Monday, February 10, 2014

Week #22 - Bordeaux

Mom mom mom!

It was a very good week, yes.  Incredibly fast, but good.  Very wet, but good.

Elder Foote has two transfers after this one and then he is dead. (yes that's what it means to die:))

I'll take the big tube, no problems there.  And as far as other things...the grey raincoat :) and I was thinking about jalapeno (sic) jelly today, but I don't know if you have any of that or what at this season.  And transfer ends on 2 march, three weeks I believe that makes.  So soon.  This transfer is going to fast is what.

The pants aren't THAT tight, okay?  No worries.  Or maybe they are, and I just can't tell the difference because everyone here wears the same kind of pants.  They are all in the mode is what.

I've seen ads for the Lego movie, but I haven't even thought twice about it!  I guess that can get put on the list of movies my family has gone to seen without me.  And yes, that list begins long before I left on my mission :)

1.  We don't go out to eat that often.  I think the last time we went out was when we went with Tommy to the Éthiopien restaurant.  We have plans to buy kebabs soon, however, because a guy told us where to find the best one.

2.  I heard the olympics started!  I heard there is a Mormon woman doing the skeleton or the luge or something.  She got in a big accident a few years back and took a break, but she's going again, but she said she wouldn't go unless she could bring her whole family, and someone saw that and paid for her and her whole family to go.  Neat.  good example of family values.  Reminds me of the times my family used to go to movies without me :)  Where are the olympics this year?  Russia or something?  And that's understandable for the French, all they ever do is play soccer.  and those Norsk atheletes are cheating, they have winter year round, therefore year round training, that's why they're winning.

3.  yeah so maybe jalapeno jelly, if that is available?  Ooooooh pistachios?  Some kind of nut mix or something mmmmmmmm

4.  I am......not(wearing galoshes)......I'd give some excuse but it's literally just because I forget.  By the end of the night sometimes my feet are very cold and and little damp, and I wish I'd worn them, but, I haven't yet.  Sorry

5.  We exercise, oh yeah.  Push ups n stuff in the morning.  Some lunges, the works.  We've gone running a couple times, but it's gotten pretty cold in the mornings lately, so we took a break and instead do the easy exercises

6.  We haven't had lots of opportunities for service here in BDX.  Had a few in Gex.  But elder Foote and I are going to go to the Banque Alimentaire (food bank of France) because there is a member and a less active member that both work there.  There's a family working on their house,  and we've tried to go help them, but they haven't had anything for us yet.  One day.

Like I said, André left us this mardi, bummer.  Then we had a meeting with the other missionaries, fun times.

Mercredi we had a RDV with frère Handy, and it was good.  It started out kind of robotically, just kind of doing it.  But we could tell something was up.  So we talked more and then he opened up and told us.  We read some scriptures that we thought of, which was interesting, because I had thought earlier that day to change the lesson to one of those scriptures.  But it got a lot better, his spirit is always a lot better lightened when he reads stories similar to his in the LdM.  I really enjoy our visits with him.  Then we went to go pass a referal the Dickenson couple had given us a little bit ago, and we found him there.  He was really cool and nice, but not so interested.  His son was pretty sweet, too.  They are famille of the new senior couple who will be moving in in avril, so he said if we're here we can stop by with them.  Then we had a RDV with frère Rebuffo, shared a little scripture, nice n quick.  Then a drunk lady contacted US at the bus stop.  Pretty fun

Jeudi we went out and did work.  That morning we called frère Handy telling him about how we will be going to the banque alimentaire next week, and then we talked for a little.  He told me that the scripture we left with him was one of his favorites, and that our call warmed his heart, as did our RDV, and as will seeing us at the banque alimentaire.  Then that evening we had dinner with a famille from Kaysville, Utah, the Thorleys, and he made us hamburgers.  We shared a story about logic versus faith, because the Assistants challenged us to share stories like that during RDVs.  I don't remember which one we shared, but it was neat.  The important thing to remember is that we need to put our faith in Jesus over our trust in logic.  God has asked us to do lots n lots of things that may seem either impossible or just illogical and without reason.  But he has commanded us to do these things, and when we do them, we see blessings.  I don't know how that works, but I know that it works.

Vendredi we did some lots of contacting.  We went out to a little town that evening called Martignas-sur-Jalles to do some porte à porte.  It was a lot smaller than we thought it would be.  And also we had plans to pass someone whose adresse we had, but we looked on the map there and her street didn't exist...but it was fun anyway, and on our way back we bought some delicious pastries. Mmmmmm

The next morning we had plans to pass this less active fella we had passed the week before, but again, we got him just as he was about to take his dog out.  But he was coming out this time, and we said hey, shook hands, he seems really nice, and we fixed something for the future.  He's out of town for a little bit, but we should be seeing him in a couple weeks.  He also had a really firm hand shake, not very common among French people.  It was very refreshing.  Then we went out and talked to strangers on the road.  And it started raining again, pretty hard, and nobody was outside.  so we passed by the house of this Bulgarian famille we had contacted on the road a while ago.  They were all there, and they let us in.  We explained the LdM, and showed it to them on the internet in Bulgarian, because we didn't have a Bulgarian book with us.  The problem here is that there is a little language barrier, as the mother doesn't speak very much French, the father only really speaks work French, but the children speak French pretty well, so that should be fine.  And also we found a Bulgarian LdM at the Zone Leader's apartment, so that was a nice little miracle.  they are an amazing family with a lot of faith.  Their name is Ristova, you can pray for them if you'd like

Then dimanche, good times, church n stuff.  The sisters asked me to play the piano part for J'habitais dans les Cieux (I lived in Heaven?) during sacrament meeting.  Luckily, it's a good easy song, so that was fun.  Then after church la famille Alves saw us and invited us to eat with them, because they cooked their lunch at the church.  They had a lot of food, as the famille Alves normally does, so we accepted.  Then we went out and talked to a lot of French people, found some neat ones, but didn't get around to baptizing any of them.

And that brings us to today.  The last day of Soldes.  Elder Foote's mother wanted him to buy another suit for his brother, but we couldn't find one.  So it was kind of a wasted pday, unfortunately.  But we discovered that the musée that was not open on lundi is now open on lundi, so we'll probably go there next week.  Also, there is this tiny bus called the Bus 47, and it doesn't have specific times or stops, it just stops if you see it and flag it down.  And I've been wanting to take it for a long time, and we took it today.  It was all I ever wanted and more.

Thanks for your prayers and your fasting.  I think I should probably fast a little more than we do here, because I've really seen the blessings of fasting.  So much strength given you when you're in that state of weekness.

And I really appreciate that quote.  I think the difference between enduring and putting up with something is that when you put up with something, you deal with it, but you still kind of hate it and wish it would stop.  But when you endure something, you accept it as it is, and that it's not likely to change, and you take it like a man.  Or, rather, take it humbly.  There are even possiblities where, in enduring something, it becomes somewhat of a strength for you.  Hmmmmmm

Love you bunches,
Elder Liechty

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