Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week #21 - Bordeaux

Hey moooooooooooooooooom,

So, it looks like your prayers and fast....WORKED.  We did some good work this past while, and we've been working hard.  Of course, there is always room for improvement, but the motivation level here in BDX is stepping up.  Thanks for your help.  you ROCK.  All I've been doing is praying, and then trying to be the example.  It's hard when I'm used to being more of a follower than a leader, but that'll have to change someday, so why not now?  Sometimes I just throw myself into stuff to start us getting motivated, then Elder Foote picks up on it, then we get to work, and it's good.  He knows he's having a hard time staying motivated, but he says that my smile helps, so I throw some of those his way every once in a while.  We have a mission wide goal for baptisms this year, I don't quite remember what it is, but it's good.  And last year in January, we had 8 baptisms.  This January I believe we have had 18 missionwide, so the work is hastening, that's for sure.  I'd like to play a part there, but the only way that's gonna happen is if we keep working really hard.  And also prayers n whatnot

Yeah so the face cream.  WOWEEE.  If it's gonna be like that, I say forget about it.  Unless, of course, you find the samples.  And also, if you send more of that cheap medicated wash, too, that'd be fine.  Better the have a spare than run out and find none, so.

Fun on p-days include:  Soldes.  It's Elder Foote's last Soldes, so we've been hitting them up.  We were gonna go to the Musée d'Aquitaine today, which apparantly is really sweet, and also not open on Mondays, but we got caught up in Soldes.  Didn't even buy much stuff, just went to all the stores checking out what was left because it's almost over.  but there are cool stuff that we will start hitting up now that the Soldes are just about done.  Old buildings n stuff.  Ruins, old castles, lots of vineyards.  This place is OLD.

No body talks about the Super Bowl, no.  I almost forgot about it.  And then the olympics are this year, huh?  Didn't even think of that.  But at zone conference, President Roney gave us all a treat and showed us the Doritos commercial from this years Super Bowl and told us the results.  What a funny commercial.  We only see the Roneys at Zone Conferences.  If you're in Lyon, you see them more often, and sometimes he goes on Stake Conference Tours, when it's that time of year.

THIS IS PUBLIC HEALTH.  Remember when we drove out to that road with the big Colonoscopy sign and took a picture with that sticker?  Funny stuff, mom, funny stuff.

Breakfast, yes, I eat breakfast.  I drink A LOT of juice, that normally throughout the day.  I like to eat toast.  Toast and jam, and fruit.  Yeah, that's right, I'm still eating fruit out here.  Grapefruit, even.  Grapefruit and bananas, mostly.  Vegetables, on the other hand...I had some lettuce last week and some peppers.  I try to make it a goal to eat at member's houses so I get my proper nutrients :)

But as for recipes, you can send them to both of us, just so I have them before hand, and then so Soeur Roney has them for the book.  Cool, thanks.

So what we did this week that was neat.

Lundi we had an FHE with la famille Labourel, they're really cool.  Frère Labourel went through an amazing experience regarding his conversion, so it's always neat to talk to him.  And Soeur Labourel is really good at cooking, so that's fun too.  And then we played a game called Carrum (maybe) that was SO FUN.  It's Indian, and it's kind of like pool and shuffle board combined.  It was really really fun, for real.  Wish I knew what it was called for sure.

Don't really remember what happened mardi, but we talked to a lot of people, that's for sure.  It was also the last day that the Senior Couple in BDX is here, they left for Genève, and we aren't getting a senior couple until avril, I believe.

Mercredi we went and home taught la famille Spagnolini with Frère Rebuffo, and that was nice.  Frère Spagnolini is the one in the wheel chair, and really nice, and likes me beause we both have Swiss ancestors.  And Soeur Spagnolini made some delicious quiche.  Mmmmmm.  Then we had to sit in the appartement for a minute because an electrician was coming to make sure the electricity was alright, and it was.  So that was really quick.  then we headed out to a RDV with a man named Alain, who we picked up a little bit ago.  This lesson was better than others, he didn't try to talk or change topic so much.  But, if he doesn't really start acting or reading or praying, we're gonna have to re-drop him again.  He's a nice fella, however.

Jeudi we had zone training in the morning, good stuff, as usual.  then we visited Frère Handy.  Something they invited us to do at zone training was to start every RDV with a story from the life of Jesus.  And, en plus, a story that puts faith in Jesus Christ over logic.  So we did that with Frère Handy, and it went really well.  then he gave each of us a book of pictures of BDX.  that was really nice.  I like Frère Handy.

