Monday, February 2, 2015

Week #73 - Staying in Avignon


Jokes on you, I didn't have a real pday cuz I was on train to Lyon to get another bleu missionnaire!  Wowie this is my second real fils, and my third fils (Elder Beck is kinda my beau-fils).  WOW

I'm staying in Avignon with my new bleu, Elder Ambursley is going to Geneva, and Elder Lindsey is getting a Tahitian companion, Elder Beck is going to NARBONNE!!!!!! wooooooo

I like the CD.  Of course, you know, when you hear your own voice and you're like "ouuuuccchhhhh"?  Yeah.  But it sounds alright, I like it.  I'll try to send you a copy!

We danced on the bridge.  I can't wait to send you this next SD card so you can see the video.  We get pretty freaky on that bridge.  It was fun.

I emailed Jacen, yeah!  And he said yeah let's room, he thinks it would be cool to live in a more housey kind of place.  I'll ask him about his mom's info.  I have his dad's email, I think.  Let me see.

There it is.  And now the email is grey!  Fun.

We saw the CHILEAN famille (they have some boys from Barcelona staying with them) on sunday, and it was 
reaallll fun.  But we won't be able to go this week, cuz I'm in Lyon.

I should be seeing Prez pretty dang soon, so I'll talk to him about.

I took looooooooots of good pics this week, but my SD card is not working here in this computer so.....hopefully 
I'll get around to it next week!


Lundi started out with miracles.  During pday, we were taking pics in front of the Palais des Papes, and Elder Beck wanted a photo of him contacting a guy in front of it, he contacted the guy, taught him a lesson, and got his number.  While he did that, I was talking with our friend on the phone, and taught him a lesson over the phone, y'all.  Then later that evening (after dancing on the pont), we were at Casino picking up some last things before going and hitting it.  We met this guy in line that we actually fixed a rdv with for that saturday.  Sweet.  After that, we were out talkin', and we met this guy who is actually a less active baptized in Annecy not too long ago, and loves playing ball with the Elders, and would be down to play some bball with us, so I hope my next collegue can ball.

Then mardi we recorded the CD, and went to the Farinas for the FHE.  That was a fun day, really fast, too, cuz o the CD recording.

Then I was on exchange with Elder Palmer, the ZL, and we went to town in Avignon.  We got a real good rdv with Etienne (he's doing really well, just did a pump up lesson for him to get him ready to talk to his boss about changing the hours), and while we were there, E Palmer got a call from Prez calling his as assistant, so we had to change all our plans and take him back to Aix so he could pack up cuz he had to leave that morning.  So that was fun.

Then after we dropped E Palmer off at the train, we and Elder Olsen went back to Avignon for a rdv with Didier, our guitar friend.  We had a real good rdv with him, played some hymns, talked about the restoration some, prayed with him, and he really loves us.  I'll tell you about our next rdv from later in the week, it was awesome.  Then back to Aix to drop off Elder Olsen, done babysitting him, and then back to Avignon, and that was the day.

Vendredi was a good time, just as well, we started copying over the CDs, met some coolios in the street, and had a good lesson with Louis, the less active son of the Chilean famille, and he promised to come to church that sunday, and so that was awesome.

Samedi we had our pal from Casino on lundi and we went and ate lunch with him at this shop called the Milk Shop with some meeeaan milkshakes and also some stellar sandwiches, including BAGELS!!!! You don't find bagels here, mom!  Very good time.  And Amine is also reeeaally awesome, very believing, and loves the crud out of the fact that we dedicate two years of our lives to serve Jesus only.  Very cool time.  Then also that morning I forgot we saw André again, to say bye for Elder Beck, and that was a very cool spiritual little rdv.  Then we went to the beautiful city of l'Isle sur la Sorgue to try to pass this LA, wasn't home, but we went on a sweet hike up this dirt path to find the house.  then we came back after knockin' some doors, and saw Didier.  That was a very cool rdv with him.  Said goodbye for Elder Beck, taught him about the plan of salvation, and he said we were his true friends, and that he loved us.  That was awesome.  That's all I really want to hear, is people that are learning and growing and feeling the Spirit and recognizing this Godly love we are trying to transmit.  Awesome!

Then on dimanche we went to the Farinas, ate with them, played guitar, and Louis also came to church!  Yessssssssssssssss.  After the lunch, Elder Beck packed, and that was sunday.  Good, good times.

I'm gonna miss Elder Beck, cuz we had a reaaalllllly good time together, but I'm stoked to have this new baby boy and try to teach him all I know, and learn all I can from him!

I loooooove you all!


Elder Max Liechty

A little excerpt from Kent's letter:
I was reading in the Atonement book you n mom sent me, and Tad R. Callister was talking about how much we know about the Atonement and the Plan of Salvation, and how surprising it is to us how little others know!  Not to show off how much we know, but how important the BoM and modern revelation are in this knowledge.  About how the whole "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy" and the whole "opposition in all things" and all that, it's not in the Bible!  I was actually stunned, and it made me a lot more grateful for the BoM.

I told mom about Etienne, and J-P is doing alright, he came to church, and we also taught him on lundi, but I forgot to tell mom.  We talked about agency, and how every choice has to be our own, but that we gotta make good choices, yo!  He's getting better, he's really starting to grasp it, it seems.

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