Monday, February 24, 2014

Week #24 - Bordeaux

Mom your French is better than mine!
(bonjour is one word :) )

First I saw "March" "Baltimore" "jazz" and I thought SAM GETS TO GO ON ANOTHER SWEET TRIP?!?!  Then I realized it was you and then I thought MOM GETS TO GO ON ANOTHER SWEET TRIP?!?!

Mmmm mmm mmmmmm Rib City.  That and Panda Express are the two first meals I want when I get home, please.

It's a ward, still pretty little (in comparison).  The primary is about fifteen kids, maybe?  Which is a decent size for France, considering a little ville we visited the other day, Angoulême, has three kids that make up the primary :)

Have you heard of the film Grand Budapest Hotel?  I saw an ad for it the other day and it looked like there was a LOT of very famous people in it.  And have you seen yet that Walter Mitty film yet?  Films.

Who has been teaching jazz band without Mickey?  Sounds suspicious...

TJ Haws.  Is coming to my mission.  Wu wu wut.  whoa ho ho.  What if he and I were.......COMPANIONS?!?!  And now Eric Mika will be unstoppable, inhumanly sized, basketball star, speaks the only language more beautiful than French.  All the boys in the world might as well give up any hope of ever getting married when that guy's around.

This week was pretty neat, not gonna lie.

We played this game called Gnip-Gnop with the frère from our ward, and it was incredibly fun.  And the weather was SO PLEASANT.  It's so beautiful out right now, it's killing me.  Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm.  Sunny, breezy, perfect to wear a light jacket, mmmmm mmmm mmmmm.  Then that evening we went to the FHE of the young adults, because we had some amis come!  We invited a young couple from Guadeloupe, and they came.  While we were playing gnip-gnop, they texted us saying they might not be able to make it, sorry.  Then they texted back later and said that he managed to get off work early so they could come!  Then we went and it was very very fun, very non threatening, the young adults were all super to them, awesome moments passed.  High hopes for these cool guys.

Mardi we went out talking to strangers, again, and then passed this less active member.  We went by and he was there, and he was very old.  And he had a lot of signs in his house pointing to that he was now very Catholic.  But we went in, got to know him, read a scripture, and that was neat.  He said there was this missionary, Suisse German named Martin, that he loved so much, and he pushed him really hard.  Then I realized that's the key.  People don't love you and remember you because you were easy and nice, they love you and remember you because you helped change their life.  New goal set: change some lives.  Then we visited Frère Handy, lovely lovely frère Handy.  It was really good, he was happy, smiley, but he is still troubled by the thought he has sinned to much to be forgiven (he hasn't, that's for certain, but he's pretty unstable when it comes to self confidence), but i feel we helped clear some of that up for him, talking about loving everyone, even yourself.

Then mercredi we went to Angoulême, because Elder Foote had to do a baptismal interview with a young fella that the sisters here have been teaching, but lives in Angoulême during the week.  It was fun, because it is the first ville that Elder Foote served in, so he was going nuts n stuff.  We visited a very old man named Jean Bourdichoux, who Elder Foote loves and used to visit all the time.  frère Bordichoux was so so so happy to see elder Foote, it touched his heart.  Good times.  Listened to him sing (something they used to do all the time).  Then we went, did the interview, all went well, this fella is all good to be baptized (see samedi).

(I just found a caterpiller crawling on my bag.  The weather is nice enough now that all this fuzzy caterpillars are rising out of the earth like a bunch of freaky zombies or something, and they're everywhere.)

Jeudi we got to teach the famille Hristova, our Bulgarian friends!  We gave them the LdM in Bulgarian, explained a little, and invited them to start reading.  We were going to watch the Restoration film in Bulgarian, but the DVD didn't work, so that will have to wait for another time and we'll bring our portable DVD player.  But there was this other French guy there, he was really nice, and respected the Mormons and had read a little of our book.  It was neat.  They're a group of real cool people.

Vendredi we went to the Banque Alimentaire again, very fun, we got cred there now since this is our second time.  Those brothers recognize us now.  Lots of people asked about our church, too, which we're not supposed to really talk about there, but sometimes do anyway :) they started it :)  Then that afternoon we went out and passed by that less active fellas home, his name is Daniel, and we talked for a while, and he invited us to dinner chez lui next mercredi.  Neat.  Then that evening we were supposed to have something set up with la famille Hristova and the DVD, but the DVD didn't work out, so we just talked about Joseph Smith a little.  The had started reading the LdM, the intro and the testimonies of the witnesses, and they said "it's really good.  It's the better Bible" and we we're all "dang straight it is."  Now we just gotta watch that film with all of them there, because often at least one of them is missing.

Samedi was fun because we had the young men and young women with us!  We went out contacting with them, had a RDV with Pierre Setondji, our less active friend that also works at the food bank, and then finished it off with the baptism.  Seeing that man get baptized made me want to just baptize more people, so I plan on doing that.  Also, the youngsters were all really cool, and I guess this activity inspired a lot of them, especially the young men, to do missions later.  Good work, I suppose?  It was fun, we got to know them, a handy way to get to the rest of the family, then referrals, then baptisms!  We've got a lot of people with a lot of faith, and I'm praying that we can bring them to the straight n narrow path through the good ol door of baptism.

Dimanche we did a lot of contacting in the evening, and that was about it.  However, church was fun, as usual.  In elders quorum they shared the talk You Can Do it Now by Elder Uchtdorf.  That's a really good one that I like a lot, from the last conference.  Then I tried my hand at some translating for one of the Americans in our ward, whose husband normally translates for here, but he was out taking care of the kid.  I couldn't get it word for word, but I got the gist of it and paraphrazed it to my best.  And also I had to play piano and now the chorister asked me to do it again next week.  I don't know how these people found out I play piano.  Also, Frère Handy had finally decided that he was in fact pardonnable!  He was so happy to tell us.  I love him.  He has such an awesome desire to be perfect, and I'd say he's pretty dang close.

Looking forward to another good week of hardwork, because that's the way that blessings are seen.  It's worth it if we have done all that we can.  I think that's a quote from 17 Miracles or something.

I'm praying for you, because I LOVE YOU

Elder Liechty

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