Vendredi we saw ANDRE!!  He got back from Paris, and we taught him the Word of Wisdom at a member's house.  It went well.  Here's what we learned:  He's getting baptized for sure!  In...Paris.  Because he's been to church there more, he knows more people in that ward, and also he's at the point to move there right now because of his job.  So.  It was really really nice teaching André.  He's awesome, and I'm proud to say that we taught him the most difficult lesson to teach, the law of chastity.  But most importantly, I'm glad I got to feel the spirit with him, and watch the little changes take place as he moves towards baptism.  Something he said while we were walking him to his bus is that he knows for sure that God is there and he loves him so much.  It was just out of nowhere he said that, but it was sweet.  He's gonna be a killer member in Paris.  They need 'em there because the Lyon mission is so much better :)

Samedi we had four things set up (that's a lot), but only two really went through.  One of them, we saw the guy, but he was really busy and said that he would try to come to church tomorrow (he didn't :) but also he's moved back to Nigeria now, so).  But the two that did were really good.  One was with Pierre Setondji, our less active member we're working with.  We did the whole logic versus faith leçon and it was really nice.  He's cool, and I think he still has a testimony, but now he sings in the choir of the church he goes to, so he feels like he kind of has a commitment.  We'll see what we can do about that.  Then that evening we saw Simon, he's the man that we invited to church and he CAME.  He's still really really cool.  We drank some hot cocoa with him, and gave him a LdM.  He has 0 Christian background, so he really wants to start by reading the Bible.  We showed him how long it is and he had second thoughts :) but also he lives right next to the institute building, so we invited him to go there because it could really help with his scripture reading and study and help him learn and understand.  He said cool.  He wants to take this pretty slow, it seems, but we're still planning on seeing him and planning on having him be really cool.

Dimanche was all churchy.  We had church.  And get this.  So I've been carrying this consecrated oil on my belt loop for who knows how long now, and haven't gotten a chance to use it UNTIL dimanche.  We gave a blessing to our friend and fellow member Patrick Jean-Charles from Guadeloupe because he's been having troubles sleeping and he doesn't know what's up.  So if you could keep him in your prayers, too, that'd be sweet.  Then that evening we had a FHE with la famille Maillard where we watched the Rétablissement video and talked about how awesome the church is.  Tess (the less active daughter) doesn't like church because it's three hours of sitting down and boring.  Elder Foote and I thought later that maybe we could sit next to her and play that box game or something.  If you have some ideas, throw em our way.

Then yesterday was zone conference, sweet.  We talked about listening skills, having the spirit skills, loving skills, all that.  all these things I had kind of been thinking about the week before, and then they all got touched on during zone conference.  Very cool.  I appreciated that.  The assistants reminded us that our purpose is to invite EVERYONE unto repentance.  Whether that is straight up telling someone to start keeping a commandment the haven't been, or inviting members to live a commandement more exactly or more often.  It's true.  That's why we're here, and that's how we will change lives.  Repentance can seem scary, but it's not. I know that.  It's the number one feeling you can have.  It's the delicious fruit that Lehi tasted of, and like him, I want to share it with EVERYONE.  Then that evening all we had time for was to talk to some neat people on the tram.  This is really when I saw your prayers working, because no. 1 - it was right after you fasted n stuff and no. 2 - that evening we had the choice to be kind of effective and unload our supplies from zone conference, or to go out and talk to people on the tram for the last twenty minutes of the night.  Normally, I would've been submissive, and we would've ultimately chosen to do stuff inside, or spend twenty minutes deciding and not do anything.  But it was elder Foote who suggested going out on the tram and contacted the last people of the night.  Very cool.  It was fun, and I loved it.  Thanks.

So today all we have planned is our last RDV with André before he goes to Paris for good and gets himself baptized.  Then we have RCM with the other missionnaires.  Cool, though.  My French pants we picked up after getting hemmed and very French.  I'd send you pictures but 1 - I haven't taken any and 2 - they would blow your mind that I can fit myself into pants that tight.

Love you.  Something I've been working on this week was asking Heavenly Father "Qu'est-ce que tu veut que je fasse?" or what would you have me do?  And it's been working, I'll tell you what.  Seeing changes here.  And also asking for the strengthening power of the Atonement.  Something also neat I thought of:  Jesus has asked us to drop our yoke and take his upon us.  What does that even mean?  Why can't we just drop our yoke or just give it to Jesus and like not carry anything?  so much easier.  But, the thing is, his is so light and easy to carry, and he's just offering it to us like that.  He gives us the strength to keep carrying the burdens.  Just like the Nephites in that one story or whatver when they were all having the secret prayers in their hearts, and the burdens weren't taken, but they were strengthened, rather, to carry them.  That's how it is.  The burden isn't just dropped and left there, it's carried, and Jesus helps us, that's what's up.  That has helped me a lot, too.

love you again,
elder Liechty

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