kicked Albi's booties.  And guys almost died n whatnot.  We were there with some other members, and one of them invited a friend, so that was neat.  Then that evening we say the grandparents again.  I learned how to play this really cool spanish card game called Subastao.  It's kind of like booger.  I'll teach you when I get home.  Then we shared a little thought, because we ran out of time because it was late...we had planned for a solid lesson, but nooooo.  He's pretty stubborn, the grandpa, but we'll get him.  Keep praying.

Dimanche was church, of course, very fun.  We talked about the sacrament a little, some about Joseph of Egypt.  He was a good guy.  Kind of felt bad for frère Fructoso, the less active brother, because they talked a lot about how you can't just come from time to time and call it good, you have to come every week.  He wants to come more often, but this was kind of a "cassé" as we call it here....but he was cool about it.  THen we practiced survey contacting again.  Then our dmb invited us over for dinner, we showed him the survey contacting, it was good, dinner was tasty, talked a little about Alma and Amulek and how awesome they were, even in the midst of loads of affliction.

Today we are going out the Carcassonne with e Phelp's grandparents, because there is a huge castle there.  Neat.  We also ate at a chinese buffet in Montpellier after zone training, and it was really tasty.

It's true that things are changing, and we're gonna have to take a different approach if we want to see it change even more in Narbonne.  I'll go home and read the D n C later, yes.  And president has even told us to go out in shirts and jeans and ask for opportunities for service.  That's something he told us here in Narbonne, not the whole mission.  So we'll do that sometime.  I made a goal at the beginning of the mish to smile all the time, so far so good, so hopefully that is helping people.  Ask zachy what he did in ilenburg or isengard or whatever :)

love you LOADS,
is it possible you could send all the points to be a happy missionary in one so that I could print it off?  I liked them, but I don't have them all in one place and I'm too lazy to retrieve them all myself :)

Elder Liechty

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