Monday, February 17, 2014

Week #23 - Bordeaux

Mother mom MOM

It totally is the short bus :)  the people that normally take it are either very old or handicapped (or Mormon missionaries looking for the ride of their lives).

I know my mom loves me because she sent me a PACKAGE!  And in that package was.....THE GREY RAINCOAT!!!  I love my mom.  And i love heart shaped candy.  And I love the grey raincoate (I'm wearing it.  Right now.)  Thanks mom.  You're number one

We have not yet had the chance to visit them, we keep going by at a time when they are not there.  Hmmmm.  But we passed by once when she was just leaving and she said she was still excited to watch the film and get the book.  We just have to go by when they are all there.  BUT.  something neat we learned is that there is someone in our ward who speaks Bulgarian!  Granted, he is less active, but this sounds more like a two birds one stone activity (rather, six birds one stone because there are five people in the Hristova famille (I learned that the name is written like that, but still pronounced the same)).  From what we've heard, he's an awesome young man, but may or may not live completely the word of wisdom.  This are things we can fix.  That was very exciting news.

We haven't yet done our pday activity, because we're doing emails first and then going to go play Gnip-Gnop, as it is called, with frère Thorley.  But so far we bought groceries and ate at McDo's.  Our normal grocery store is closed for some reason, so we took a little longer and paid a little more money this week with groceries.  Bummer.  But no biggie.

While we were buying groceries, accross the mall they were playing some olympics on a TV....and I glanced over....and it was snowboard cross....and I saw a dude fall and it was pretty funny because there's always a dude that falls.  And there's no hope for that poor guy EXCEPT that one time a guy fell and got up and either won or got close or something.  He was probably American.


So lundi we had plans to go pass a fella that was being taught a while ago, and on our way, taught a guy from Guadeloupe on the street real quick.  He was neat BUT...we forgot to get his number so we have to rely on him calling us.  And unfortunately the guy we passed wasn't interested any more.  But it's cool, because we had the little lesson on the way.

then all up in mardi we went on EXCHANGE.  I guess who I went with.  Guess.  It was Elder Beyer!  We served together again, and it was very fun.  It was especially fun to see him doing things that I started doing in Gex that rubbed off on him that I forgot when I left to BDX.  And it got me pumped up and liking contacting again!  Elder Foote and I had kind of gotten boring with contacting, and not really having fun with it.  But then after this exchange, we were pretty pumped to go out and do work again.  It seems as if he and I are both the type that more follow examples than set them, so in following each others example of trying to follow the other's example, things slowly degenerated to the point that nobody was setting an example.  SO.  We had this chance to see the examples of our beautiful zone leaders, and that pumped us up again, and we started setting an example for each other.  That's why this was a good week, because we worked our buns off being good missionnaires.

Then it seems we have come to mercredi.  Elder Foote and I went to the Banque Alimentaire (Food Bank of France) to be trained so we could do service there with Frère Handy and our less active friend Frère Pierre Setondji.  All clear, we will be doing service there.  then we went out, hit the pavement, contacted, and went to a hometeaching appt with Frère Rebuffo to a man's home who just moved here a little bit ago for an internship at the hospital (he is from Madagascar).  It was cool.  We shared the first presidency message, which, if I remember correctly, is about service?  We haven't gotten the Liahona since I got here in décembre, so I don't even know what's going on in the church these days.  As far as I know, 17 year olds can go on missions now.

Enter jeudi.  We talked to 135 people on this day, which I do believe, is the most people I have talked to in one day.  I enjoyed it.  We found some very neat people, and also ate some delicious kebabs.  This is the day we found a young couple from Guadeloupe who were pretty interested and would like to come to church (unfortunately, something came up and they couldn't come, but they're coming to institute this evening for a FHE, so neat).  Days like these where we just talk to people and have a good time with it is fuuuuun.  We also found a very nice lady searching the truth, and she said the upcoming dimanche she will come with all her kids and her sister.  That'll be very neat.

Vendredi, food bank day.  got out of the apartment real early in the morning to go to la banque alimentaire and do some service. It's loads of fun.  We have been assigned to sort the good fruit from the bad fruit, which includes putting good looking fruit in boxes, and throwing old and bruised and moldy fruit into big bins of more moldy fruit.  We would throw them in a way that would make them splat the most :)  And Frères Handy and Setondji were there, so that was a good experience.  Then that evening we went out and talked to more strangers, and it was still fun.

Now samedi rolls along and we have a very pleasant RDV with frère Setondji, and he gave us some delicious tropical juice smoothie.  We showed him a scripture (Mosiah 5, I believe) and he was LOOOOVING it.  He was astonished at how much stuff was found in just this one chapter.  i think that means he likes the LdM, still.  Then we told him we wanted to do something with him and Soeur Lacave (his good member friend) at her house, so we'll probably be doing that.  Actually, we will be doing that.  then that evening we went out and talked to strangers, again, and we talked to people that normally we would classify as scary and not worth it to contact, but when we contacted them, we got phone numbers and RDVs.  hmmmmmmm, looks like that is what we were missing

the week ended nicely with a dimanche, as it normally does.  all we did of big mention was pass a fellow that the sisters had begun teaching, but were having a hard time teaching because they could never get another woman to come with them.  so they gave him to us, and he's apparantley really cool.  He's from Madagascar, and he likes to speak German (I'll tell him all the things I know, which includes the numbers 1 through 12, the advents song, the alphabet, and your basic hello, goodbye, thank you, you're welcome).  We went by his place, he had company, but he was excited to get in contact with us and we set up a meeting with him this vendredi.  cool.

I tried to make this letter a little more animated and flowing by adding transistions between the days, I hope it worked.

Something that I have studied recently that blew my MIND is the fact that in the Book of Mormon, there are prophecies of the restoration, the coming forth of the BoM, Joseph Smith, all that.  And then I thought "how did Joseph Smith fell when he told these things to Oliver Cowdrey, and realized that he was the instrument bringing this prophecies to reality?"  WHOOAAOAOAOAAA. That was pretty nuts to me, and I loved it.  It reminded me that there are parts of the LdM that prophecy about us, too, and that we are all instruments being used to bring to pass Heavenly Father's work and his glory.  That's very neat.

French people don't like accepting help that often, but when you force it upon them, you can tell they're grateful.  So I'll start washing dishes even when they tell me not to :)  The only thing is that sometimes we don't eat at members houses so much anymore in BDX as we did in Gex.  But I guess that means seize the few opportunities I have, n'est-ce pas?


Elder Liechty

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