Monday, November 17, 2014

Week #62 - Muret

You didn't write me.

I'm gonna give you some time to think about what you've done, and I'll write you back soon.



But seriously.  I'll let you write me first so in case you have any questions :)

So, you took too long, and I'm gonna write you first :) (He thinks I didn't write because I accidentally sent it to Kent. Luckily he was still online and got my email that Kent quickly forwarded to him)

I'ma just jump straight into the week.

Lundi we went out on the town knocking doors n whatnot.  We decided to walk down this road to another city and knock every door on the way, talked to some really neat people, and even found a lady who said come on back.  Also it was really dark and really cold, so we're gettin' all up in our winter clothes these days.  I, uh, purchased a new, uh, fancy french coat, too, uh, sorry I didn't warn you.  But it was at a place that is the equivilant of Ross or TJ Maxx, so, like, it's good quality for the price!  Yeah.  Nice.

The next day was rough.  We were trapped inside our apartment, because, uh, tummy problems ;) so that was a long day.  Luckily we were able to get the other elders to come on down and help us out with some important rdvs we had that day, and were still able to get some work done in Muret.  Other than that, we rearranged the apartment, and now it's super clean and really spacey, and I'd probably live somewhere like this even if I wasn't a missionary.  Cool.

The next day we were able to leave again :)  We went out to pass some old amis, becuase they had asked for a cookie recipe, so, we went ahead and gave it to them.  They were really happy to see us again, and said the next activity we have, they want to come.  So that was really neat.  Then also that day the electricity in our apartment blew out.  And we didn't know where anything was, so we were without electricity.  Cold, dark, and sad.  But we got some lamps from the other elders, and so that's the photo of us writing in our journals that night.  Yeah.  AND.  On the way home that night, we talked to this fella on the train, and he was really really cool.  His name is Paul.  He works on restoring old watches and other antiques.  And it was really funny, because the only reason he sat next to us was so he could put his feet up on the chair across from him, and he actually stole this other lady's chair to do that.  Ha.  But, we got his number and learned he also lives right across the street from us!  So we're gonna probably work really hard with him this next little bit.

Then jeudi started out with cold showers and darkness again.  The rest of the day was fun though!  We went with the whole district to do some street boarding for a little bit in the afternoon just before we hopped on a train to Lyon for bleu's conference!  And that was the entire day.  Really long train.

The next day was the conference, and it was great.  I feel like training is a chance to start over your mission again, because you get to remember what prez says when you first come in, and this time you actually listen and think about how to apply it, instead of just being tired and not wanting to take notes :)  So this has been a real good time.  That evening we got to get out and talk to strangers in Lyon, and that was really fun.  Got the number of this fella who was interested in prophets and gave it to my good friend Elder Olsen serving in Lyon right now.  Yeah.

Then we woke up really really early in the morning, got on a train, and came on home.  When we got home, we saw one of our neighbors and asked if they knew anything about the breaker and where it was, and they showed us, and it was as simple as that.  We clicked the button and it was fixed.  Electricity, warm water, yeah.  We felt pretty dumb afterward, because the breaker was right above the fuse box.  It just didn't look anything like a breaker, okay?!  The rest of that day was weekly planning, and then we went to Toulouse to have a missionary meeting.  yeah. 

Then church!  It was pretty quick, nothing too special, but there were some cool less actives there that day, and also we hit it hard talking to members afterwards and fixing with them.  Some times it's really scary to talk to them and try to get to their homes, but we just did it because we realized we never go to their homes, so it was about time.  And it was that simple.  We talked to them, and they were like "yeah, of course! We haven't had the missionaries over forever!" Which is funny, because I've been here forever, so it's probably my fault :)

How's Caity doing?
I'm writing Poppa a letter today, but I'm not positive it will get to their place in time!  So I'll probably also write them an email.
How's wedding preparation going?

Love you!
Elder Max Liechty

Yes, I come across lots of africans :)  Southern france is really close to Africa, and also used to own a lot of africa, and has very similar climates to northern africa.  So yes.  France is very african friendly, if that's a politically correct way to say it.

Is sam gonna marry her?

I'll go ahead and take them invitations as soon as possible.  I like getting letters :)

So far they haven't done much for christmas.  The grocery store has lots of wrapping paper n stuff, and I remember in Bordeaux one time there was a big old Salvation Army type band playing some christmas jams.

Did you keep everything from the van?  Did you throw away my altoids?  Did you throw away my banana peel?  We still have the couch though, right?  RIGHT?



Mom didn't write me today, so I'm writing you first.  Changin' things up!  I gave her a warning, though, that she isn't my mom any more if she misses another week.  But I was kidding, because she will always be my mom :)

I love that we can pray to know what to pray for.  It's hilarious, but also really good.  Because Heavenly Father knows exactly what he wants to give us, and if He hints to us that we should ask Him for it, He's already ready to give it to you!  So neat. I've been really focusing on praying specifically this week, by name and for specific things, and my prayers have been a lot cooler, so that was neat.

There's no snow here, so ski season is still long off.  However, there is a little city down at the bottom of our area that gets a lot of snow apparantly, so I'm gonna go check that out one of these days.  Probably not ski, but maybe go touch the snow.

You should pick the music for the reception.  You're good at music.  And also you could maybe engineer some kind of something that would be really cool for the reception.  Like a mechanical dragon.

I love you dad, a lot!

Love Elder Max Liechty

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